"Are you sure we can't wrap Sirius in bubble wrap until she's six months old?" Inti thought. Edited at February 18, 2022 01:48 PM by ijdme
"What? I did! I'm coming. But don't tell Dusk. He's going to say that I can't." Edited at February 18, 2022 01:40 PM by Wolfborn
(@ijdme Frost isn't there rn lol) Frost sighed, growling slightly. "Fine, you can come. But you must listen to me and Dawn. Got it?"
"Yay!" Sirius looked like a very happy pup (which is pretty darn cute to me :D)
"Dusk, the thing is... I feel guilty about all of this. I just wanted to go to some body of water so I could see my reflection, and Sirius wanted to go as well and she didn't stop bothering us, and well, you know the rest..." Inti looked at the ground.
The adolescent couldn't help but smile. "Alright, let's get going"
Sirius skipped beside her. It was evident her leg wasn't very bad. Or maybe she had so much energy she just didn't care.
Inti thought a bit. "Although to be fair, everyone knows not to mess with the young of a wild carnivorous animal. In his shoes, I would have just kicked Sirius and maybe shot the sky to scare her and run away. That's assuming I was a hunter, which I never would be... Well, you get the point."
Sou would * walk up to all them Growling Showing off her fangs with a dead rabit in her moutH*