Jasiri / Jasiri thought for a second. "Maybe Ajihad and Amara will remember you. Chaos is not the dominant anymore, but I am sure he remembers you well", he guessed. He then came up to her and nuzzed her. "But even if nobody will remember you, you are still a sweet lioness, and they'll most likely accept you", he reassured her. / Nyasi / "True", Nyasi agreed, and continued with awe, "Chaos is the biggest lion I ever saw! Although I think that the black lion (Midnight) is bigger than him. And scarier". He sat up and scratched his ear. "I really can't wait to sleep the first night in this newly formed pride!", he said, "We will be so safe!"
Lilacia The female simoly nodded her head in response. She had to tell. Chaos about indigo. She just had too. A sigh left her lips as she turned towards jasari, giving hid cheek a soft lick before tuening away and smiling. "ive missed you" (short)
Siku / Siku followed Aslan, keeping his ears erect and his muscles tense. He remembers how when he was 3 years, he witnessed how a group of nomad lions ambushed a pride, and fully destroyed it. He heard that this brutal tactic is still used up to this day. He looked around, inspecting their surroundings. "Aria, promise me to run if anything happens" he muttered to his mate, his voice low and serious. He can't lose her the second time (Sky knows what that first time was).
Aria nuzzled Siku. "I can't promise that when I would want to fight by your side to keep you safe" she said as she saw Amara seem to recognize the lioness with Jasiri. Aslan had stepped back while Amara stepped forward. "Lilacia, right" she asked. She hadn't had too much interaction with the lioness before she was exiled for being Ajihad's mate. Amara's ears twitched as she waited for a response. / (Possible idea, not really drama involved, Amara and Astrid's aunt was Siku's former white mate he? That could be how Luna has a white coat as well from the genetics?)
Lilaia looke as the dominants approached, usually she woulve been more confident eith herself but ever since the stanpede she just felt drained. As the lioness dhe remebered as amara spoke, lilacia simply nodded her head in response. "i-i was i-indigos sister" she felt hersekd struggle to get her sisters nams out, why the heck is it so hard to acceot shes gone.
Ajihad's eyes were wide at first. He hadn't expected to see her again. He gave her a smile, trying to help her relax. "Lilacia. Where have you been? I didn't think I'd ever see you again." As long as the other dominants agreed, it was clear from the way Jasiri stood by her that they were together. He wouldn't mind having her rejoin the pride. "Chaos will be glad to see you," he told her. If they didn't want her to join, he at least wanted her to visit.
Lilacia The female watched the lipsn before her, a sigh oeft her lips as she felt her self inch more towards jasari. "if its ok witb all of ypu id like it yo be considered if i could join again" she follosed her instincta at this, bending her head down slightly, almost as a bow to subnit yo them.
Aria looked hesitant while she looked at Amara and Ajihad. "Well, since you all seem to know her, I dont see an issue with her joining, but if she harms my cub, I will exile her" she said, not wanting any issues. Amara looked at Aria. "She never hurt anyone's cubs back with Chaos. I wouldnt see why she would now." She could see where the other lioness was coming from in being hesitant.
Ajihad knew they had invited much stranger lionesses than Lilacia. They already knew her as a decent lioness, and he wondered where Aria got the idea that Lilacia would hurt her cubs. "She isn't any worse than Delilah, Storm, or any of the other lionesses. She's just a little on the young side." He knew that Delilah and Storm weren't the best examples, but they had let them join and he knew Lilacia would do much better.
(Storm was part of Chaos before the merge, and Delilah was born into Siku pride. XD)