The young wolf hovered over him for a second, not able to help her gentle smile as Jasper opened his eyes. Her tail wagged gently from side to side, the length of the day catching up to her as she licked him between the eyes with a small, tried chuckle.
Jaspers smiled widened a little before he laid his head back on the ground. He looked at the sky seeing that it had darkened quite a bit. Jasper knew he should be getting Damian to bed but he didn't want this moment between him and Caelum. However, he gently used his front paws to nudge her. "I have to put Damian to bed." Jasper whispered.
Caelum smiled softly, her eyes furrowing slightly before she touched her nose to his, "Alright." She whispered, still holding her smile before hopping off him and looking over at the young Damian who looked simply exhausted. "I'll wait for you out here." She told Jasper with a jokey wink.
Jasper smiled as he got up and padded over to Damian. "Come let's get you to bed." He said nudging the boy towards the den. Damian nodded and trudged off. He crawled through the hole before finding his usual spot and laying down.
Caelum watched as Jasper and Damian waddled back towards the den before looking towards the river as the moon started to reflect off it. She stood up and stood a few steps into the lake, sending ripples through the lake as she dipped her muzzle in it to take a drink.
Once Damian had laid down, Jasper turned around and walked out. He hoped the boy would be ok in there by himself. Damian had laid down and rested his head on his arm. He watched as Jasper left before closing his eyes. Seconds later, the boy was sound asleep.
Caelum watched as the moon slowly disappeared before she saw Jasper emerge from the sheet of water, "Is he sleeping easy?" She asked with a tilted head, padding out the watet.
"I think so. He laid down perfectly fine." Jasper told her as he padded up. "Would you like to take a walk with me? We won't go far." He asked her.
Caelum tilted her head a little at his offer, but she seemed eager so gave him a smile, "I'd love to." She noted lightly before shaking herself off and starting to follow him, "where are you wanting to go?"
"I don't know. Just a walk around our territory." He said as he padded into the forest. He had no set destination as to where they would go. "Just thought a moon lit stroll would be nice."