Shimmer shook his head, annoyed. "No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying I don't want to leave Sand and Cloud alone, or send one of them with you without any other backup. They aren't as experienced as we are." His ears were twitching with annoyance.
Alone said " all I need was a tracker I'll deal with flame he steals my mate then he dies " as he when to the water and sighed before looking around
Shimmer motioned Cloud forward. "Stick with Alone. We'll be nearby, but STAY with him." Turning to Alone, he growled, "Do not let any harm come to her." He then took Sand and they circled around to search farther up river.
Alone said " wow I won't now I got to kadys to protect " as he heads to look for down close by
Cloud shook out her fur and trotted after Alone, crouching down low to the ground. "Flame, please. Let me go." Inferno said, walking forward to leave. Flame stepped in front of her. "Why can't you just stay with me?" He asked sadly. He didn't seem aggressive or mean. Just...sad and lonely.
Alone walks closer to a den before looking at a fluff look more like a tail and bites I hard
Flame's eyes widened and he let out a howl of pain, twisting around and swatting at the person that bit him. Inferno took this chance to tackle him and pin hm down, pushing his attacker away. Cloud ran up to Inferno and yipped. "Inferno! Thank the stars you're okay!"
Alone growls and walks over before saying " he didn't hurt you inferno " before watching cloud and rolls his eyes before mouthing family
Inferno shook her head. "No, he didn't." She smiled at Coud. "Hey little sis." Just then, Shimmer and Sand jumped down.
Alone jumps when they appeared before shaking his head and sat down looking at flame