Emery sucks at skating to so they are either taking everyone down with them or holding onto another good skater
Percy skating like a pro, attracting an audience and tries to give a few flirtatious pointers to the onlookers As for X, you'll never see him on the ice, and watching Roskr to make sure he doesn't get hurt
Emery is going to be so jealous of Percy's skill but totally trying to drag X onto the ice ring Tamesis said: Percy skating like a pro, attracting an audience and tries to give a few flirtatious pointers to the onlookers As for X, you'll never see him on the ice, and watching Roskr to make sure he doesn't get hurt
work murdered me. buut i'm free now!
Please happen.
Roskr: I saw you fall, saw the sinners lay on your corpses... Mircea: Hey, what’s up with Roskr? Roskr: I created you, made the pieces perfect, others marveled at your beauty… their gazes may have held envy, though, for none are perfect but you. I was only looking away for a moment, but you were gone. I had failed you. And I fell into despair. The only way to save myself was to create, but I knew… this time I knew I was only making you to die. And I apologize. For I will undoubtedly fail you again. For a short time, there will be peace and beauty, but none in the face of us shall lay undisturbed. The greatest have fallen, and will continue to fall, and I weep for you for being born unto this place, where brother eats brother, and the undeserving rise to fame. Those that have gone against you know they’ve wronged you, and they will stand before the creator, knowing they have sinned. Do not worry, little ones, you will be avenged. Percy: ...They made some rock towers and went somewhere else for twenty minutes and when they came back the rock towers were destroyed and people were sitting where the towers once were, so they were sad and made more rock towers. Percy, to Roskr: Hey, who even is the creator? I thought you were an atheist! Roskr: SHUT THE HELL UP, PERCY! I’M TRYING TO BE DRAMATIC AND MYSTERIOUS!
*Percy teaching Roskr to drive and taking Mircea along for the ride* Percy: That's a pothole. To the left! Roskr: Take it back now y'all *Drives into pothole* Mircea, sticking their face into the front over the center console: Cha Cha real smooth. Roskr: I don't think that's how the song goes. Percy, crying and gripping the handle: Please just take me home. Roskr: Country Roads. Mircea: To the place. Roskr and Mircea in unison: I Belong! Percy, crying harder: What the fuck?