Age: 4
Gender: Mare
Type: Owned
Breed: AQH-Thoroughbred cross
Herd: None
Rank: Straggler
Credits to Alla-equi on DA for images.
Mara is a tall, lithe creature, standing around 17 hands and sporting long legs, a slightly arched neck, and a refined head. Her movements are smooth and seem to be drawn out, almost slow motion at times. Her expression is usually a calm, knowing one with a subtle aloofness to it.
Observant -- Stubborn -- Quick-Witted -- Intelligent -- Lower Energy -- Aloof -- Blunt -- Somewhat Patient -- Stern -- Family-Oriented -- Loyal? -- Takes No Crap
While she may appear knowledgeable well beyond her years, Mara is still young and inexperienced, and she owns it. Her wisdom comes from following her elders, obeying commands, and observing outcomes of different situations. Her forte is watching with a calm, collected demeanor. She does not rise up in emotion as easily as other young horses, and she can hold her own in a battle of wits.
Mara always dons a smooth expression, any emotion displaying in her eyes. Even then, her emotes are mild. Faint displeasure, for example, or a note of pride. It is extremely difficult to get a raise out of her, as she is quite good at deflecting comments or actions that she finds antagonizing.
Despite this more languid base, she is not one to be run over. Her strength is a quiet one but it is there. Mara is the silent bearer of burdens, always ready to help her family through a hard time, and she will fight to the death to protect those she cares about. She is not one to test boundaries or break rules. If she does bend or break them, it is mild and doesn't put others in danger.
She does have an adventurous side to her as well, though it only really comes out around foals, who hold the dearest place in her heart. They are her favorite, and she is always willing to play with them. Mara grew up too fast, as her mother died early on in her life and she had to be hand-reared by her humans; playing around with the foals gives her a glimpse at what could have been and of what she wants for her offspring.
Overall, this mare is wise and mature but lacks the power over others that comes with age. Mara is altruistic and charismatic, but she takes no nonsense and is not afraid to critique others for negative actions. She is not easily riled up but will unleash all of Hell on anyone who threatens those she cares about.