Corax Noir, oh my goodness!
I adore your writing style. It is very distinct and pretty quickly upon reading a few lines down any of your samples, you are hooked. I've had the pleasure of role-playing with you once before and it was quite the experience. With unique, complex and emotional characters, all of your writing feels raw and inspiring.
Not to mention your pack aesthetic of a circus. I love it and reading the story behind La Cosa Nostra is super cool! :)
You always have the most stunning avi, and banner ^^ Your bio is pretty and simple, which is super awesome because most bios can be a pain to read aha. Every time I see you in chat, you're such a kind, helpful person. I would love to get to know you better!
Boundless, I just read your response to the RP we're in. It was wonderful. You're a fabulous roleplayer and I'm glad to be roleplaying with you. Your avi seems to match your name in a sort of subtle perfection. And you bio is flippin' awesome.
I love your pack lore! I've never seen a bio so well-done! It's intricate, and overall awesome - it's clear you put a lot of effort into it, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading through it ^^ In of itself, your writing is incredible! From the RP replies I've read, I find that you tend to have a more narrorator style rather than 'being the character', which I really love - it's a change of pace, and truly displays the extent of your writing skill ^^ Edited at April 16, 2020 10:31 PM by Boundless
Your bio is amazing! I love love love it! It just resonds with me! It's so awesome!
That avatar is just so elegant and unique. The wolf arrowhead is a wonderful idea. If you drew it yourself, that's awesome. The names of your wolves also reflect this simple elegance, and I'm especially fond of Merlot and Sonora.
You are a very nice person And your avatar is amazing! It's so beautful! I wish I could do art like that. Your bio is amazing, and I love how you organized your pack into a circus, it's such a stroke of genius!
I don't think we haven't meet or talk to each other. But seems like you are a nice person.
Oh Musa, how perfectly your avatar and flag match. And that avatar is wonderful, really. Your wolf names are great (who doesn't like the names Anakin and Obi-wan Kenobi?) You've always struck me as a very peasant person.
Corax, hecc, I love your avatar, and your wolves are beautiful! Your banner is awesome too!