Ooh actually that would prob work lol. She may hate that dragon bc of her proud nature, and she may hate riders, but overall she will obey law. (overall)
I'll get more posts out probably later tonight or tomorrow, I'm distracted by a YouTube video and my creativity has offed itself.
xD all good!!! I myself have been creativity drained from answering 9 rps all day.... (multiple times per each mind you)
Luna ...9? That's a lot of creative juices ;-;
Ha and that's not even my normal amount!!! Acerbus. said: Luna ...9? That's a lot of creative juices ;-;
Nyx would totally do that Hehhehe XD Shenzu said: That's alright, I get everybody's got their own lives going on so people are active at different times. I'm active basically all hours of the day, cause I don't work very much (long story short, anxiety issues after Covid shut down and such).
also I can totally see Kai and Nyx butting heads. I can totally imagine her doing things purely to annoy him haha
Ah! I just realized the roleplay thread was out, sorry yall! I will get a post up for Soare now!
All good, no worries! Biologist at Work said: Ah! I just realized the roleplay thread was out, sorry yall! I will get a post up for Soare now!
xD, yeah.... Arya's not gonna have an easy time. No way. She definitely said the wrong thing xD