"She's a... A wolf" Answered Dante, confused, then spun around to look at the fellow hikers, who backed away
No Frost is not a wolf. She is just real good friends with them." Alyssa reassured.
"No, no, I meant the thing that tried to maul my led off. Wait, Frost is friends with it?" He asked "They're vicious"
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure just those two." she said with a shrug. "So ya'll are hungry? Not hungr? I need to know because if ya'll are going to wait till she wakes up it's going to be a while, and I'm about to cook." she asked/suggested.
Dante shrugged and looked round at his companions, anxious. "They won't, they hate elementals" he whispered, sadly
Who said we were elementals?" she asked kinda coldly. Walking over to the den and grabbing her bags of supplies.
liko looked up "glitch?" he dissapeared "oop, see ya!" she laughed dissapearing as well, before comming back, in her form, chittering, before handing a note to dante it read "dont be scared of her, her mindset is that of a playful puppys. - glitch" Edited at February 21, 2022 02:49 PM by Karmas pet
Oh yeah, this is acward." She said with a low whistle. "Well they can starve for all I care, I don't want them to eat my amazing cooking anyways." she said walking over to a pile of rocks and started to make a fire pit, while mumbling something about normals.
Assuming that Glitch was the demon girl's name he nodded and glanced around, his 'friends' were staring at him "You're one of them?" he heard one hiss and he jerked his head, unsure whether or not he really was.