Oh my- sounds amazing, I was just about to make a backstory (I still am) but I'll add however you make their mother die a thing.
You can make the backstory, they're your characters and your story. I was just offering to help.
Well thank you, and I love the personality's. Ima have to go figure out now which fits which.. . if You ever need help, just ask I'll love to help you to. Or anyone for that matter-
Heres how it is, I am probably going to one day length the personality to 400-600 words one day, but like keep the original plot, and credit the maker of the personality.
Looks great! :D Mist Fall Wolves said: Heres how it is, I am probably going to one day length the personality to 400-600 words one day, but like keep the original plot, and credit the maker of the personality.
Anyone interested? No one has bidded yet, and I will give the first person from the fam to bid a cookie art :P
I don't want the cookie Art, just the one thousand cookies!
I just tried MedjiBang for the first time, and here's the piece. I'm probably going to auction it since it's not really based off of mine or anyone else's OC's.
Hey, good job! ^^ - I finished it :D
Thanks, and he/she looks awesome!