Kye ran over to her, nuzzling her " Mara.. are you alright? COme on... get back to the house. Please. Its the only safe spot at this point."
"Nowheres safe." Mara muttered, it sounded more like a slur, a take on words. She was extremely exhausted, as the cat was down who knows how far. The feline slowly got to her paws. Her legs felt like jello after her grand escape, but at she was alive, right?
You are withi me, Mara.. im a guardian for a reason. Now come here.. your gonna die of the cold. Let me warm you up for once He had to protect her with all the strength he had left before thinking on plan B.
Suddenly, the cat shot right from the bank, and was almost bounding up the hill. "I know a place! A safe place!" Mara yowled back, her strides growing more and more confident. "Hurry up!"
Kye indeed kept pace with her I hope oyu're right Mara.. because I lost my way around ehre already and not sure the way back to my place... im trusting you on this He kept running beside her, keeping a good distance in case that other one came by. But he hoped they wouldnt or it would be death for them.
Oh, she was right. There was a safe place, but there were a couple bumps in the road along the way. It was the same journey she faced as a kitten; that fearful little thing. Mara was ready. Although it was simple, she had to get past with- er.. a dog. Get past them.
" Were you go,Mara... I go along. Im not leaving you out of my sight" Kye said standing beside her. no matter what happens... im right here.. He nuzzled her gentle to keep her calm. " its going to be fine"