I'm heading off for now, maybe the rest of the night. I'll probably pop in later.
Happy Anniversary Glace!!!!! 💗
Happy Anniversary Yeti Bear. Not sure if you check comments
Well it seems my lungs have joined the mutiny of my body... my breathing is being a brat. I can still breathe but it feels labored and like I'm barely getting enough oxygen. This sucks... My mother is 4 hours away with my dad and I have a bunch of driving I have to do. This is uncomfortable but I cant even address it for a few hours. I'll keep ya guys updated.
It wasnt so bad in class, as long as I was distracted but now, when I'm getting ready to drive. I feel it more.
Update: So I've come to the conclusion that either I have covid, pneumonia, or my body has decided to join my brain in stressing and I am now getting anxiety/stress attacks. But! I shall prevail! I hope.... XD
Ewww. Covid.....would that mean covid test? I've heard those are like little torture devices. Is there any of the stress right now that you think will be temporary?
I can't decide. Respond to Yeti's roleplay or someone else
Ummmm.... well... everyone is sure it is not covid. But no... none of my stress is really temporary. This is kinda, just what it is now.