IbukiMiodaKin - You cast your line and wait. Soon, your line jolts and the bobber is pulled below the surface. You grab hold of the rod and reel it in. You caught an orange fish! One bait was lost. - - Continue fishing cook fish Continue on journey Bag: red collar (x1) orange collar (x1) plastic collar (x1) yin yan collar (x1) leash (Unlimited) cage (x1) deer meat (x5) bottle (x1) (Given:) Matches (x10) Sleeping Bag (x1) Jerky (x10) Water Bottle (x2) Bait (x10)
Misfit Flowers<3 You hold out the meat, watching the fox sniff it before grabbing it. The fox eats the meat in seconds, then looks at you for more. Hold out another peice, this time closer to you. The fox reaches out and grabs it, eats it up, and pads over to you purring. You slip the leash over the foxes head. You caught a fox! I will post your adopt soon. - Continue to forest Stay at farm Go to mountains - Bag: Plastic Collar (x1) Yin-Yan Collar (x1) Bottle (x1) Caribou Meat (x8) Leash (Unlimited) Cage (x1) Muzzle (x1) Map (x1) (Given:) Matches (x10) Sleeping Bag (x1) Jerky (x10) Water Bottle (x2)
Stay at farm, look around see if there is anything more ^^
IbukiMiodaKin said: Cook fish
I know, I just really busy and I could only get Misfit's done. I'll post yours later IbukiMiodaKin said: IbukiMiodaKin said: Cook fish
Pack Number: 315116 Place: Forest Items: Red Collar, Yin-Yang Collar, Leash, Caribou Meat Total Mush: 125 mush, I believe?
Accepted, though I will have to pause your interactive until someone else is done :) Mush is correct ^^ Stygian Forest said: Pack Number: 315116 Place: Forest Items: Red Collar, Yin-Yang Collar, Leash, Caribou Meat Total Mush: 125 mush, I believe?