Rose Thorn You take the left path through the trees, and are suddenly nearly scared out of your skin as a deer leaps over the bushes, into your path before bugging and bounding away once more, seeming just as frightened of you as you were of It for a moment. You soon come to an odd place in the forest... one path seems to go up, while the other goes down, and the third continues on the level you're currently on... is this a video game? -You May- Take the Right Path (Up) Take the Middle Path (Same) Take the Left Path (Down)
Rose Thorn You take the downwards path, wondering what could be down there. As you slowly decline, the heavy, straight trees turn into wavy, spindly mangrove looking trees. And you soon begin wading through ankle deep water. -You've found The Rotten Swamp!- As you look around, you realize there's islands around but it also looks like there's things lying about in the water if you wanted to fish them out yourself. -You May- Explore Through the Water Explore on Land Return to the Forest
Adira quickly placed a trap fearing she might not make it much longer.
(Set Trap)
Adira You set another above the hole and quickly go searching for the exit. Luckily you don't have to look far, because the pain is beginning to make your fur spike up uncontrollably, a tell tale sign of coming paralysis. -5HP You look at the hole and realize it's a gentle slope into the creatures home. You could smoke it out but you don't have anything to start a fire with. -You May- Try to Dig it Out Scream Down the Hole Set a Trap at the Exit and Check the Other One
Adira could feel her paws going numb, she didn't feel like digging. Quickly she exhaled a scream hoping to scare the creature out. (Scream)
Adira You take a deep breath and let put a screech into the hole, the effort feeling like a sword through your lungs at this point. -5HP You must be lucky though, for you hear a loud squeak and a deep CLANG as your trap is set off. Hissing and grading comes from the cage as you trot to look at what you've caught. -You've caught a Rat King!- You shake the pain from your head for a moment as you figure out what to do next. -You May- Explore More Check Last Trap Return to Glowmire
Adira grinned proudly, though her proud moment ended to a fit of dry and painful coughs. "No more distractions! Check the the last trap then go back to Glowmire," she had to say to herself. (Check last trap)
Explore through the water