
Wander/F/Loner/M: Crystal Wander shook her head, clearing her mind. "I-Im fine, Crystal. The pups are just moving, thats all..." Wander turned her head away as they moved again. She needed Sparrowhawk's pack. And soon.

Crystal - F - Fox - M: Wander, Open - I walk a little closer. "Do you need me to go get Sparrowhawk?" I ask. I move closer to nuzzle her neck.

Wander/F/Loner/M: Crystal Wander glanced around, unsure. "What would his pack say? He's mates with a loner, AND He's having pups with a loner! They'd make him leave, and wouldn't help..." She crouched lower, her eyes wide with fear and pain.

Crystal - F - Fox - M: Wander, Open - I curl next to Wander. I want to go get Sparrowhawk, but she is right. What would his pack think? I lick Wander 's nose and get up. "I don't care what his pack 'thinks'." Is all I say.

Daisy/F/Hunter/M: Sparrowhawk (This is all said in a playful tone!) She crumples under Sparrowhawks weight. "Get off me you rat!" She picked her head up causing him to tumble off backwards. Daisy then pounced on Sparrowhawks tail and playfully bit it."Try getting me now!"
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Crystal - F - Fox - M: Wander, Sparrow, Daisy, Open - I race off. I try to fabricaty a story in my head if I run in to an Alpha. New trench? Better hunting spot? I run as fast as my belly will allow. "Sparrowhawk!" I yell. "Where are you?" Maybe Daisy will come. Faster, faster.

Sparrowhawk/M/Hunter/M: Daisy "Hey!" He hissed at her, laughing. His whiskers twitched with amusement as he smacked her muzzle gently with a big paw and then gently but fiercely grabbed her ear. "I got you! You'll never get away!" His big collie tail wagged happily as he shook his snakelike head teasingly.

Daisy/F/Hunter/M: Sparrowhawk Daisy could have sworn she heard someone calling for Sparrowhawk. She ignored it and kept ply fighting with Sparrowhawk. "I surrender you win. Just let me go you lump." She waited until he released her ear and stood up. Once she stood up, she headbutted him sending him toppling to the ground. "Element of surprise!"
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Sparrowhawk/M/Hunter/M: Daisy "Come on, you fluff-face!" He laughed, rolling over and grabbing her leg lightly in his strong jaws. "Now I've got you, and this time I won't let go!" He said, although his words were pretty muffled by her fur. "Ew though, your fur is furry."

Daisy/F/Hunter/M: Sparrowhawk This time, Daisy was sure she could hear someone calling Sparrowhawks name. She sat up, yanking her leg out from Sparrowhawks jaws. "Do you hear that? The voice sounds familiar, but I dont know from where."
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