Morpheus smiled and licked toris cheek. "I'm proud of you too." He said. Lyra smiled at her mom. "I love you mommy." She said.
Tori licked Morpheus back and wagged her tail. "I love you too Lyra..."
Lyra why don't you go play outside with the other pups for a bit?" Morpheus asked looking at tori.
Tori nodded and gave Lyra a cheerful look on her face. "Please make sure to come back by sunset" she added.
Lyra smiled happily and ran out the den. "I qill." She called behind her. Morpheus watched Lyra leave before turning his attention to tori. "Lyra will become leader of the pack when she is old enough instead of Ljnar" he said in a sad tone.
Tori frowned and her ears went down as she knew what he had meant as soon as he said it. "Where did he go?" She whispered as she looked down at the ground.
"The other pack. I knew it was likely to happen." Morpheus said to her. He nuzzle toris neck comfortingly.
She sighed. "I mean he is a teenager now, things are changing a lot for him, he'll most likely come back though, right?" Tori quiestioned with sorrow.
Morpheus shook his head. "I dont think so" he tells tori apologetically.
She sighs, taking in the truth. "It's fine though, at least he didn't physically hurt anyone like some decide to do..."