Wolf Play : Furry club + lgbtqia club
Fuck that shit I'm out 👍
08:18:00 Waterfall,Zane,Pixal
@Demon Never give up Just do it XD
wait 6 never mind even my Ninja would fail at that XD
08:17:10 Queen / Jo
Fei that just mad me laugh.
-WP Click-
08:16:48 Fei the writer
You spy 6 Mountain Lions.

fuck no! I'm out
Not couple wise, but I want them to be closer with affinity though.
Is there a way I can target 2 wolves to get them to like each other?
 Chaotic Twins
08:13:28 Ryder,Kalian
Apples: 0
Apples Saved: 0
Mushrooms: 150
Mushrooms Saved: 1,617
I make poor financial decisions. I had 400 mushrooms, I spent 300 on a blue bandana for midnight, now I have 100 XD
 Chaotic Twins
08:09:46 Ryder,Kalian
my wolves have some very random names XD
The lap is an imaginary part of your body that only exists when your sitting.
08:06:01 Devil (Any pronouns)
-WP Click-

She's still not in labor

Imma go insane
08:04:31 Queen / Jo
ET thanks IÂ’m really gotta re learn stuff again lol

Nymph rears up on their hind legs and pushes Soul Eater with their paw.
Soul Eater rises up and body slams Nymph.
Nymph swipes at Soul Eater with their paw.
Soul Eater rises up and body slams Nymph.
Soul Eater swiftly asserts their strength and pins Nymph.
Soul Eater wins!
What the Hell?!?!, this dude body slammed their opponent twice?!!?. This dude is sick!
08:03:39 ET
Midnight of the 9th!
08:02:37 Pixie, Vul / Ω
All of my wolves survived
08:02:25 Queen / Jo
Mac okay last time o participated was half a year or almost a year ago.
08:00:18 Mac
You've got all day on the 9th
 The Night Walker
08:00:03 Anemoia/Aedra
It redid a chat from maybe an hour ish ago.
MidnightCraft I think


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Mountain Lion : +2
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    Furry club + lgbtqia clubJanuary 5, 2022 02:33 PM

Former Pack

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I don't know if this is allowed, but if it's not mods please let me know.
Furries join along with lgbtqia! State your name, pronouns and if you're a furry and of you are what are you.
Furry club + lgbtqia clubJanuary 13, 2022 06:27 PM

Destinations End

Game Moderator
Posts: 11914
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Orientation: (closeted) Asexual Lesbian/DemiHomoromantic
Gender identity: Fluidflux; My gender fluctuates between demigirl, non-binary, Xenogender, Autigender, Neurogender, demigender, agender, bigender, Deminonbinary, Graygender, Demifluid and demiboy
Pronouns: 'They/Them' (Do NOT use she/her or he/him for me please; unless you have been given explicit permission from myself to do so)
I also use Xeno-pronouns:
~ pup/pupself
~ bark/barkself
~ cani/canineself
~ Dog/dogself
~ Fo or fox/foxself
~ Coy/Coyself, coydogself or Coyoteself
~ Kal/Jackalself
~ Wolf/Wolfself
~ AWD/AWDself or African-Wild-Dogself
~ hy/hyenaself
~ Hyaeni/Hyaenidaeself
~ Bat/batself
~ Musteli/Mustelidaeself
~ Ferr/Ferretself
~ Poss/opossumself
~ Coon or Rac/Raccoonself
~ Skun/Skunkself
~ Tig/Tigerself
~ Ynx/Lynxself
~ Goa or Goat/Goatself
~ Houn or Hound/Houndself or Hellhoundself
Dra or Drago/Dragonself
~ Cad/Cadejoself
~ Bargh/Barghestself
~ Inuga or Inu/Inugamiself
~ Cham or Cyno/Chamroshself or Cynogryphonself
~ Gryph/Gryphonself
~ Kits or Kitsu/Kitsuneself
~ Enfie/Enfieldself
~ Alph/Alphynself
~ Kami/kamitachiself
~ Rami/ramidrejuself
~ Caly or Calygre/Calygreyhoundself
~ Qi, Qil or Qilin/Qilinself
~ Lyca/Lycanself or lycanthropeself
~ Were/wereself or werecanineself
~ Theri/Therioself or Therianself
~ Biblo/Biblophileself
A but about myself

Likes/hobbies: Reading and collecting books, writing, sometimes drawing, video games, my dogs, dogs in general, any and all species of canine, all four breeds of Hyaenidae(Brown hyena, Striped hyena, spotted hyena and aardwolf), all species of Mustelidae, animals like bats, raccoons, skunks, opossums, badgers, wolverines, mice/rats, etc., most animals in general, supernatural/mythical creatures, making fictional characters and writing stories about them or roleplaying them with other people, music, talking with friends, stuffed animals, fidget toys, etc.(there's a few more but I'm not in the best thinking state right now)

~ entomophobia(the fear of any type of bug, insect, arachnid, creepy crawly, etc)
~ acrophobia (the fear of heights)
~ phonophobia (the fear of loud noises)
~ Aichmophobia (the fear of anything sharp)
~ Pyrophobia (The fear of fire)
~ agoraphobia(even a group of 3-4 other people at once is too much for me to handle or try to deal with)
Health problems/Disabilities: I live and struggle with high spectrum autism, ADHD, ADD, Neurofibromatosis type 1(NF 1), an extremely severe anxiety disorder, depression, arthritis, tachycardia, scoliosis, mobility/balance issues, vision problems, sensory disorder, a very weak immune system, and I was recently diagnosed with 'chronic idiopathic angioedema'

Because of my NF, tumor growth is quite normal for me and I'll be living with chronic pain my entire life because of this.I'm completely blind in my right eye(and the eyelid is shut as a result of having multiple surgeries to remove different tumors behind the right eye) and have no peripheral vision at all in my left eye, along with terrible vision in the left

I had a wonderful, now fully retired, service dog named Bear, who helped me with things related to most of my disabilities and health issues. She also helped me with my blind side by walking on the right of me and basically acting as my right eye.
Unfortunately Bear doesn't have much time left, so we're trying to make her comfortable and know she is loved, will be missed and that Kaito, or any of my future service dogs/pets, will never ever replace her.

I now have my new service do(In training) named Kaito. He's being trained to do everything Bear was trained to do for me, however he is also going through training to do mobility assistance.

We have two other dogs as well, a mutt named Jasper and an elderly Shih Tzu named Kirby

You can find pictures of all four pooches in my bio, if you want to see any of them

My fursonas
~ Wolf: a Coydog
~ Day: a striped hyena/brown hyena
~ Time: an African wild dog
~ North: an amber cross fox
~ Ki: a torch key raccoon/key vaca raccoon/Alabama Raccoon/Saint Simons Island Raccoon
~ Jace: a side-striped jackal/black backed jackal
~ Yori: a black footed ferret
~ South: A skunk
~ Dusk: an opossum
~ Dawn: Lynx/caracal hybrid
~ East: Flying Fox(bat)
~ Cumhea: Calygreyhound
~ Talon: an Alphyn
~ Fang: a (heraldic) tyger
~ Zorro: an Enfield
~ Scales: a (Asian) Qilin
~ West: a kamitachi/ramidreju hybrid
~ Xero: a eastern dragon/western dragon hybrid
~ Ashen, a cadejo/hellhound/Dip/Inugami/Kitsune hybrid
~ Chamrosh, some type of Griffin/Cynogriffin hybrid, but instead of the typical griffin and cynogriffin, they're something more of a tiger/lynx/golden eagle/hawk and canine/falcon hybrid. (If you don't know what a cynogriffin is, it's a canine / eagle supernatural hybrid)
A sona who's species is something of my own creation
~ Conall, a Tigroshfonagon (Cynogriffin(a griffin subspecies(canine/eagle)/Dragon/saber toothed Tiger/Hyena/fox hybrid) ^ basically a closed species of mine

I am also a (poly)therian and otherkin.
My theriotypes include
~ a coydog
~ a brown/striped hyena
~ an African Wild Dog
~ an amber cross fox
~ A side striped jackal/black backed jackal
~ a torch key raccoon/key vaca raccoon/Alabama Raccoon/Saint Simons Island raccoon
~ Black footed ferret
~ skunk
~ opossum (?)
~Flying Fox(bat)
My otherkin types
~ Eastern dragon/Western dragon
~ (Asian) Qilin(?)
~ cadejo/hellhound/dip(hybrid)
~ Inugami/Kitsune(?)
~ enfield
~ alphyn(?)
~ kamitachi/ramidreju(?)
~ Calygreyhound
~ a unique sort of cynogryphon/gryphon hybrid (some type of Griffin/Cynogriffin hybrid, but instead of the typical griffin, they're something more of a tiger/falcon hybrid; and instead of a typical cynogryphon they're something more of a canine/hawk sort of cynogryphon (If you don't know what a cynogriffin is, it's a canine / eagle supernatural hybrid.)

Edited at January 14, 2022 04:51 PM by Destinations End
Furry club + lgbtqia clubJanuary 14, 2022 05:43 PM


Posts: 1187
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Hey hey!
So I've been a furry since... First grade basically.
I haven't been too heavily involved in making any OCs but I do have plans for them to be a cat, after my school nickname.
I am pansexual! My pronouns honestly don't matter for me, I don't find it important ya know?
Hobbies: Art! Lots of it! I can do literally everything-
Phobias: Basically being alone.
Furry club + lgbtqia clubFebruary 7, 2022 10:41 PM

Former Pack

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Noice y'all!
Furry club + lgbtqia clubFebruary 8, 2022 02:37 AM

Former Pack

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Well, I'm not a furry but wanted to join an LGBTQ club ^^"
Is that ok..?
Furry club + lgbtqia clubFebruary 8, 2022 05:51 PM

Former Pack

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LostBoy_was.here said:
Well, I'm not a furry but wanted to join an LGBTQ club ^^"
Is that ok..?

Furry club + lgbtqia clubApril 15, 2022 03:01 PM

Destinations End

Game Moderator
Posts: 11914
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Forums > Wolfplay > Alliances


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