"glitch leave them alone" she could see him, he was a demon like figure, stalking around like he owned the place "n0. i lik3 it h3r3"
Alyssa seen something move. She turned into a coon, and looked around and said "What was that?"
"glitch i said stop" he picked up a stick, tossing it at liko, who caught it "stop" "th3y cant s33 m3, why sh0uld i?"
She seen a shadow pick up a stick and throw it at Liko. Liko caught, and she heard her talk to the shadow, and it replie in something she didn't understand. "Why are you talking to a shadow?" she asked.
glitch turned around, lookiing at the other "y0u- y0u can s33 m3?!"
"h0ly shit! lik0!" he ran over to her "sh3 s33s m3!"
Yeah, but I can barely understand you." She said looking between them.
"he hasnt learned to speak like us yet" "but !m try!ng!"
Frost laughed a little before shutting herself up. She always laughed in awkward moments like this one, it was her coping mechanism. ... "Cake?" She asked, a grimace on her face, not looking at the shadow, but her eyes glancing between Liko and Alyssa, trying to inject a little bit of reason into the goings on