Good luck and take your time Determined!
You're post is good Sand! Lucile is gonna get some of Del's attitude later xD
It's a secret on what I am doing~ (although I can't even start it yet because of where I am :')) Lucile's post was so good and I loved her allias!! XD
Thank you both! - @Determined Ooo, I'm excited for your post :o
Not a great post but hopefully it is good enough for Vera :/
It's great! Poor Vera just completely panicking xD
It's late for me so I won't be replying until tomorrow at least but I'll get something out soon. I have a good idea for my post! Edited at December 22, 2022 06:57 PM by Roaw
okay! while you get sleep, I will probably be working on a Slicker post! since there probably wouldn't be a separate building from a normal doctor for a vet during this time, do you want Slicker to get patched up while William is getting Scud looked at?
slicker post has been added! not great post but it's there!!
It's impossible for a Slicker post to not be good! I love him! William's gonna be pissed for how not careful he is with the flirting though xD
Ooo, this'll be intresting. Ollie's brother and sister work the doctor and vet office. But then again, the O'Connors pretty much run everything important in the town. Theres so many of them that I just gave them jobs based on their appearences and personalities. So pretty much the whole town is run on Nepotism- :') So for context Aiden ( Link) is a doctor and Lois ( Link) is a vet. Ashley ( Link) owns the saloon and Avery ( Link) owns the Post Office. Marth ( Link) and Emmet ( Link) are pretty much the leaders of the town, with Ollie kind of being one too. (Also, the designs aren't very good, but I had to come up with 14 different similar looking people in the span of a few minutes-) Theres a few more businesses not owned by any of the O'Connors. - And your post was good Determined! I always love reading about Slicker XD Edited at December 23, 2022 07:51 AM by Black_Sand
oh no Slicker's in trouuuuble~ yay Nepotism! We definitely love it and are not at all hating it here! :D (also I love all the designs!! so cute.) ah thank youuu! :)