and is there a way I can make my sales chat button match the sales chat color? ? and inside my chatbox button is green- anyone know how to change that? Edited at February 7, 2022 08:33 AM by Mania
also i cant find the code to remobe the border around the bloodlines box
Mania said: and is there a way I can make my sales chat button match the sales chat color? ? and inside my chatbox button is green- anyone know how to change that?
You can assign colors for sales chat, main chat and button separately, this way: CODE | Description | .saleschat.sales { background-color:#000000; } | Sales chat | .saleschat.main { background-color:#000000; } | Main chat | .main {background-color:#000000;} | Button BG | button.main td {font-family:arial,sans-serif; color:#000000;} | Button text |
Mania said: also i cant find the code to remobe the border around the bloodlines box
div.pedigreescroll { border: 0px solid #000000; }
Is it possible to put a gradiant on the page with the trees and the seasonal header?
Game Moderator Darkseeker
This is a bit of a late response, but yes. Look up "CSS gradients" on google. Use the appropriate code fragment to put in the CSS in your background. You can see my palette for an example.
Vennenum said: This is a bit of a late response, but yes. Look up "CSS gradients" on google. Use the appropriate code fragment to put in the CSS in your background. You can see my palette for an example.
I used the code from a CSS website, it showed that I did the code right. The only issue is it won't show, it shows the background color but not the gradient, I also used the code correctly (so I think) .mainscreen1 { background: rgb(255,189,200); background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(255,189,200,1) 12%, rgba(198,147,156,1) 78%); } (For the rest of the seasons it's the same, I won't copy every CSS thing I wrote lol)
Game Moderator Darkseeker
You need to delete one "background".
Ahhh... I see! Thank you! EDIT: Still not working, can you write how the code should look? ive done other gradients just fine and it never works for the seasonal header. also! How to you make the background transparent- Edited at April 22, 2022 09:35 PM by Lovesick