And can I reserve an elder pls
And can I reserve an elder pls
Reserve Earth Human? (troop to be specific)
Can I reserve a medic position please? Also can we already have spirit animals or do we have to go through the process of obtaining one during the RP?
You can do either, it depends on what you want to do :)
Could I reserve a medic position please?
Tir Na Beatha ... Name: luna Gender:femaale Age:18 Role: Tir Na Beatha Inhabitant Rank:medic Appearance: black coat with dapple white spots with red eyes Spirit animal Species: hawk Spirit Animal Name: Nick Personality: sweet and loyal Weaknesses: fire Skills*: flying high Opinion on exsistence of intruders: bad Family: N/A Crush:N/A Affiliation: N/A Other: ... ... Spirit Animal ... Name: nick Gender: male Age: 20 Role: Spirit Animal Rank: N/A Appearance: Red feathers and black underbelly Spieces: hawk Human Name: kyle Personality: loyal goof ball Weaknesses: fire Skills*: healing Opinion on exsistence of intruders: nuteral Family: N/A Crush: Same as Human (Human's Crush's Spirit animal) Affiliation: ^^^ Other: ... ... Earth Human ... Name:mike Gender: male Age: 16 Role: Earth Human Rank: Appearance: brown hair, 6'5, and mixed Personality: arrgoant Weaknesses: colse combat Skills*: ranged weapons Family: N/A Crush: N/A Affiliation: N/A Other: