I promise I'm alive, college is just kicking my ass right now. I'm hoping after I finish my midterm paper due Tuesday and take my exam on the 31st that I'll get some posts out ;-;
Mauve waiting in meeting room with who's all there brosc suya mauve and who crawled through the window
Kiran is currently in the ground transitioning from human to vampire. Y'all have no idea how hyped I am to work on his post once y'all get your posts up
Hehehe I cannot wait to see vampire Kiran and Suya's response to Mauve-
I'm giggling at what I want to do for his response. And he will be glaring at Brosc. Determined_Wolf said: Hehehe I cannot wait to see vampire Kiran and Suya's response to Mauve-
*sips water* Who's turn to post anyway?
I was gonna wait for a few more people to join the meeting before I posted for Tatsuya, but since Maueve gave him a chance to fix his makeup, he will do that while waiting on the others.
Okay that works for me! More thinks for Brosc to respond to eventually!!!
Tatsuya lovingly giving him a snack to the head. Determined_Wolf said: Okay that works for me! More thinks for Brosc to respond to eventually!!!
Might have Jayco join the meeting, and place him in corner due to Riskel politely telling him to join. Umbria is toying with her newfound pet and might kidnap Edyrs to the meeting room once again Rosalie is... Zylpha would he following Isa's lead