Lilacia She felt him pull away, she didnt know why, but she knew somerhing was wrong. "the stampede seperated us, i found her body but she was already gone" her voice cracked woth every word. Tears contimued to stream down her face. "i was too late, i stayed the night eith her snd then i ran, i had to come back" she continued, her gaze shifted to hid eyes, letting out a sniffle as she awaited to see his response.
Ajihad went to them. "Starting tomorrow, no one should be going out alone. I'd sort of like to begin implementing it today. There have been some strange nomads sighted and perhaps a coalition. Delilah blurted stuff out about us, so we don't know what to expect, and we'll be taking precautionary measures. Jasiri went out by himself, and I'd like a few lions to volunteer to go make sure he's okay. He went to go check on our borders. I'd also like two lionesses to go find Storm. She disobeyed orders, and I want to make sure she's okay." He forgot what Amara wanted to do about her, but he figured somebody had better go find her.
Shani heard Ajihad's words and rose silently to her feet. "Ajihad, I was able to make small talk with Storm. She opened up to me slightly. I think I might be someone she might listen to. With your permission I would like to be one of those lionesses," she said, looking down at her paws.
Ajihad nodded, "Sure. You and Astrid can go." He decided to keep Khaleesi and Shani separated for a while. It seemed like they were a dangerous combustible combination. Astrid seemed to be on friendly terms with Shani so it would be good for them to bond some. Azrael shrugged, "I can go if you want." He wasn't sure if he was strong enough to out up a real fight. He was scrawny and he looked old, so he wasn't very intimidating back up.
Jasiri / Jasiri has nearly blurted 'Thank the Sky' as Lilacia told him that Indigo died from a stampede. He instead hugged her again, and voiced his sympathy. He felt slightly stunned that she could've died without him even knowing. It was getting dark, and Jasiri knew that a search party could be sent out for him. "Want to join our pride again?", he asked his mate gently. He won't tell her about how the prides joined together yet. If she will refuse to join, then it is too risky to tell her as a nomad about their pride.
Lilacia The lioness peered uo towards him, her eyes widening slightly. She could jlin again. But what would chaos think. Or any of the pride members foe that matter. She didnt relaly have sny words foe the matter snd simple. Nodded her head, leaning up and wuickly nuzzling his cheek. "i missed you so much" she coed with a smile, her pale eyes locked onto his, studying hid expression, he looked almost shocked sfter she had spoken before, i mean dhe did run away, and she couldnt even remembdr why.
Deliah The lioness lays down under the shade of a tree thinking why did she have to tell zypher about the pride if she just did what she was meant to do and go and told Ajhad or Siku about the nomad male maybe Amara would of let her stay in the pride but she remembered that it was also her acting like a cub that out her exiled from the pride in the first place
(it was Aria who exiled Delilah, not Amara) / Tara stayed near Nyasi a bit before she wondered what would happen when they grew up. *Does he really want to leave* she thought as she placed her head down on her paws. (short)
Jasiri / Jasiri smiled widely and nuzzled her back. "I missed you too", he echoed her words, "I barely even talked with anybody in pride". He then turned around to head for the pride den. "You can't imagine how much things have changed since you were gone", he started to explain with excitement, "You remember the hyena attack?" / Nyasi / Nyasi yawned widely and turned over onto his back. "Say Tara", he started, staring at the cave ceiling above him, "Have you ever thought how lucky we are? So many cubs and lions have died, but we are still alive". He doesn't know why he started talking about this, but he guesses it must be because it just hit him. A battle could've taken place between the two prides, but instead they united. Hyenas tried to fatally attack them, but failed.
Lilacia She instantly began to follow after jasari, her head faced down ever so slightly. Her ears perked curiously as jasari started talking, quite quickly at that. "yeh i remember the attak, it was awful" shfe responded, her tail flicked slightly as it bobbed on and off the dirt floor, her paws continued to scraos againsg the dirt, you could see she wasnt walking properly, her legs were shaking, from whwre she got hit in the stampede.