Brax shook his head then realized that the girl probably didn't know he had. "I think we're okay right now. The only other person who has and injury doesn't like people touching her. She'll be fine anyways." He shrugged before realizing that she couldn't see it yet again. Brax never took new things well
"I'm Alexandria," She said suddenly, "And my brother is Michael. I better go tend to his wound now.." she turned, and went to a candle. Striking a match from a matchbox nearby, she lit it. Her movements, although confident, were slow and shaky. Once the candle was burning, she went to go get a knife from the kitchen.
Brax watched with a steady gaze then turned over to Ami and Al who were talking quietly. "Ami if you need to go outside then go ahead. No one is going to judge you for not wanting to be around that guy. He's a cop and everyone here knows how you feel about your sister's uhh death. So if you need to go outside that badly go ahead." Al could be rather sincere when he wanted to be. Brax listened to this conversation with a grim smile. At least Al wasn't being a jerk. Ami nodded quietly, her face bright red as she left to go outside.
Ribs looked after her sadly, wanting to help but unsure if she wanted to be alone. Alexandria called out into the living room, "Everyone stay out of my way," She warned, then came out holding a very hot knife. She went over to Michael and took off the ice pack she had on his wound, then unwrapped the bandages. She seemed to steady herself, then placed the knife in the wound and began to dig around. After a moment, the tip emerged with a bullet, which Alexandria pocketed. She took the bottle of whiskey and poured it over the wound, cleaning it. She put the ice back on, then left again. During this, Michael had woken up, then passed out again from pain.
Ami went outside as the headache came. As first the edges of her vision went blurry then all of a sudden it felt like a bomb had just gone off in her head. Pressing her hand into her forehead, she leaned against the wall. Normally, whenever she got headaches she could get rid of them by focusing her mind on something else other than the pain. She pulled a knife out of her boot and began to twirl it. Concentrating on that and only that. Kaitlyn decided that was all she could do for Aloe. "Kaitlyn do you have any bandages I could borrow?" Addilyn asked patiently, the adrenaline from earlier fading. Kaitlyn threw her bag at Addilyn which wasn't very smart since it weighed a ton and Addilyn wasn't expecting it. Addilyn stumbled back and fell. Growling as she got up. She didn't say anything but sent a hard glare Kaitlyn's way. Grabbing a bandage she peeled off the bloody old one and cleaned the injury off with a wipe.
Alexandria came back out with a scalding hot knife, and went up to Michael. She found the would, and pressed the flat of the blade to it, searing his wound shut. "Doctor? Do you have a way IV's and blood bags? He is O positive." Ribs decided he should go outside. He hesitated as he opened the door, but fully opened it and walked outside. "Amika?"
Kaitlyn replied with her doctor voice. "Yes I do actually. Give me a moment." Taking out a collapsible IV stand and a blood bag. She walked over to the guy and wiped off his hand with a disinfectant wipe and connected the blood into the man's blood stream. Her hands deft with experience. Amika nearly stabbed herself when Ribs opened the door. Dodging it, the knife merely cut a little bit of her hand. Blood dripped off her pinky finger. But she just wiped it off on her shorts. The headache pounded in her skull but she chose to ignore it. Instead she looked over to Ribs. "Hey Ribs," she tried at a smile. It didn't work that well.
"Uh, Sorry.. did I interrupt something? I can go if you don't want me out here," Ribs looked severely panicked, like he had no idea what to do, which he didn't. He tried to say something, but couldn't form a coherent sentence.
Ami almost laughed but the pain in her head prevented her from doing so. "It's fine, I don't really mind you being here. I like you and tolerate you much more than a good lot of the people in there." She didn't rethink what she said hardly at all. But in the back of her mind she realized he could take it like she liked him. In the terms of had a childish crush on him or something. She left it up to Ribs to decide what she meant by liked.
Ribs just seemed relieved she wasn't mad at him to really focuse on anything she said. "You feeling okay? You don't look too good..." Ribs was concerned, inching slightly closer, as they were separated by a yard or so.