.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................and I thought my dreams were weird................................ Edited at February 16, 2021 01:51 PM by Onyx's Haven
yes. That's the weirdest one I've had in a long time, honestly.
did I ever tell y'all about the fire breathing bobs dream
omg omg okay so this was a whole while back, so good thing I wrote it down. Basically, in early middle school, we had these things called big ol' binders, or bobs, and everyone had them. you know that monster book in harry botter, the one that has teeth and stuff and chomps well we were in this lava feild, my brother and I, and were chucking fire balls at each other. Each soldier or bob had a little rock island in the lava feild, and the bobs were hovering and chomping are and yeeting themselves at each other and attaccing with their teeth eventually we called it a truce the end
xD Yes. Please write your dreams down. And post them here.... Or PM them to me.... reading ya'll's dreams may or may not brighten my day, lol. xD
Or.... should I make a thread somewhere specifically for posting dreams? 0.0 Just so anyone can go there and read 'em and be happy? xD
ooh yes definitely! bro I have so much more I can just,,, dump them all there -