Taking a drag from another man's cigarette? Kinda gay William, not gonna lie. :/ your posts were all really good! poor Esther wanting to go with her leader broke my heart
Such gay behavior coming from a straight dude like himself... Shame on him
And soon she'll get the see him die :))
Such a totally straight dude who totally doesn't have a boyfriend oh yikes- emotional waterworks preparing question for Vera's post: should I have Alice call out Vera and Esther in the crowd or maybe behind a building or something?
You could probably have her call them out in the crowd/when they are trying to sneak away from it so that's when Vera panics and grabs her or something?
okay that works!! would the police hear this or should I have Vera knock her out sneakily before taking her? one is more panic inducing and harder to write while the other is less stressful but easier to write
Up to you! Surprise us xD I don't mind either
@Roaw Your post was good! I'll get one out for Lucile soon - @Determined I agree with Roaw, surprise us! - I got out of school today! We were supposed to have another day but since the weather is dropping over 30 degrees in the span of a few hours they decided against us going. I got to watch a lot of classic christmas movies though, it was really fun <3
oh boy- well wish me luck! I am a bit busy today but I will do my best to at least get Vera's post out!!
Good luck Determined! What are you doing if you don't mind me asking? :o
I made a quick little post of Lucile! Its not too much but I tried to at least make it over 250 words. I couldn't really think of too much to add