You can take Naomi out for female juvenile.. But Kalevala personality is done.. Now for appearance..
Crazydayz said: Please do if you have the time- We really need more males. I think pups and male pack members are the current priority Wolf's Bane Pack said: Hmm, I checked the list of characters and there still don't seem to be many male pups, elders, or pack members. I'm totally fine with making another character considering that I only have one right now and if Silence dies then I'm screwed lol
Alright! I can create a male pup Edit: or a male pack member. Would already having a female pack member make me ineligible for that? Edited at January 2, 2024 03:50 PM by Wolf's Bane Pack
Maybe just close female pack members. Other than mine and Biologist female juvenile and open spot for juvenile female spot. I think the main focus should be pack members. As pups can be a focus later.
Nirvana_Sky said: Maybe just close female pack members. Other than mine and Biologist female juvenile and open spot for juvenile female spot. I think the main focus should be pack members. As pups can be a focus later.
I agree. We have way too many female wolves in the pack lol I'm totally up to create a male pack member! If anyone is looking for a mate, he'll be open for pairings once I finish creating him.
Maybe later in the roleplay there could be a secret revolution lead by some of the juveniles or something?
Kalevala is finished. Visani's and Malakai's secret love child.. Her appearance is really rough. But I needed to get her finish. I just did the basics. Edited at January 2, 2024 04:02 PM by Nirvana_Sky
Dawnforest said: Maybe later in the roleplay there could be a secret revolution lead by some of the juveniles or something?
i thought that was already like going on...
Nirvana_Sky said: Dawnforest said: Maybe later in the roleplay there could be a secret revolution lead by some of the juveniles or something?
i thought that was already like going on...
Yeah, isn't that the whole point of the story?
rustlefernriver said: Nirvana_Sky said: Dawnforest said: Maybe later in the roleplay there could be a secret revolution lead by some of the juveniles or something?
i thought that was already like going on...
Yeah, isn't that the whole point of the story?
Yeah, It's already being planned lol
Now i got more Malakai's evil intentions for Kalevala.. His own personal assassin/ executioner.