I have set a goal for myself and I will make it if it's the last thing I do.
I don't want to do this alone though- we have two hours before it's time. Those who wish to join me on my path to 2021 must speak up now- but not spam. It must be on the hour of the present, no sooner, no later. and to honor the Pasta of past, Spaghetti, 2020 shall be a page of remembrance and memorial.
we must hit 2021 posts at midnight
Merry Crisis said: (c) my brother
SHE'S SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!!! *^*^*^*^* <3 <3 I just can't anymore. *^* That crash in the leaves was PeRfEcT *^* <3
Dark Matter said: also we have seven hours to get to page 2021. But we must get it exactly on the hour to celebrate newyears in the European timezone-
Reason why its my timezone and not your guys's? because we have decided Cousin it (Crimson) is the future, as she's in Australia. Spaghetti and all you others are the past, because you are all in the USA (I think) and Spaghetti is pasta. I'm the present because Germany is like a middle ground between all the time zones we have (I think) and the present is now so when its new years for me its new years in the present which means it'll be new years when it is now for me-
Chance always goes NYOOm XD also- for page 2020 we should all post some sketchy art that is pure chaos-
But I don't have any sketchy art that is pure chaos. xD Can I just look at yours instead? :D And vote which one has more chaos? :D
Also, my mother and father were just talking about needing milk and dad goes "We can go to milk in a bit" and I'm just over here like "WhErE iS MiLk? I'vE nEvEr HeArD oF tHaT cItY" xD