Wolf Play : Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]
Having a pup that is bad at wrestling is going to make the full moon wrestling game interesting this time
08:55:59 Queen / Jo
IÂ’m expecting my first 3 litters in a day roughly
08:54:47 List
ive had 17-18 pups so far this game year and only 1 wasnt an actual dud
 Spirits of Spiders
Ya'll look at the pups I got! I fully expected all duds again!
-WP Click-
-WP Click-
08:31:19 skye
i love my new banner, jelly is such a good artisit!
hopefully they can do me a avatar too

yeah haha XD
08:24:14 Cloudz, Pumpkin
A dud :(
-WP Click-
08:09:37 Mac
True, that's what I do with my low talent guys
08:05:11 skye
Yeah i can always work on cp i guess XD
08:01:01 Mac
Ooh I'd keep him
He's pretty
07:48:35 skye
should i keep or sale as his talent is low anyway
07:47:45 skye
Oooo a decent pup again!!
never seen the amber coat!

-WP Click-
 Aurora's Pack
Oh, I get it! Thank you :)
07:45:23 ky
The higher the gen, the more likely a wolf is to be IB, and it's harder to check
 Aurora's Pack
Why do people not like high gen wolves?
 The Fear Seekers
07:24:42 Night Shade

The circle
07:02:17 Meek Meek
I need peoples opinions

which one do I choose for my profile.
07:00:13 Slate, Gray
-WP Click-

Would they make a good stud?
06:54:53 Kat ?
Extremely (I think) Best bet is to go to trading post and look at Viti's/ ones similar to her and see if any are for sale and at what price. If none are for sale, I'd bet she'd go for a lot
06:52:03 She/her
I can't remember if I said earlier but my girl had her first litter today and threw a viti does anyone know if they are still sought after ?
06:49:59 Ash H:H!!
So true..


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Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 22, 2021 07:07 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9037
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My Cub

╔═━────━▒ ۞ ▒━────━═╗


╚═━────━▒ ۞ ▒━────━═╝

meaning: goddess of battle

Age: Four Months
Gender: Femme
Pride: Manyeleti
Rank: Cub
Desired Rank: Queen

[credits for all go to kridah-stock on da]

A unique cub, her pelt consists of no bland tans or browns. No, Zaria has been blessed with a pelt the colour of snow.. cotton.. jasmine.. milk. Indeed, she wears no common pelt, but a pure white one. One may thing of her as rare in a certain sense, and she supposes that she is. Her coat is white, and while that is true, it becomes slightly darker upon her back, consisting more of a cream colour, but not quite yet tan. She wouldn't dream of having that boring colour infiltrating her exotic one.

Her paw pads are a dark pink, nearing a red depending on the light. It's the same colour that appears on her nose. Not pink, but perhaps a liver of sorts? Her chin is smooth, not a strand of fur sticking out, unlike the fur surrounding her whiskers, which become whiter in colouration as if she has a constant milk mustache. Zaria's eyes are like her fur; unique.

Not quite golden, and not quite yellow or brown, her orbs an almost.. golden, like the colour sand consists of. They are most peculiar, and sit largely upon her face, the white streak of white beneath them only enhancing her features.

Zaria is a cub of standard height, if not an inch or two taller. When older, she is expected to remain in the 3.7-3.8 category, standing only an inch or two over the average female lion. As of now, her body ranges more on the lithe side, but when older, she will develop more muscles, her physique best used for both running and fighting.

Two ears sit perfectly upon Zaria's head, and have small tufts of a darker brown within them that seem to match with her eyes. That same colour may be seen on the tip of her tail, which sways behind her with every movement.

Her scent consists of juniper.


Personality: Zaria, to put it plainly, is a cold, feisty little creature. While she has the curiosity of any other cub, it never lasts long. She has a tendency to have a mean streak to her, despite her young age. Zaria is a primadonna.. A diva.. A star, and does she ever act like it. She shares hardly any similar qualities to her mother and sister, and seemed to have developed her own personality.

She does have kindness within her, but it's only towards those she takes a liking to. Those that have earned her interest recieve her warmth and respect. The others? Well, they're nugatory in her mind unless proven otherwise. Zaria is very difficult to impress. She doesn't find many things fascinating or exciting, and is the type to yawn in the face of danger, a rather foolish thing. You see, despite that, Zaria craves adventure and danger. It's the only thing that offers her any form of amusement.

The cub is fairly independent, not one to follow parents or other adults around like many other cubs do. She isn't one for affection or any of that mushy behaviour. Zaria is judgmental, vicious, and yet, regal. Already, she has learned to hold her head high and swing her hips when walking. She wishes to establish that she is an important figure, though she isn't sure how well that's working, considering she is but four months old.

Most days, Zaria likes being seen, but others? She tends to vanish, preferring quiet company. She is a stubborn creature, and my, does she enjoy a good fight. To put it plainly, among all of the cubs, she believes that she's the best. Her coat is the best, her dominance is the best, and her skills are the best. She is elite when it comes to them, and Zaria makes it known. As of now, she is learning the art of manipulation and gaslighting: "If you really cared for me, you would.. It was just a joke.. You're too sensitive.. I don't remember saying that, it must be in your head.."

Being told things isn't something that interests Zaria. She's the one who does the telling, not vice versa. She isn't easily gullible either. Zaria is smart for her age, cunning even. She can see through others, after all, a trickster knows her own kind. Zaria isn't one that enjoys playing, but sometimes, sometimes, she can be persuaded. Will she enjoy it? No, but she would do it if her sister asked.

Ah, Majaji. How Zaria adores her sister, though she doesn't show it. In fact, her sister is the main target when it comes to her behaviour, always hissing at her and turning her back on her. Of course, it's fine when she does it, but dare another ill-mannered creature do such a thing, and Zaria will find a way to punish them, whether she would fix it herself or find somebody that could. On the odd occasion, Zaria will act kinder towards her sister, offering her compliments or asking if she'd like to climb something with her. Upon finding something interesting, Zaria would take a mental note just so she could show Majaji later. The cub has a madness to her methods, and whether she admits it or not, she cares for her sister.

The only individual that Zaria genuinely listens to is her mother. Rasheda, upon muttering a mere word, would stop the cub in her tracks. You see, within Zaria there is a deep fear of disappointing her mother. She refuses to let her down and become a nothing in her life. Zaria is kind towards her mother as well, like her sister. She holds a certain soft spot for them. Without her mother present at the time, there is nobody to tell Zaria to tone it down or remember her manners, thus, she has become acting out.

Whether for attention or she believes her mother will return if she acts this way, it's unsure.

Crush: The mere thought is humorous.
Mate: Wouldn't dream of it now, wouldn't dream of it ever.
Kin: Her sister is Majaji, her mother is Rasheda.
Offspring: Comedic.

Other: She enjoys riling others up and creating arguments.

Edited at July 22, 2021 08:06 PM by Tenebris Umbra
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 22, 2021 07:33 PM


Posts: 22525
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Ashanti is accepted!
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 22, 2021 07:37 PM


Posts: 22525
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"A blessed princess."
4 Years
Ximhungwe; Temporarily
Manyeleti ; Home/Origin
Refugee Lioness
Desired Rank:
None whatsoever. However, won't refuse a higher position if offered
[ words ]
All Image credits go to FearTheLiving27 on DA
This female is quite the unfriendly looking individual. If you just look at her you'd be warded off by her steely gaze. Or the way she walks with a defined elegance in her step. Not to mention whenever you try to approach her she seems irritated or unimpressed by you. Sometimes you can be met with a blank, icy glare. It's really hard to tell her emotions from just how she looks at times, but sometimes it's quite evident. One would make the assumption shes dull-witted because she'll stare at you blankly, or she's uppity or a snob due to the way she carries herself, and maybe even boring.

Once you get past the prickly exterior (if one ever manages to do it.) You'll find out may suprising things about her. She's quite intelligent and a deep-thinker. And that she actually enjoys companionship, you just have to catch on to her mood/work your way into her friendship/aquaitenceship zone. If you come up to her chatty and she wants to sit in silence then she'll just up and leave. It's not that she doesn't enjoy company, she just wants something quiet and calm for a while before she gets to know you. If you even manage to get a conversation out of her and you're not her friend then you're going places. You'll find she's highly observant of others. She notices the small, miniscule details of things. And can recall details that you said months, even years ago. This can be good and bad in a way as she can use it in arguments against you if you peeve her enough.

This female is quite wise for her age, and she's also very shrewd. She is very astute; able to accuratley access a situation and use it to her advantage. She's also quick to understand cryptic messages or ones with eloquent and flowery speech. Not to mention she has a clear-head and thinks before rushing into things. She enjoys listening to older and more mature lionesses and learn from their wisdom. Sometimes she seems like an old soul in a young body. This female has a refined manner about her; she isn't one to just flop down, she's one to elegantly lie down. She doesn't walk with bulky or overly-loud steps; but one of softer and fainty ones. And she keeps her posture erect and taut as if she's always being watched by somone. You can tell these characteristics came from a very classy, and proper influence in her life. While her words at times don't match her behavior, they sometimes do. As she can be refined in speech, she can also switch to callous words.

This female has her days when she's more ill-tempered than others. And you can tell by her gloomy actions and words. She'll also be more droll on these days; being unitentionally humorous. Yet her sarcasm and witty responses will be more vicious than usual as well. She'll also be more sulky and uncooperative with those she doesn't like. And it's almost something or someone who has put her in this mood as she doesn't have isn't always like this. Other times she'll be pugnacious at times, because life needs a little spice, but this is uncommon, yet not rare. When you have caught the bad side of this female, either by insulting her or offending someone she cares about she'll be out for blood. Her words will be fiery in tone and laced in venom. While her expression will be blank, and icy with an underlying smugness.

This female is very opinionated even if she doesn't show it. While she doesn't particularly enjoy pointless small talk, she'll easily tell you her opinion/thoughts on someone. She's also stern & blunt in her manner of speech; if she doesn't like you, she'll tell you: "Go away, I don't like you" or "Your prescense here is unwelcomed." . If your annoying or boring her, she'll roll her eyes dramatically saying: "GOD, why are you pestering me? Go annoy or bore someone else." And if you are being stupid she'll say, "Why am I surrounded by imbeciles, no, why are you so idiotic?" She's accepted that there will be times when she'll be forced to apologise for her blunt delivery despite the fact that she don’t think she should have to. For this very reason, Jahzara has developed an apology that works for such an occasion. Something like: ‘I’m sorry my opinion made you feel that way…’ or ' I'm sorry you're so thin-skinned and can't take criticism.'

She doesn't trust others a lot. Did she always appear to be unfeeling and cold, no. Others took advantage of her kindness and compassion, so swore to lock that portion of her away, because she never wants to be used again by others. However, once in a while you can see a glint of kindness and compassion in her eyes, but it's very rare to see or witness. She's firm, and almost kind with those she trusts and know can't handle her brashness [particularly cubs. And she can even be gentle and almost goofy with them.] This female is very dependable; once you have her in your corner she'll always be there (unless you break her trust.) If you break trust with her then you'd better be ready to move mountains to earn it back.
No, she doesn't need gremlins like her
None, deceased
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 22, 2021 08:22 PM

Former Pack

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Amara is done, let me know if I need more to her
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 23, 2021 03:33 PM


Posts: 738
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I do believe I have Malika finished if I need to add more please let me know
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 23, 2021 04:04 PM


Posts: 22525
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Amara is accepted.
Malika is accepted, but I'd like a little bit more for personality.
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 23, 2021 04:35 PM

Former Pack

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7 months old
Ximhungwe Pride
She wants to be Second in Command when she grows up.
She is a white-ish creme color. Her eyes are sky blue. She weighs 45 pounds. She is around 2 feet tall. She has spots of gold on her forehead. Her nose is pink like a mouse's tail. She limps a little because her front left leg is a little shorter than her right one. Her teeth are quite sharp for a cub.
She is really friendly and curious. She gets spooked easily and takes a long time to calm down. She stays optimistic through rough times. She hates seeing anyone sad and tries her best to cheer them up. She will talk to just about everyone and doesn't have the best judgement of people. She's very obedient and will listen to anyone older than her. She's also very loyal and protective. If someone says they are a friend, she'll trust them and even give her life to save them. She's very honest and hates breaking rules. She's not good at hunting because she's loud and clumsy.
She's an orphan (Anyone can be her caretaker.)
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 23, 2021 05:09 PM


Posts: 22525
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5 months
Desired Rank:
[ words ]

Stock Images. All image credits go to Robbobert on DA
This female is the definition of a salt-shaker. She always has a snide or sarcastic comment about something. It always seems like she's in a bad mood, because she has a permanent scowl and look of disdain on her face. She's highly opinionated and isn't afraid to speak her mind even if it stings. While she may be snarky, it doesn't mean she's ill-tempered. She oddly enough does have a lot of patience even if doesn't seem like it. It takes a while before you rile her up, and she gives you plenty warning. From her famous glare , thumping her tail annoyed, or just plain telling you that you're annoying her. If you're testing your boundaries this female isn't afraid and wouldn't hesitate to bare her fangs at you or send a swat to your face.

This female has what seems to be a protective layer around her heart. She doesn't warm up easily to others, and she doesn't trust others easily. If you say that you want to be her friend then you damn well better prove it. It may not seem like it, but she's sensitive to what others think of her and that's probably why she's always a bit defensive. She can be cold-hearted at times, but it's mainly because sometimes she doesn't know how to express herself. If someone ever betrayed her it would be a mixture of anger and sadness in her mind. Being betrayed is the worst thing to do to her as it can cause one of her weaknesses to show : her self-consciousness. The fact that she actually does care what others think of her, and it may make her believe that she's unworthy of friendship if someone betrays her.

This female can also hold a grudge. She doesn't forget those who wronged her or her family. If you get on her bad list then well, you're screwed, because she will make your life a living hell until she's content with her damage. She believes in the saying that 'you reap what you sow.' She can be malicious at times, but it's only on occasions when she's mad or something has really pissed her off. Rarely ever does this malicious side show but it's like that quote, ' I ain't a killer but don't push me.'

While this female mainly shows off her annoyed or pissed off side their is a soft and warm side to her. She can be compassionate and empathetic when she needs to be. This female understand when it is the time to not be sarcastic but serious. She knows how to listen and pay attention if she doesn't act like it. She also has a soft spot for cubs and would do anything to protect them. Cub hold a warm place in her heart, and when she's with them that's about the only time she isn't being mean or snarky. Amurshaya will actually have a genuine smile on her face and she has more patience with the cubs and is extremely gentle with them. She is very motherly and warm towards cubs, but she can also grow strict and stern with them if they're being naughty. Amurshaya would be extremely protective of her own cubs, she would rain hell down on you if you dared made her child cry. Now she's a parent that wouldn't be one to outwardly show her love, but you'll be able to see her pride of her children from the twinkle in her eyes or when she is defending them. Family is also an important part of her life, and if you dared to threaten or harm anyone of her family members then she'll be that scary sibling to fuck you up.

While she does enjoy socializing to an extent , she mainly is to herself. Atë likes to observe others from a distance, and perceive what they are like from observation before making the effort to get to know them. When it comes to strangers she isn't one to openly walk up to them and welcome them. She will give them a glare and probably keep an eye on them. She also makes a note to know who everyone around her is and even if it looks like she's not interested in what you're saying she is.. While she's mostly serious, their are rare times when her cub-like can side come out. As a cub she was mischievous so you can still see that trend in her behavior at times. She's highly observant and perspective. Always watching and analyzing others.
Efuru - Mother
Ajax - Father; Deceased
Sisters - Rashika & Mukantagara
Brother -
The Sisters Hanging Out

Edited at July 23, 2021 05:50 PM by Spellbound
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 23, 2021 05:12 PM


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┍━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┑


meaning: born during war
┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙

5 Months
Desired Rank:
Efuru (Mother)
Rashika (Sibling)
Amurshaya (Sibling)
No mouse is allowed at this point
Mod Edit: Please use stock images that are free to use. The image you used must be purchased to be used unless you have proof that the photographer allows you to use it/you have bought it.

Edited at July 27, 2021 06:50 PM by Evermore
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 23, 2021 05:22 PM


Posts: 4518
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[ r aa sh ih k aa ] Hindu origin, meaning "Descended from Royalty; Noble / Graceful; A Ray of Light."


Age: Five months

Gender: Female / Lioness

Pride: Manyeleti Pride

Rank: Cub

Desired Rank: Unknown



all stock (c) to robbobert on DA


Rashika's eyes are large, with a round black pupil in the center. Their color is a pale orangish-yellow that is similar to the color of her fur. Which is a tawny color, though a lighter version.

When she is older it will turn into a tawny color with more of a golden hue to it. This cub's fur texture is on the softer side, though will grow a bit courser as she gets older. As of now she still has her cub spots, but now that she is five months Rashika will start to begin losing them, or rather, they will start fading. Though to her dismay, won't fade entirely from her haunches. Her size is still quite small and she will only reach her mother's shoulder in height when she is 12 months/1years.



Rashika is an observant cub, something’s gone wrong? She can pick up on facial expressions and emotions quite well. Can’t find your stick? Its ledges between those rocks over there. With her being so aware is really helps her stay safe, meaning, she won’t wander outside of the pride. She understands some of the dangers through what the adults have talked about, but that doesn’t include all of the dangers. So this cub is carful to follow her mother’s rules so she doesn’t have to cause her more worry by being a wanderer. Speaking of her mother, this cub is quite affectionate with the “older” lioness. Often weaving herself between her paws, stretching out at her side, or giving her a gentle nudge. Rashika craves her mother’s time and attention, she looks up to her a lot and it always means so much to her when Efuru pays her attention. Not that she doesn’t, it’s just she has two other cubs and sometimes she will get jealous of her mother “spending more time” with her sisters. She treats her sister’s in a similar fashion, though can still get a bit rough with them, play fighting, and wrestling. Battering their sides, though carful not to actually hurt them so she doesn’t get in trouble, and nipping their ears just to remind them of her dominance. Being the middle child of course(if that’s alright) she constantly needs to show it so her sisters don’t think they can just attack her out of nowhere and get away with it. The oldest may think she is more dominant than her, while the younger may try to take advantage of that and pull some stunt to try and put herself above Rashika. So in her mind, she can’t let that happen. Even with all the fighting they may do, she still loves her sisters and would do whatever to defend them, weather from another cub, or something more. She couldn’t bear to lose them.

Her sister Amurshaya is an interesting case, with her cold and sarcastic exterior she sometimes frightens this cub, though Rashika hides it pretty well. She still tries her best to see past that initial personality that her sister puts forward, and see her “good side”. She treats her with respect like she would with any other cub, except one...and will ocationally put her on a higher pedestal, she admires her sister, though for what she couldn’t tell you. As for her other sister Mukantagara, ___

Now this cub is kind hearted, and even a little innocent seeming at times since she is still young. Though she is old enough to understand most things, she isn’t afraid to learn the truth, her mother brought her up that way with her blunt honesty and tough love. She may even use the same tactic on her future cubs, since it seemed to work out well for her. Rashika is a social creature, once she warms up to you, this cub tends to stay in her shell a bit before she knows you. Once she does she will be just as friendly, when playing she looks for ways to include the other cubs, since it’s more fun when everyone is together. She is kind towards all most and is hesitant to inflict unnecessary violence towards any of the other cubs, it just doesn’t feel right, and isn’t like the play fighting they do. Rashika is always ready for an adventure, being a curious but cautious cub, she enjoys to explore the land around the pride, and the designated area where she must stay/play.

When she is older, this cub’s personality changes quite drastically. She has a cool, calm, collected exterior, and is not as inviting as she was when she was a cub. Though Rashika will get over her little grudges she holds against one of the other cubs, and will strive for some peace between those who may dislike her. She becomes ambitious and a strong lioness, striving for the Second in command rank and constantly wanting to prove her worth to the pride. Though she does feel as if she needs to prove that she is a good asset to everyone, so she has insecurities there as well. She will generally hold a confident look on her face, and hold her head high and proud of what she has achieved and become.

Crush: None

Mate: Ew

Kin: Efuru is her mother, Ajax her father is deceased.

Sisters are Mukantagara & Amurshaya

Offspring: None


Majaji -

Other: When she is older :D


Edited at July 24, 2021 12:33 AM by Ciao

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