
Forum Moderator Darkseeker
No worries Urux!! I'm sure you're tired out by placement LOL
I'm going to be pretty quiet over tomorrow/the upcoming weekend as it's my mum's wedding! :0 There's a lot of chaos and prep to get done, so I likely won't be around very much.
Lackadaisy Urchin <3 the beloved. Love the stupid dragon. LMAO probably, probably. I think everyone has been spiked by Urchin at least once.

ET :o Oh my gosh, have fun this weekend! I'm sure you'll have a lovely time ^^ I am indeed tired out by placement. My last day is tomorrow thank goodness. But I did just learn that all my lectures this year are in person. So RIP my life. I would've moved into a sharehouse closer to uni if I knew that before hand. I'll have to see if there's anything when I get home.
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Urux Thank you! :D and hopefully! There's a lot of um,, chaos at the moment but hopefully we'll manage to sort it out tomorrow LOL.
And I bet, I bet omg. Any type of medical placement is just hard work, my best friend studies medicine and holy hell, is she busy always haha. I can only imagine veterinary is the same! Oooh.. Ooh that's a painful discovery. I'd keep an eye on any sharehouses - usually there's people desperate to move out and find someone to replace them on the contract early in the year LOL. Fallouts between friends in sharehouses over the summer is so common, so you might be able to squeeze in somewhere!

ET I hope so! It would make life a lot easier. I do wish my uni gave us some warning they were going to do that so people could sort out work and living situations before hand. Oh well. I'm going to pass out soon. Just waiting for my laundry to finish
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I'd love to help you concept her if you want to PM me sometime ^^ Take your time, I couldn't imagine going into medicine >,< my ass wanted to do 8421, that would have been hard enough. Nope nope, pew pew is good for me lmao Urux said: Stray - that piece is so cute! I really, like really, need to draw Tiamat. She's just so hard to get from my brain into existence. ET, I would imagine, lol Edited at February 13, 2025 04:19 PM by Lackadaisy

Stray Lmao 'pew pew' I have the idea in my goofy ahh brain, i need to do a rough draft and then show people. I'll have time tomorrow probably. but I need to start the new coms I have too. God life is lifing.
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Urux, Just remember to take breaks <3 I can almost guarantee that everything you're doing right now is absolutely exhausting and I don't want you to overexert yourself with trying to do art when you've got so much personal stuff going on

Aww thank you Stray I should be alright. Once I get to have a bit of a sleep in on Saturday morning I'll be good again. Just exhausted with all the mental stimulation of learning new stuff haha. if you see me lurking and I'm not in forums or chat- I'm recovering from exhaustion lol I feel awful when I'm online and people are waiting for things like art or rp replies
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Urux, Don't worry about it. They aren't my main focus when I've got a hot supersoldier to make art of >.>

Urux Have a good sleep!! Make sure to take time for yourself and relax! ^-^ ~ ET Congrats to your mother! Hope everything goes smoothly for you all, best of wishes!! ^-^