XDD y'all can just ... let me take the doggos out and I'll get more ranks set up for the pirates lol.
Spice pirate thing? nes i'm dying laughing over here! lmao
We can figure that out once I finish making them XD
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I don't know what it is XD Just a space pirate right? Then I saw cadet and I'm like thing?
it was funny. anyways guys i gotta run in a few, but i'll be on and off for a bit today, not on when it's the weekend so yeah
Nesta said: I don't know what it is XD Just a space pirate right? Then I saw cadet and I'm like thing?
Lmao Zee😭🤣
Your the one who said cadet XD My brain automatically went to thing Lol 😂
Yay space pirates XD I can just be Amy
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Okie okie so after a quick google search of pirate ship ranks (I remember a few but not many) the other pirates rank are Mates.
Name: Zarina Feirce-Fall Gender: Female Age: 18 Family Status: Died in a robbery Crushes: (I dunno if were doing that stoof so for now its Unknown) Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde Eye Color: Red-ish Purple Skin Color: Dark Tan