Wolf Play : Salems Short Stories
im so broke now but its been strange without it
11:23:07 Phantom
 Blood lust tide
11:22:54 BewareWhoYouTrust
We should buy it together xD
finally have my premium account back i missed my lovly banner
11:22:26 Goblin Queen|Rave
I get payed the day after it drops hehe
 Blood lust tide
11:22:08 BewareWhoYouTrust
You got blood on my paws one still working on
 Blood lust tide
11:21:20 BewareWhoYouTrust
Jack sparrow bundle in 1000 vbuck which I got comes with jar of dirt xD
11:20:32 Goblin Queen|Rave
What wolf should I put cp on for ya duck
11:20:16 Goblin Queen|Rave
Lmao mood
 Blood lust tide
11:19:18 BewareWhoYouTrust
Did had 100 dollers in saving for ps5 😅
 Blood lust tide
11:18:34 BewareWhoYouTrust
It will be that why want it took saving for ps5 to get vbucks for it 🤣
11:17:32 Goblin Queen|Rave
I will drop money on that if it's an emote
11:17:17 Goblin Queen|Rave
I've got a jar of dirt
11:13:50 Lumos, Dax (he,him)
-WP Click-

should I use a fertility figurine on her?
11:11:37 Fei the writer
Poll. Vote please
-WP Click-
 Blood lust tide
11:11:06 BewareWhoYouTrust
But have wait UN till its 19th 😩
11:09:55 Dance, tango
Ah okay, now it makes sense
 Blood lust tide
11:08:14 BewareWhoYouTrust
Cant wait for jack sparrow be on fortnight xD
 High Hills Pack
11:07:55 Frozen Opal; Regal
Here is another example of one of my gals. See how her face is split? The white section is part of the defect.
-WP Click-
Looking for a 1x1 RP partner, pm me!
I have a few ideas :P


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Salems Short StoriesFebruary 21, 2024 12:54 AM


Posts: 4294
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I have no idea how to write romance, 80HD
What even is it? 🤨
Aeliyx's laughter rang through the air, a light, teasing sound that seemed to mock the seriousness of their situation. "You know, for someone so intent on capturing me, you're not very good at it," he chided, swinging his legs with an ease that belied the danger of their conversation.

Raedier's jaw tightened, his pride stung by the jibe. "Maybe I've just been biding my time, waiting for the perfect moment," he countered, his eyes never leaving Aeliyx. The night had deepened, wrapping the park in a velvety darkness that seemed to isolate them from the rest of the world.

"Oh? And when will this 'perfect moment' be?" Aeliyx asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "When the stars align? When pigs fly?"

"Perhaps sooner than you think," Raedier shot back, taking a step closer to the tree. His mind raced, calculating the distance, the speed he would need to finally catch Aeliyx off guard.

Aeliyx watched him, a flicker of amusement still dancing in his eyes. "You're welcome to try, Raedier. But we both know how this ends. You, frustrated and empty-handed. Me, always one step ahead."

The challenge hung between them, a gauntlet thrown down in the quiet of the night. Raedier's heart pounded in his chest, the adrenaline coursing through his veins. This was his moment, the culmination of all their encounters, all the missed opportunities. With a sudden burst of energy, he lunged forward, reaching for Aeliyx with a determination fueled by their tangled emotions.

But Aeliyx was quick, his reflexes honed by years of evasion. With a graceful leap, he dropped from the branch, landing just out of Raedier's grasp. The smirk on his face was infuriating, but there was a glint in his eye that suggested something more, a depth of feeling he hadn't shown before.

"Nice try," Aeliyx taunted, stepping back with a fluid motion that put more distance between them. "But it seems fate has other plans for us tonight."

Raedier stood still, breathing heavily from the exertion and the rush of emotions. The realization that he had almost caught Aeliyx, only to fail again, was frustrating. Yet, there was an underlying thrill, a spark ignited by their exchange that he couldn't deny.

"Why do you do this, Aeliyx? Why play this game?" Raedier asked, his voice a mix of anger and something akin to desperation.

Aeliyx paused, his expression softening for a moment. "Because it's not just a game, Raedier. Not really. It's a dance, and we're both unsure of the steps."

The words hung in the air, a confession veiled in metaphor. Before Raedier could respond, Aeliyx turned and vanished into the night, leaving him alone with his thoughts and the lingering echo of what might have been.

As Raedier stood in the silence of the park, the frustration of the chase gave way to reflection. The dance Aeliyx spoke of, the push and pull of their interactions, had become something more profound, a connection that transcended their roles as hunter and hunted.

And as the night drew to a close, Raedier knew that this dance was far from over. The game had changed, the stakes higher than ever before.

Salems Short StoriesFebruary 21, 2024 12:56 AM


Posts: 922
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Salems Short StoriesMarch 10, 2024 02:19 PM


Posts: 4294
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Oml 😭
I left you for two weeks ahhh
Raedier watched Aeliyx disappear into the darkness, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions. The words Aeliyx had spoken lingered in the air, their meaning sinking into Raedier's consciousness like an unspoken truth. He was left standing alone in the park, the quiet of the night enveloping him as he grappled with the weight of what had just transpired.

For a moment, Raedier was lost in thought, his mind replaying the events of the evening over and over again. The chase, the confrontation, the revelation—it all seemed to blur together in a whirlwind of emotions and uncertainty. A part of him longed to chase after Aeliyx, to confront him once more and delve deeper into the unspoken truths between them. But another part of him hesitated, wary of what such a confrontation might reveal.

With a heavy sigh, Raedier shook his head, banishing the tumultuous thoughts that threatened to consume him. He knew that dwelling on what might have been would only lead to further frustration and confusion. Instead, he focused on the present, on the task at hand and the path that lay ahead.

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the trees, Raedier straightened his shoulders and took a deep breath. The game had indeed changed, the dynamics of their relationship shifting in ways Raedier had never anticipated. But he was determined to navigate this new terrain with grace and determination, to unravel the mysteries that bound him to Aeliyx and discover the truth that lay at the heart of their connection.

With renewed resolve, Raedier turned and began to make his way out of the park, his footsteps echoing in the stillness of the morning.

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