Hunger laughed "sure, follow me." he said with a smile. They padded down a ridge towards a dripping sound. When they reached the end all there was, was a dark cave "here we are!!" Hunger announced proudly. Mocha stared at the hole, cocking her head. "Follow me" He said and disapeared into the ground.
Mocha trotted behind him, making sure to stay close since she still didn't know her way around the woods yet. She was hestitant to go in, but trusted Hunger so she followed him, "you know.. this place is kind of scary.." she quietely said, examining her surroundings and keeping her head low, still unsure of the place.
They suddenly entered a cave full of crystals, which had a big pool of water in the middle. "good enough??" he teased
Mocha playfully rolled her eyes, jumping in the pool of water, making it splash everywhere. She giggled and kept making small splashes in the water, and putting her head under the water. Mocha then laid in the water, "Do you come here a lot?" she asked, giggling
"No....not since nala , i havent" He looked at her with a stern grim face that held pain and sorrow
Mocha lifted her head from the water and looked at him, tilting her head, noticing his pained expression "Who was that..?" she asked, quiet and with gentleness. She didn't want to accidentally trigger a negative response out of him.
"My sister." He stated, his face blank "Died in those very waters..." He stared at the water, the pain returning "A stalactite hit her when we were pups," He looked at the ground "And I couldnt save her..."
Mocha stared at him, opening her mouth to speak but falling silent. She let out a small whine, walking closer to Hunger and nuzzling against him, "Do you want to leave..?" she asked, unsure if the place brought back bad memories, her ears pinned against her head.
Reminder: Please only use the textspeak that's allowed. Omg, Oml, Lol, and Lmao are the only ones allowed. Otherwise, please spell out your words.