Guys, maybe if you reallly think of some nice things to say Etern won't have to repeat about reading the rules?) Moonlightpath, nice how you come up with it- every name has a background. I see you in chat sometimes and hope we can talk- I bet we'll be like friends cause of how friendly I am. You seem like a very nice person and I hope you enjoy WP, maybe earn some things and finally get to where you wanna get. Never doubt yourself, there's always help around the corner. Pm me if you wanna chat sometime, I'm always open to see people ^^<3
Okay, you, little frick. You are hilarious. I love the little witty things you say in chat. It's fracking awesome! I love that your avatar is different, like it's a leaf! Most people have wolves/dogs/text. NEver leaves! I love leaves!
you’re very nice, and funny as well! I see you in chat, and in the forums, and I would love to get to know you better! I love how you chose your avatar. That one avatar where it said something like, “I have no avatar. Yay” absolutely killed me! ^^
You seem like a very creative individual and would be fun to RP with! I really like your writing, oh, and you're wolves' names are rather fun and groovy. xD Hope to talk some time!
I love the creativity you put into your pack and bio, so organized! I've seen you around a bit, and would definitely like to get to know you better! Your art is so amazing, too. Best of luck out there!
i've seen you around the forums a bit and you seem like a super nice and considerate person c: also damn the color scheme of your avatar is ,,, sexy af
You are very delightful person wish to gettoo know you more because you seem like a generous person^^
I’ve seen you around, and you seem like a cool person! I’m sure you’re a great person, and I wouldn’t mind getting to know you! I’m always open for a new friend ^^
I don't know you, but I hope I can get to know each other! :) You seem like a very creative writer and I love the quotes in your bio!
Haven't seen you around too often -- but you seem like a rather kind and energetic person from what I've witnessed. I'm also impressed with some of the names of your wolves (and some of the battle experience they've got). They're definitely unique.