It' actually for my bestie's bday so I am only allotted a small piece. We make it ever Christmas on one time we gave her some and sis loved it. It's her favorite thing every and our christmas specialty ;) But yeah no it's AMAZING. A little tedious to make but hey I got it down to a science ;;))
One day, I get your toffee, and I'll make you some of my famous lemon bars.
Imagine liking lemon flavored things
I'm kidding lmao. It's actually funny because the only lemon flavored things I like are lemon cake and lemon bars 💀
..... Then I will have to make you my famous hot cocoa. Edited at September 25, 2020 10:45 AM by Serein'sOmen
Lemon bars are suffcient I promise you ;) I would be honored to have a Granny Ghosty specialty :D
They are my pride of baking :D But my cocoa ROCKS too
I've made a bunch of stuff overtime lol, but my skill of making toffee alone is a newer one. I always needed my mom to tell me when to take it off the stove but now I've figured it out and I am so proud XD But honestly I've only had the stuff out of a packet when it comes to cocoa 💀
I used to like to experiment. I changed the original recipe for my lemon bars slightly. Made them sooo much better. And when I make hot cocoa, I use actual cocoa powder. It is also amazing. I really should make them and send you some. XD
Ew that would be so gross though by the time it arrived XD