Hearing Alone's voice above her, Infenro looked up to see the jaguar on the tree branch above her. "yeah, sure!" Infenro said, sitting down while looking up at him. Launching herself up the tree, Inferno powered herself up into the branches above her. "What do you need?" she said.
Alone said "I need you " as he smiles and helps her up before licking her paws and looks at her and smiles before saying " I am not going anywhere where are you staying I am staying no matter if it at your pack I can't leave you alone "as he stares in her eyes
Inferno felt happiness bloom in her chest like a rose. She touched noses with Alone, and pressed her forehead against his. She was smiling uncontrolably. "And I'll stay with you." She yipped happily.
Alone smiles and licks her nose before nuzzling into her alone said "I'll make sure to protect you from anything I don't want to see you get hurt "as he smiles and his tail wags a little
Inferno let out a little laugh. "You do realize we still need to help the Sun Pack, right? We can't just leave them." She cuddled closer, wrapping her tail around Alone's. "But don't worry, I don't plan on getting hurt."
Alone laughs and said "I don't even know who attacked them so I can't really help as much but I can help with fighting "alone then said "I know that but you still worry me not matter what you get worry too when I get hurt"
"I do, I can't help it." Inferno said. "Once this is over, we won't have to do this anytime so again, hopefully. We'll be able to live peacfully in camp." Giultily, she looked at Alone. "I know you that you loved your freedom. Are you sure you're okay with staying with my pack?"
Alone smiles and said " yes I know we will have peace soon "alone looks at her and said "I know I like being free but I can be in a pack for you as long as I am with you I can stand being in a pack "
Inferno smiled again, glad that they had cleared everything up. "Great." Licking him over the ear, Infenro hopped down from the tree and said up to him, "Come on, we have a final battle to fight." Walking over to where the rest of the others, Inferno saw her brother snuggling up with Ray. Happy for Smoke, Inferno knew she was going to tease him about this. She woke up the rest of the wolves who were fighting, and said. "This is for the Sun Pack. We will fight for you and get your territory back."
Alone hops down and follows her and said "you need more people then this to overcome a area I got some friends that could help if you want to " as he looks at inferno the at the other hoping they would be safe he knew he can kill but inferno get hurt would make him fall but then again he was going to protect her alone sat down and looked at her again and smiles