Mark said "okay. I am going to stay awake for a while." He stayed close to Andrea as part of him was still worried about what happened happened and he was afraid that if he did fall asleep that something bad would happen to Andrea. Mark said "I don't need anything." He look at her as he was not sure what to do next as he needed sleep but he was afraid to fall asleep. Mark had fear of loosing Andrea but he knew that they were safe. Mark accidentally fell asleep.
Andrea continued to lay there with him and had his head on her chest with his arms wrapped around her, to protect him from anything, though she knew that they were safe and nothing bad was happening. She heard Mark and said Okay as she wanted him to be relaxed. Andrea saw that he eventually fell asleep, and continued to keep him close to her so that he knew that everything would be okay.
Mark was sleeping when he began to have a nightmare and he was crying in his sleep. Mark woke up as he was afraid to fall back asleep and he look at her as he was afraid. Mark began to relax and he was hoping that everything would be okay. Mark said "I am sorry for being afraid." He stayed close to Andrea. (Sorry it's short.)
Andrea heard him crying in his sleep, and repeatedly told him softly that everything was okay and it was just a dream. She saw him wake up and brought his head to where her heart was so he could hear her heartbeat. "Don't be sorry. I understand what it's like to be afraid. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying here, no matter what; I'll be here," Andrea told Mark as she made sure that everything was okay, and there was nothing bad happening. "We're safe. There's nothing bad outside or inside and no one is going to hurt us. You're okay," Andrea reassured him in a soft tone as she ran her fingers through his head as she gave him soft kisses on his forehead.
Mark listened to her and he said "okay. I am going to stay close to you." He look at her as he was feeling calm now. Mark said "I love you so much." He was not sure what was going to happen next as he was not sure what Andrea wanted to do as he was going to stay close to her since he felt safe with her there. Mark said "you are amazing." Mark was calm.
"Thank you. I love you too, Mark. I love you so much," Andrea said to him as she continued to lay there with him. "I was going to make you some soup later for dinner. What kind do you want?" Andrea asked Mark as she looked at him. Andrea continued to give Mark kisses and careful hugs as she loved him and didn't want him to worry or stress out about anything. "I'll even carry you to the couch so you can watch me cook so you don't feel alone or scared," Andrea mentioned. Andrea smiled a little as she was happy to be spending so much time with Mark and never wanted to leave him.
Mark ask "could I get Chicken noodle soup?" He look at her as he was wanting Chicken noodle soup since he was not wanting anything fancy. Mark said "that would be fun but I don't want you to get hurt by carrying me." He chuckled softly as he look her as he not wanting to her to hurt herself or the baby. Mark said "I should be okay with staying here since I just have to wait until you are done with the soup." Mark was feeling relax and he was not wanting to cause any problems.
"Of course I can make you some Chicken Noodle Soup. I'm good at it too. But it's no trouble for me to carry you. You're not that heavy, but will you be okay if I do because I don't want you to be in pain?" Andrea asked as she wanted to make sure he was okay with it first before she picked him up so she could make his soup and feed it to him so he didn't have to be in pain. Andrea looked at him as she rubbed her nose against his as she smiled at him as she was loving being with him.
Mark said "thank you. I will be okay if you do. Thank you so much. You are amazing." He kissed her cheek and he look at her as he was not sure what was going to happen next. Mark was hoping that she would be okay if she did carry him. Mark kissed her her as he was feeling happy to be with her. (Sorry it's short.)
"Of course. I love you too," Andrea said as she got up and softly picked Mark up and carried him bridal style over to the couch and set him down. She covered him with a blanket and put a pillow behind his head so he was comfy and was facing towards the kitchen. Andrea then gave him a kiss on the forehead and then walked into the kitchen and began to make his soup. Andrea took great care in making sure it tasted good and it was just the right temperature for him and then brought it over with a glass of water and some pain medications. Andrea gave him the medication first before sitting down next to him and holding the bowl in her hand as she spoon-fed Mark so he would have to be in pain while trying to do it himself.