Alright, yeah, since Bernard's birthday is in February, so... Yeah. A few months older indeed. Bernard really just going to become everyone's big brother lmao - Ooooo Yay! Very fun. The song lyric thing I'm working on should be done relatively quickly, it's pretty short. - Haha, yeahhhh, that last one is a bit mean of me but it was just too perfect not to do. Glad you like all of them quotes though lol
Honestly, maybe that's a good thing XD We love big brother Bernard, he's the best - Fun! I look forward to it :D - Very fair, I would too, haha
Big brother Bernard really is the best, haha - And here is the song lyric thing! Haha! Enjoy! -- Song; I Love You So by The Walters. (With adjustments to the lyrics to avoid so much repeating and better fit the characters in some spots) Characters; Garvin and Revan. Context; So, I decided to give you more about Garvin and Revan’s unique relationship. Yeah. Basically that’s all. The rise and fall of it. Because damn these two need some serious help. This may or may not all be accurate, but well. We’ll see. *~*~*~* *So, yeah, this is literally just me going over their relationship. How it started, how it progressed. All of that. Anyways, uh. Revan found Garvin absolutely wasted in the eating area one night while he was going to get coffee, he made the mistake of accidentally waking Garvin up. More or less.* Garvin, absolutely wasted, trying to convince Revan to fuck him; “I jus’ need someone in m’life ta give it structure… Ta handle all the selfish ways I’d spend m’time wit’out ya.” Revan, a tiny little time skip for after that whole thing, Garvin ended up being successful, but anyways, this more so to himself but about Garvin, who’s asleep again, and slightly hinting at why he pushes people away; “You’re everything I want but I can’t deal with all that trouble…” Garvin, another little tiny time skip as Garvin makes the events of that night into a habit, using both Revan’s fear of verbally admitting affection and, uh, you know, the grooming he went through, as the best way to convince Revan to go along; “Jus’ don’ say ‘m the one ‘cause is yer actions tha’ speak louder.” Revan, another little time skip as Revan starts to have second thoughts on what the two are doing as it does not really seem to be helping anything; “Giving you love when you are down and need another…” Revan, trying to build up the courage to end what the two have; “I’ve got to get away and let you go, I’ve got to get over…” Revan, absolutely failing at it because thinking about the implications are hard and because he still wants to hope that it is helping, maybe just very slowly, maybe just one of those ‘worse before better’ things; “But I love you so…” *And now we get the fall of the relationship! Because Revan does eventually build the nerve to stop what the two had going on. Because it was not healthy. For either of them. Of course, Garvin doesn’t take the rejection all that well. And, so, this is where we get to the bit that could be less accurate. Anyways. Garvin would maybe try to leave and go back to Fintan at that point, since Revan probably wouldn’t have managed it until the group was stopping off at Earth for a little bit. Probably. Anyways. Revan would have a chance at stopping him. No clue if he’d manage. Probably not. Either way. Here’s the fall.* Garvin, getting ready to leave, absolutely not wearing whatever jewelry he’d picked out, my guy getting ready to leave for good; “‘M gon’ pack m’things an’ leave ya behind. This feeling’s old an’ I know tha’ you’ve made up yer mind.” Revan, in his room, ever so slightly wallowing in self pity, still somewhat reeling from what he’d let himself do; “I hope I feel what you felt when I shattered your soul…” Revan, to Garvin during that chance to keep him from leaving, trying to explain that what he’d been doing to him, what Garvin had been having him do, had been wrong, hadn’t really been love; “‘Cause that was cruel—” Garvin, not wanting to hear it, not really in a state of mind where hearing it would help, so instead twisting it to be something he can handle hearing; “An’ ‘m a fool. So… Please let me go.” Revan, softly, almost desperate, not all too sure what would happen if Garvin left, not wanting to find out, jeez, that talk with Bernard really be helping him; “But I love you so…” Garvin, not helping enough though, unfortunately, because that admission just doesn’t work with what Garvin knows and thus he can’t take it seriously at the moment; “Jus’ let me go.”
I love the song lyric thing! It's amazing! And sad. I feel bad for both of them But very good Edited at August 7, 2024 01:44 AM by Lost Memories
Glad you liked the song lyric thing- The two definitely end up hurting each other way more than they ever meant to. Bernard can help Revan fairly easily by the fall of the relationship. Garvin... Isn't as easy. Oops.
Do you want the Juke lore? And, by extension, the lore about who's keeping Midas from fronting as much? - Also, in the case of T8P 2.0, I find it hilarious that Briar is being questioned as a traitor. Meanwhile Garvin is just in the background with his actual history of betrayal. (cough Orfeo cough) Literally my guy has lead an innocent person to be framed and killed for money before. Even more funny is that Garvin literally would switch sides if he was offered a better deal. Depending on how close to everyone he is and/or which headmate is fronting. Dude has extremely questionable morals at times. - Also- So Briar loses a hand and Nico gets captured- Are there any other injuries or big events I get to know about ahead of time? Edited at August 7, 2024 04:02 PM by Overthink101
Some tiny background for this scene/incorrect quote because it works extremely well actually— Logan and Euric are kind of in an unofficial queer platonic relationship. Albrun is the grandmother of a ‘client’ of the mafia that ends up meeting with Logan and his crew quite often, and she absolutely adores them. She also absolutely loves to be difficult. Devyn almost always goes with the crew whenever they go to see that client (or just Albrun because the crew does hang out with her outside of that, that’s how cool she is) because, well, Albrun is kind of a mentor for them. This is the first time the crew is meeting Albrun. Logan is known as Merit with clients, Devyn is known as Skuldfrid with clients, and Euric is known as Brede with clients. Albrun loves to either shorten or basically give them nicknames. Anyways. Enjoy this. - Logan, more of a statement than question, of course; “Our life essence?” Albrun, looking away from Devyn to Logan; “I’m sorry- What’d you say, Merry?” Logan, more so saying it for/to Euric; “That’s fine… That’s fine.” Logan, now directed to Albrun; “What I said was, did you say life essence?” Albrun, looking at Euric; “Bread, I can’t understand what your husband’s trying to tell me.” Euric, caught completely off guard; “H-Hey! Look, first of all… That’s like, way down the line, okay?” Logan, not even looking at Euric; “Woah—” Euric, scratching at his neck; “‘Cept- Wha- You know…” Logan, still not looking over; “Down the line?” Euric, nodding, trying to recover, looking at Logan and gesturing towards Albrun and her spouse; “Yeah- Down the line! What? You wanna be them?” Logan, pausing because he literally doesn’t have emotions most of the time, including right then, but he does still know how he is when he does have them; “I… Well—” Logan, finally looking at Euric; “We’ll talk about this later.” Euric, hello paranoia; “What do you mean, we’ll talk about this later?! Alright???” Logan, clarifying solely for Euric; “Not now, Euric.” Euric, trying not to be too paranoid (and failing), trying to recover and get back to what they were doing before; “We don’t need to discuss this later, alright? We need to handle the task at hand!” Logan, staring Euric down; “Euric Kemp Isanbard—” Euric, throwing his hands up and starting to pace; “Woahhh— First of all! How dare you put my full government name out there for all these people?!”
Sure, if you're willing to give it! :D - Lmao, wellll I mean, it happens XD Part of why Briar is so quickly determined to be the absolute traitor with no questions asked is totally how Akira's been manipulated though, I will say. And it also partially has to do with it being Ingall who claims it all, haha - Hmm, yes, actually- Briar also loses an eye (Oops, sorry Briar) And one of the big things with Nico that Bernard will have to deal with is... uh... He literally gets their mouth sewn shut to prevent her from using his powers against their kidnappers. She'll have other injuries too, but that's probably the most obvious (and most traumatic) one. Otherwise, I don't have specific plans, at least not for anything major As for big events, I don't think there's anything you need to know as of now, mostly just some battle stuff that won't really make much sense without context anyway, lmao - I love the scene/incorrect quote, it's greatness, lolll
Alright then- Here you go! When Yari died, Tesoro was the one fronting. He's one of the ones that's in the Midas Sidesystem. Funnily enough, he's one of the only four in that Sidesystem that aren't sexual protectors, the other ones include- Gem, Casper, and Jewel. More funny is probably the fact that Tesoro is the only one of those four that's a Big and doesn't age slide. Gem is an age slider for Big/Middle. Casper and Jewel are both Middles. Anyways. Tesoro's main purpose in the system back then was to make sure that people didn't find out about.. You know. Everything. There's only two gatekeepers in the Midas Sidesystem. Midas himself and Tesoro. There's three internal handlers. Midas, Gem, and Tesoro. Anyways. Tesoro was the one to make sure leaving was at least considered. And, in fact, went and more or less made Ridge, a protector/persecutor, in order to get them to leave while hiding that fact from everyone else. Leaving, of course, meant July happened though, and Jewel showed up. In the disorientation that followed the survival of the suicide attempt though, Tesoro was able to implement Juke, who as we know- Wants to live. Very much so. The rest of that July was spent more or less with Juke and Jewel duking it out for control. Anyways though, because Juke got in the way, every other July is now less extreme because instead of Jewel just taking over each July, someone new splits off with traits from both Juke and Jewel, which can get a bit confusing but ah well. Anyways. Yeah. Enjoy that information! - Yeah, no, that totally makes sense. I just think it's funny because Garvin literally won't have anything against Briar ever because like, he definitely has no room to talk even if Briar was a traitor. - Ooooo, love all that information! Very fun. Bernard definitely not happy with them kidnappers. Mhm. He about to go total overprotective big brother. Definitely glad Garvin's gonna be high as shit though, because damn. He wouldn't react on any semblance of well to that injury otherwise. And alright- Mostly was asking in case there were any major injuries or events you had planned in relation to the four protectors I got lmao - It's most hilarious because Logan has his life together more than any other brother. Except for maybe Axiom but Axiom literally only has his life together because of Logan sooo, yeah. - Oh, hey, you want me to break down why Aries and Garvin are great and perfect as besties no matter the universe but would absolutely be terrible together?
Oooo, I love the information/lore Very interesting, lol - Yeah, perfectly understandable XD - Yeahhhhh Bernard and Akira are both about to be pissed as hell- And they won't even be aware of some of the other shit that happens (aka, more sexual trauma for Nico, yayyyy. I'm so sorry, bud, haha). Well, Bernard will know much sooner than Akira. Nico will probably eventually either break down or get high/drunk and accidentally spill all the shit to Bernard. Akira will know absolutely nothing though, at least not for a very, very long time. And fair on the Garvin part, lmao - Lmaoooo - Ooo, yes :D