Storm She replies "well its bit to late for that one being they sent them out to find me. It seems Amara figured out that I disobeyed her orders once again. She watching his reaction towards the two approaching lionesses. She asks would I see you again Kreon?" I would like to but that is your choice though. "Watching as he start to move back toward the border ready to bolt if needing to do so.she could hear them and see them clearly across the watering hole. Her ears drop showing dampening mood. Edited at June 11, 2020 10:01 AM by Gypsy Pack
Jasiri / "We decided to stay in a cave that is in Ajihad Pride", he replied to Lilacia. Jasiri heard a male calling his name. That was Aslan! "Aslan we're here!", he gave a replying roar, "And by we, I mean I have somebody else with me so don't get troubled!" He looked at his mate again, with twinkling green eyes, but then scrunched his nose. "We really need to get you washed once you'll get settled here", he chuckled, and walked faster towards his pridemates.
Heather pack said: Jasiri / Jasiri smiled widely and nuzzled her back. "I missed you too", he echoed her words, "I barely even talked with anybody in pride". He then turned around to head for the pride den. "You can't imagine how much things have changed since you were gone", he started to explain with excitement, "You remember the hyena attack?" / Nyasi / Nyasi yawned widely and turned over onto his back. "Say Tara", he started, staring at the cave ceiling above him, "Have you ever thought how lucky we are? So many cubs and lions have died, but we are still alive". He doesn't know why he started talking about this, but he guesses it must be because it just hit him. A battle could've taken place between the two prides, but instead they united. Hyenas tried to fatally attack them, but failed.
(Nyasi part)
Tara looked at Nyasi. "I dont really think I would call it lucky" she said as she sighed. "We lost a lot of friends. Maybe they are the lucky one's to not see others get hurt, or be hurt themself" she said as she looked down at her paws. / Aslan looked worried. "If its a nomad chase them out! We dont need more trouble" he said as he neared. He didnt recognize the female as he got closer, but from the sound of it, Jasiri did. He was still on edge as he stopped a bit away.
Lilacia the female nodded her head in response to His words. So it would be slightly different but not really. Her tail flicked and she could feel herself growing slightly happy to be back with him and the others. Her attention as drawn away when she heard someone else’s voice, Aslan was his name. She didn’t recognise that name. Lilacia turned and scowled at Jamar I as he made a joke about the blood and he dirt and everything she was covered in, he was right though, she needed to bathe. (which pride was aslan from before the merge?) Edited at June 11, 2020 01:20 PM by wolfei~~
(Karaz before he left, then Ajihad. Never in Chaos)
(Whoops my bad lol,I’ll edit that part out)
Jasiri / Jasiri refrained himself from growling in annoyance at Aslan's hostility, but then he might've done the same if he did not know who was the lioness. "She is not trouble, but valuable huntress", he assured Aslan, "And she is...." He swallowed before he was able to continue. He doesn't know why, but he felt somehow nervous in announcing this. But then, mates are not prohibited anymore. So he has nothing to fear. "She is my mate", he announced, standing closer to Lilacia in an almost protective way, "We will be asking for her permission to join us". / Nyasi / Nyasi did not like how the mood drooped. Why did he even bring in this conversation? This only made him sad. "Ugh, my eyes are drooping", he groaned, hoping to successfully change the topic of conversation. He didn't like to see Tara sad. "Why does this always happen when I am sleepy?", he wondered, batting at his eyes, then purposefully by accident batted Tara's face.
Aslan raised his eyebrows as he looked at her. Before replying to Jasiri he looked at the Lioness. "Have you been followed by any nomads?" He just wanted to be sure he didn't need to fight anyone right then. He wasn't in the mood. "If you want, just so we aren't causing any issues, I could bring the dominants here. I know Aria is on edge because of that other lioness" he said. He knew Aria wouldn't be happy when they didn't know this lioness. / Tara looked at Nyasi. "Momma always said it's cause your body wants you to sleep" she said as she plopped down, practically on top of Nyasi.
lilacia thr female blushed slightly as Jasari refered to her as his mate. She didn’t realise how much she has to hear that word because she was filled with joy as soon as it was spoken. Her gaze shifted to the male as he grew closer, her head cocking slightly to the side. “No one followed me, I’ve been travelling early all day, swear to you I wouldn’t have come back if I knew I was being followed” her words held nothing but the truth as she stared aslan in the eyes.