"I say now! What are you doing in my territory!?! Grrrr! Stay away from my avocados or you will die! -Avi The Stoat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What would you say is your favorite fruit?
"Myself." ✨ - Eno Ewing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greatest accomplishment?
"Making a circulatory system-themed Pac-Man game for a science fair at my schoo- I mean, uh... Hunting an elk with some help, just like a normal wolf." -Inti Molins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What do you think would be important in order to survive in a forest? Edited at September 7, 2022 12:12 AM by ijdme
"A knife. A knife would be the most important. Along with a will to survive." - Tamiko Ahane ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What do you think is the weirdest outfit you've ever worn?
"I do believe it was when I had to dress up as a royal mouse. They wear a stupid amount of layers. I could barley move!"- Zosimos. --------- How do you keep yourself sane?
"I don't! Hehe <3" - Malice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most disgusting food you've ever eaten?
"Ugh... one time, my teammate Clarence (he goes by Darkstar on our team) had me try his skunk spray chicken salad, complete with a burnt ginko fruit salad dressing! I feel nauseous just imagining eating it again!" - Scampers, aka Queen Extreme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you could choose between an eternity in the stars, an an eternity in the world's best library, which would it be?
"I'd pick eternity in the stars. Because, well I am the stars -Galaxy (Starwolf) .. .. Whats the best thing youve ever eaten?
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Dont know as many things come to mind but maybe exoic meat~Waterfall ~~~ would you do anything to save or bring back a lover/friend/kin?
Game Moderator Neutral
"Depends who they are and how much I like them or if they annoy me" Rayvn, wolf OC ---------------------------- If you could destroy the word or let it die then would you? Would you rather help stop it being destoryed or die?
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