Rose= Its nice not needing to drink coffee, lol But sometimes I wish I got up ealier than 8:30 on the weekends, and got up at maybe 7:30 instead. Too much to get done in a day- And theres me sleeping away
And even though I wake up early for some reason I'm still always tried, lol Its weird-
Black_Sand, I'll drink coffee and get good sleep at least on the weekends but still have to take a nap in the afternoon. I gotta get out of that habit cause it effects my sleep lol.
Rose= I don't normally nap during the day unless I'm sick and don't feel like moving, or just can't move period. Its annoying, but no school so I guess thats okay, lol Just can't wait for Christmas when I have more time to do all the stuff I wanna do
I've only fallen asleep during the day when I'm like deathly ill, save for one time when I tried meditating in my closet as a young Weed and fell asleep for an hour and thought I'd slept clean through to the next day without anyone realizing I was missing.
Weeds= Oop- If I fall asleep during the day the most I'd sleep is probaly about 4 hours or something
Oh my gosh lol.. Yeah I dunno school just makes me sleepy. I have finals next week and if I exempt all my classes I have Christmas break for three weeks instead of two so I'm ready for that.
I once slept from four in the afternoon until noon the next day, but sickness and drugs were involved. Not the fun drugs. The cold medicine drugs. Didn't get any warning that it'd make me sleep, mum checked on me around eight to make sure I was still alive.
Rose= Three?! I'm pretty sure I only have those 2! :O I'mma steal your extra week
Weeds= Uh oh, that dosen't sound fun nor good Thats a lot of sleep-