Wolf Play : Doomed Valley | RP Thread | OPEN
 star shrine
05:34:07 star
What do you play on?
05:34:07 FoxFoxFoxFox
Dogs- just go back to the other tab. When you battle it should open a new tab
05:28:16 Rev
-WP Click-
05:25:43 She/Her, Dogs (€
I have a question. I'm explore after you battle is there a way for you to just go straight back to the explore with the same wolves you had or do you have to do all the way back through picking your wolves and territory again?
-WP Click-
 Arctic Moon
05:19:03 NY, Malo, Arctic
Which event dye should I buy? I'm thinking Firefly and Akita
 Tropical Pickle
05:18:08 Tropickle
Oh nevermind I'm just dumb and can't read. Good on ya, Trop...
 Tropical Pickle
05:17:12 Tropickle
Question: How often does health increase? Is it every hour?
05:14:53 Silver, Luna or CWG
I tripped over a fan cord trying to get around my mom and when I stumbled They all got worried about the Fucking Fan 😭
05:14:07 Cloudz, Pumpkin
Hii :)
05:09:38 Silver, Luna or CWG
Tigress sits in the grass and watches the pack.

Stats: Perception +3
Mood: Alert
05:09:18 Silver, Luna or CWG
My family hates me
 star shrine
05:03:15 star
ok thanks contin
05:02:39 FoxFoxFoxFox
Polar- I know :(

One day I'll work part time and do art for the other half!

ET- I got called a good luck charm by some old men because as soon as I went in we scored xD
 Continental Wolves
05:02:26 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Pregnancy last 80-96 hours labor 2-5 hours total time of 82-101 hours
 star shrine
05:01:19 star
how long does it take for the wolf to give birth ;9 all my pregnant wolfs are on hour 87 lol
 Continental Wolves
05:01:07 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Have I ever mentioned I love your pack name & nickname :0
05:00:03 ET
Wah-? As in WP palettes?

OOoh yeah? I wonder why
04:57:49 Chro (he/him)
Fox -
Aaaawh that really sucks </3 I feel for you ughh, we're not cut out to work full time man
04:57:10 FoxFoxFoxFox
ET- definitely. Was actually quite quiet tonight, but the pubs were busy earlier obv


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Doomed Valley | RP Thread | OPENAugust 12, 2023 04:15 PM

Hollywood Hills

Posts: 225
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Rameses | M | Warrior | Golden Forest Pack | M: Dapple

Rameses felt a burst of energy and playfulness as Dapple leapt forward, slipping underneath him and nipping at his legs and belly. He quickly put his head down, trying to reach his muzzle between his front legs to snap at her, but she was too small and he was too big. His teeth snapped at open air as she swatted him with her claws. He spun around, attempting to expose her body, but she stayed with him, slipping and sliding underneath him, all the while nipping at his legs and belly.

He was proud of her as he realized he was beginning to be annoyed, knowing that her tactic was working and she was learning very well. He jumped to the side, finally exposing her body, but she was quick to move too, keeping her eyes on him. She ended up underneath him once more and finally darted out and leapt, landing square on his muscled shoulders.

He let out a loud and ferocious bark as she sank her teeth into his scruff, her weight pulling him down a little as she let herself slide off. For a moment he wanted to pull another move to challenge her with something new, but decided to let the fall happen to see what she would do.

He let himself fall, his upper body landing somewhat sturdily onto her hips, but his belly and throat were now exposed to the world, giving her a solid opportunity. Even though he was "fighting" with her, his enjoyment was evident by the fierce wagging of his big tail in the grass.

Angola | F | Hunter | Dark Pines | M: Arya

Angola stared after Arya as she bounded away into the trees, and the older huntress huffed before going in the opposite direction. She traversed through the undergrowth for some time, beginning to feel a little frustrated after not finding many potent trails. Finally however, she caught the scent of raccoon, and it was pretty fresh. Excitement tingled through her bones as she pricked her ears forward and kept her nose to the ground, following the scent trail.

After some time, she came upon a fallen tree with a small opening near the base. The dirt and leaves around the opening reeked with the stench of raccoon. Licking her lips, she sniffed around the hole in the ground. A loud rasping hiss alerted her of the dens resident, and she plunged her paws into the soil, scooping away the protective roots and bark.

The hissing grew louder as she did so, and finally a plump raccoon lashed out from the small den opening, spitting and attempting to rake its claws across her snout. She snapped her jaws at it and continued to dig, growling as it growled at her. She knew the sounds would potentially scare off any prey in this area, but she was not opposed to having to travel to catch more.

As the animal lunged towards her again, she plunged her head down and clamped her jaws around its back, sinking her teeth into it.

The raccoon shrieked and spat, flailing wildly for a few moments as Angola pulled it from its home. Firmly placing a large paw on its hips to hold it still, she moved her jaws to its neck and clamped as hard as she could, taking its life swiftly. Now limp, she picked up the kill and carried it several paces away before loosely burying it and continuing on her way. She would come back for it later.

Edited at August 12, 2023 04:15 PM by Hollywood Hills
Doomed Valley | RP Thread | OPENAugust 12, 2023 05:13 PM


Posts: 104
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Dapple | F | Apprentice | Golden Forest Pack | M: Rameses

Dapple could have barked in triumph as she felt him slide to the ground, though her hips were pinned firmly between him and the grassy earth. His throat and belly where bared to the open and she took the opportunity to her best advantage.

Pummeling her back legs free she drove her claws down his spine, being careful to not do any damage to the thin skin there. She released his neck but planted her paws firmly onto his shoulder to keep him pinned as her teeth snapped at the air just a whisker away from his throat.

"Gotcha!" She barked, leaping off of him and stepping several pawsteps away as her tail wagged from side to side. Her heart hammered in her chest and her breaths came in short pants as her legs shook under her. Despite how tired she was she felt like she could leap to the tallest tree with how eccstatic she was.

Doomed Valley | RP Thread | OPENAugust 13, 2023 08:32 AM

Former Pack

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Hawk-Male-Hunter-Golden Forest- M: Koda (direct)
Hawk sighed as he heard the head hunter's voice ring out across the clearing. He just wanted to have a lazy day for once! He grunted as he got up, and watched Miakoda examine her paw. Youngins! Too focused on their beauty to even think about what they're doing. He growled quietly to himself, anger bubbling inside of him. He felt alone, with just youngins and idiots and youngins and idiots...
Doomed Valley | RP Thread | OPENAugust 13, 2023 09:02 AM

Biologist at Work

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Kírari | F | 4 years | Nurse Mother | Dark Pines | M: Yukon (dir), Felis (dir), Kodiak (ind), Open!
The females eyes brightened even more when she heard Felis approach. Kírari blinked, " Well hello Felis! I don't think theirs anything for you to do at the moment-". Looking over to the Head Warrior she noticed the way she looked at him and then spoke, turning her head back to him again and giving him a sympathetic look.
" Why don't you go find Kodiak, She's probably waiting for you. It'll be good for you to continue training." Kírari wanted her tail slowly and nodded to the young male.
She was extremely hungry at the moment but she hadn't wanted to burden the smaller wolf to go gather food, she was perfectly capable to do so. The female stood up and shook her fur, making eye contact with Yukon, "Is there possibly any food this morning?".
Doomed Valley | RP Thread | OPENAugust 13, 2023 10:38 PM

Yukon's Castle

Posts: 1722
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Yukon | F | Head Warrior | Dark Pines | M: Felis, Kirari(dir) Kodiak, Akela, Kaisen(ind)

Watching as Kirari told the young wolf to go find Kodiak, Yukon nodded in approval before looking back out and around at the camp. It was rather empty at the moment. That was until Akela and Kaisen came charging in as if they had some news. She had faith that if it was truly important that Kaisen knew to go to the alphas. Looking back at Kirari, she would nod, "I'm sure that there is, we'll just have to go look, or, I could go look for you. The hunters are out and about now, they should be back soon.." She told the other softly.

Doomed Valley | RP Thread | OPENAugust 14, 2023 07:20 AM


Posts: 421
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Arya : F : Hunter : Dark Pines
The female padded through the forest, keeping her mouth slightly open so that the scents of the forest could wash over her scent glands. Padding silently, she approached the location of a pair of rabbits that she could smell near by. Arya approached silently, getting close enough to pounce. Launching herself forward, she managed to pin and kill the first rabbit, then twisted and lunged for the second rabbit before it got too far. Sinking her teeth into its throat, she tasted the warm blood as the rabbit went limp. Scraping up a shallow hole, she placed the rabbits within and scraped pine needles over it to hide them. Cleaning the small droplets of blood from her muzzle, she began to sniff around again, searching for more prey.

Kaisen : M : Warrior : Dark Pines
M: Strifle (dir.)
The male looked around, searching the camp for the alphas. Spotting Strifle, he padded towards the alpha male. "Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt but I must report some... rather bad news." He hated saying it, knowing that it was bad news for the pack. He hated being the one to bring this news, but it was necessary.

Edited at August 14, 2023 07:20 AM by Shenzu

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