
Sir Froggington said: I'm sorry I haven't posted. I want to be a part of this, but I've been so busy I don't know if I should since I might slow y'all down even more. I don't know when I'll find the time
late to this but like the others said, don't worry about it! this RP isn't meant to move that fast. i actually like how slow this turned out, i was kinda worried there would be way more pressure to be active in RP when i made the sign up

did... did I just read a Sad Spork post?? excuse me, but what???

Sometimes a man wants to see a whale, bit sad when he can't

Anywhoo- I'll be working on another character sheet for Morgan. Hoping to get it out sometime tomorrow if I've the time

Such a tragedy when a man can't even see a whale on his own ship :( Can't wait to see Morgan, though!

Thinking about this again.. forlorn tear falls down my cheek...

this is seriously one of my favorite rps which is so wild since we've barely done anything but I really hope we can either revamp or get this going again

I like it too. I'm busy with college, but when I can I'll get Morgan's form done as well as some post. Maybe give more option for interaction then