Isn't a wedding supposed to be happy..?---Oop. *Autumn slaps her forehead* They're tears of joy, dummy.
Alright well the bride is getting ready so I'm gonna have a small speech. For score and seven years ago I met your mother or grandmother or great grandmother a random wolf Sim chat room. I asked jokingly "I want a wolfplay wife!" And that is how met your great/grand/mother. We tried to get married back then but... I got grounded. Then we found each other years later and here we are. Jsniffles* And boy was it fun. STILL IS-
The Midnight Howlers start randomly dancing for no actual reason. (:
Cry* Cry* Continuous crying. Oh, cry with me peoples. Boooo, hooo, so much emotion. Chante Chante, just amazing. (:
*remembers I'm literally a raccoon that can light himself on fire* What the hell ✨ is this family? ✨
It's a good one Trash Can. GRAMPS. Grandpa I will now call you Trash Gramps!
What do you guys thing, Grandpa Fire or Trash Gramps?
I'm gonnapass out(sleep) on about two seconds so can I pm someone my vows and they post the frme?(I have school to get ready for in six hours)
Sorry for the brief afk, I'll be ready soon. I just have A question, what are y'alls names and pronouns? I need them for when they say "(name), do you take (name) to be your lawfully wedded (husband/wife/spouse)?" Also, if there's any sort in traditional wedding ceremonies you want to include/exclude, tell me now! Also could there be A part where they say A poem/short story that the couple chose as A symbol of their love/family etc. I'll be ready in like 8 mins max!