I just remembered the episode where the Italy brothers are going to bed and Germany gets a phone call, and both of their curls got tangled? XDDD So funny, and also, Germany's totally dirty-minded XD
Am I allowed to post YT links? So I could show the beauty of the sub America's laugh~
@SeafretNever mention that again.
Dawnless said: Am I allowed to post YT links? So I could show the beauty of the sub America's laugh~
If someone hasn't heard the true beauty that comes with America's laugh, they haven't lived. Also, I'd check the rules first.
Richard I can't not mention it dude it's so funny I'm actually dying watching it again XDDDD
@SeafretNo. We never speak of that incident. It is forbidden. I have updated the rules. Edited at September 8, 2018 01:03 AM by Richard
forbidden mm? well then I shall continue to laugh about it to myself >:3 But now the thought of it is in your head so y'all welcome <3 XDDD
Oh no not the incest incident... Also.. never poke Austias mole... It has the same effect as the ita-brothers curls... It's very forbidden.
@DawnlessXD Okayyyy let's change topics, umm... hmm... somebody pick a topic quick XD
Let's just talk about............................ Heck. I got nothin'.