Wolf Play : Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]
09:52:46 Silver, Luna or CWG
I have to sell them or give them away fast though
I have 0 spots for wilves and two more females to go!
09:49:49 IAmNotEurope / Euro
nah, I just loose things easily.
09:49:25 skye

nice some of they have really pretty coats!
09:48:24 Silver, Luna or CWG
XD my females gave birth
09:45:45 skye

why are you in trouble?
09:45:22 IAmNotEurope / Euro
of course i'd loose my phone
09:44:38 skye
from November
09:38:02 skye

i think they were from a event and i just eneded up with tons XD
 Rogue Wildfires
09:34:04 Mac and Cheese
I want to keep the two pups in my den (Folder), but I need more denspace
09:33:43 (She) Cat {no bob}
Where did you find the turkeys?
09:17:14 IAmNotEurope / Euro
Crockpot dismisses Foam after an unsuccessful hunt.
bro got revenge
09:16:51 skye
got these two girls left to pop!
i hate them both so much XD
-WP Click-

-WP Click-
Is howling and Wrestling something you can breed for?
09:07:29 Omi
Downside of a baby account is FMC is a struggle without stacked wolves lol
Having a pup that is bad at wrestling is going to make the full moon wrestling game interesting this time
08:55:59 Queen / Jo
IÂ’m expecting my first 3 litters in a day roughly
08:54:47 List
ive had 17-18 pups so far this game year and only 1 wasnt an actual dud
 Spirits of Spiders
Ya'll look at the pups I got! I fully expected all duds again!
-WP Click-
-WP Click-
08:31:19 skye
i love my new banner, jelly is such a good artisit!
hopefully they can do me a avatar too

yeah haha XD
08:24:14 Cloudz, Pumpkin
A dud :(
-WP Click-


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Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 22, 2021 01:03 AM


Posts: 4518
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[ uh-sh-AH-n-t-ee ] African origin, this regal name means “undefeated, divine and peace”


Age: Nine Years

Gender: Female / Lioness

Pride: Manyeleti

Rank: Queen

Desired Rank: Achieved


stock (c) to landkeks-stock on DA


This Queen is a larger size, with her strong build adding on some additional weight, which ends up coming to about 370 pounds, standing 3.5 ft at the shoulder and being 4.9 ft long. She is quite strong, which helped her overtake the previous Queen. Onto her fur, it is considerably short and coarse in texture, though on her longer tufts it does soften up, especially on the little fluf at the end of her tail.

Ashanti’s eyes are more noticeable than others, they are orange but take on a brighter version of the color. They stand out against her pelt and are more stunning up close.

The color of her fur is Tawny, though it takes on more of a golden hue, the color also lightens up near her paws, though stays consistent throughout the rest of her. Under her jaw and around her lower muzzle is a white patch, she has no other markings or cub spots. Ashanti does have a few scars through her fur, they are small and generally unnoticeable except for one larger scar. This one is over her right shoulder, she was clawed there during a fight earlier in her life, which resulted in the scar, it’s quite visible and no fur had grown over it.


This lioness seems like she was born to have the role of Queen, and she sure as hell acts like it, but her older-I'm assuming she is the younger sister-sister had taken on the role instead. It had left her furious but Ashanti had kept it hidden, making sure to show some support here or some affection towards her there, but the title should have been hers, and this lioness was not about to sit back and let her sister take it. She had finally bid her time long enough and started to make a plan to stage a rebellion, whispering ill-mannered comments about Rasheda behind her back, and string rumors about what "was actually happening behind the scenes". She persuaded and convinced and manipulated both the lions, and lionesses in her pride to join her, and to take back the pride from that wretched Queen who had planned to away so much from them. It wasn't long before she had convinced most that she would be a better fit, fair and unbiased, and then she struck. Ashanti came out the clear winner, and most of the pride was hers, only three lionesses had left the pride with the former queen and she considered it a big win. Now she could rebuild the pride the way she wanted it.

Ashanti is a regal and dignified lioness, head held high and proud because she is proud, proud of herself for pulling this stunt off and doing it herself. Of course, that would seem selfish, but that's what she is. This lioness has an involved, satisfied, and kind exterior, and she hides it well. She has basically been practicing hiding that side of her ever since she knew her sister would become queen, with her fake smiles appearing realistic, and especially that "look of respect" she has when near the view of her lion and lionesses. Because of the "they did it, they were able to take back their Pride and I couldn't have done it without them" attitude she puts up. If the pride had found out she had never truly felt that way, she doubts there would have been this much support for her taking control. Though even if that happened, her ambition was too great to let that setback get in her way.

Ashanti is not as merciful as her sister may have been, if you step out of line there will be consequences. Which she argues is important if they are to establish a strong pride, capable of great things if they are smart enough to follow the rules the higher ranks have given them. She will rule by fear if that's what's necessary but would prefer not to for the time being since she is still playing the good guy in this scenario. The rules she has set up for the pride are similar to her sisters, but a little more strict, she believes her sister was a lax ruler and if the pride wants to strengthen themselves they shouldn't have grown so soft.

This lioness is quite intelligent, an example of this is the fabulous stunt she was able to pull off called "taking the pride for herself". Ashanti coordinated this alone, so she must have had the brain capacity to come up with something like that. She is also smart enough to keep her love life separate from her politics. With the new ranks she has appointed, Ashanti makes sure the lions she choices to have a powerful position are also separated from those she may have a softer spot for. This is done on purpose so that if she needs to make large decisions her head is clear and her thinking is not muddled.

Yes, this lioness is also capable of love, which seems strange considering some of the information you have learned about her, but she is in fact capable. Ashanti will have her favored male or mate that she chooses to have cubs with, and those cubs are the creatures she loves the most. They will always have her full support, protection, and affection. The male she has them with will also share a part of this, though depending on how much she trusts him or thinks of him will determine how much he gets. When raising her cubs she makes sure to teach each of them to respect the higher ranks and expects them to stay in line more and more as they age. She has high expectations for her cubs and expects the pride to treat them with respect, if they refuse then you can expect to see a mother's rath come at you with full force. Now if you inflict physical pain upon them, well, I guess your luck has finally run out, run for the hills while you still can. As for her other family, her sister is clearly despised, though Rasheda's offspring is a different story. Her niece is one lioness she holds true respect for. Since she had stayed in the pride under her rule when her mother was forced out, and would even treat her like her own cub. (This is what has appeared to happen though I am unsure if Majaji chose to stay)

If war was ever declared on her pride, this lioness doesn't plan to go down without a fight. You will have to kill her to get Rasheda back as Queen. If Ashanti did end up surrendering and going rouge, that wouldn't mean you saw the last of her, oh no, she will return stronger than ever with reinforcements to personally take you down. She is not one to give up, so unless you want this relentless lioness trailing your pride you better get rid of her.

Crush: One handsome man from this pride ^^

Mate: None

Kin: Rasheda(sister) & Majaji (niece) & Zaria (niece)

Offspring: Open to having a son or daughter from a previous litter.

Other: :)

Edited at July 22, 2021 08:49 PM by Ciao
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 22, 2021 01:06 AM


Posts: 738
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Reserve a cub for Ximhungwe pride
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 22, 2021 01:11 AM


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Reserved ^^
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 22, 2021 01:33 AM


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Malika (Mah lee kah)

6 months




Desired Rank:
Too young to know for sure but like most cubs dreams of being queen one day

(c) Robbobert on DA
Malika is a beautiful honey colored, golden lion cub with brown spots on her head, front and back paws. She has beautiful dark golden eyes that really shine in the light. She has some white on her underbelly and back legs. The inside of her ears are a nice tan color.

Malika is quite an adventurous cub, sometimes so adventurous that it has gotten her into trouble with her mother. She is often more curious than not and loves to explore. She has put the whole cats have nine lives thing to a test a few times. She loves playing with the other cubs in the pride and practicing her hunting skills by chasing mice and rough housing with the other cubs. She can be fierce when needed to be.
(c) robbobert on DA

N/A Too young

N/A Too young




N/A Too young

Malika is a very adventurous and curious cub.

Edited at July 23, 2021 11:16 PM by Blackwidow
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 22, 2021 01:35 PM


Posts: 8866
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meaning: named after the Egyptian god of chaos and destruction; the sworn enemy of Ra
6 years old and 8 months
Ximhungwe Pride
Desired Rank:
(Asiatic Lion)
Mod Edit: Image removed - hotlinking, image is not able to be used without photographer approval
(credits to Ravenith on DA)
He's a cynical lion that doesn't pity the weak and only favors the strong, a personal test that he's currently going through with his son, Nakisisa. He turns a blind eye to any injured lions that he deem isn't worth saving and holds a slight grudge towards the different lion species. He doesn't trust anyone, not even his own flesh and blood. His main issue of trust is directed towards his fellow lions due to his belief that everyone isn't hesitant to stab someone in the back. He takes his anger on smaller rodents (preferably mice) that he sees lurking about.

Apep is a loveless male that doesn't believe in crushes and love, let alone full-blown commitment. Don't let that fool you-he won't be hesitant to flirt with anyone to get his way and manipulate them for his own personal needs. He put's on a face that he loves his son, but it's only a mask to get his son to put full trust in him so it can be easy to manipulate him. Not only towards his son but his current pride, as well.

As you can guess, he can be quite a vengeful lion and doesn't let anything go. He normally brings stuff up from the past in any argument he's ever been in and normally says, "you owe me a favor for saving your hide." If you did something wrong to him years ago, he'll remember it to this day and will use it to blackmail/manipulate you. His vengeance, at times, is targeted towards innocent lions and humans, yet the male doesn't seem to care.

He's quite a big grouch and hates any source of fun, which means that he rarely plays with his own child. Always having a negative viewpoint which would put down anyone else's mood, and doesn't ever see the bright side to anything. Apep is distant and prefers living in the shadows, yet he will follow the orders of his Queen. He's doing that to gain his Queen's full trust and to manipulate her.
His family has been killed by a rogue group of Southwest African Lions.
He does have fighting skills, but it isn't as strong as the other species. Instead, his main strength is his mind and intelligence.

Edited at July 28, 2021 07:23 AM by Evermore
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 22, 2021 02:36 PM


Posts: 8866
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meaning: child of the shadows
10 Months Old
Ximhungwe Pride
Desired Rank:
Doesn't care
(1/2 Asiatic Lion and 1/2 Kalahari Lion)
Mod Edit: Hotlinking, please upload to an approved image hosting site
(Cub Form; credits to Robbobert on DA)
Unlike other cubs, he isn't playful and prefers playing by himself. The reason being is unclear; however, some speculate that his father distrusts in other lions rubbed off on him. If one does approach him, he's quite soft-spoken and polite, and rarely does he speak unless spoken to first. This makes him the calmest of cubs within the pride and doesn't wander off unless he's frightened or ordered to by his father.

He has a strange fascination with plants and flowers, much to his father's disliking. Normally seen sniffing or coiled up beside a patch of flowers, and seems to enjoy sticking flowers behind his ear. He's careful around them and would occasionally nibble on them to have a taste test. Due to his strange interest, he's normally coated in pollen and dirt, but he does groom himself the best way he can.

His strong interest isn't in violence; although his father wants it to be. The thought of being harmed either towards him or others will make him go into a fight-or-flight instinct. As you can guess, Nikisisa prefers running to shedding blood and fur. Loud noises even scare him, and another excuse to why he roams outside the main camp. The smell of lion blood sickens him, and he'll try to bury his nose in something that smells pleasant.

He's quite observant over things he's interested in, which is mostly plants and smaller animals, and has his own knowledgeable understanding of the ecosystem around them. He has a keen sense of smell when it comes to scents and can easily identify which animal is which. He keeps a mental note on what's safe and dangerous for him to be around, which is something he follows strongly. His favorite thing to poke around is normally mice he finds scurrying around.
His father and an unknown lioness.
He has lots of unknown kin that his father doesn't enjoy discussing with him.
Oshun has taken him under her wing, er, paw, and now he's happy to have a motherly figure in his life.
A teeth mark on his neck has an unclear backstory, but from his father's slipped-out words, it's stated that his father tried to kill him before.
Randomly does bleps for no reason at all, and Apep can't find a reason as to why he does that.

Edited at July 28, 2021 07:23 AM by Evermore
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 22, 2021 02:54 PM


Posts: 4898
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(c) seductive-stock on deviantart
{ A Swahili name meaning born during prosperous times }
{ Age }
2 Years
{ Gender }
Female / Lioness
. / .
{ Pride }
{ Rank }
{ Desired Rank }
Neema is content; she's not an ambitious lioness
Neema is a lithe young lioness still building on the muscle expected of a matured huntress; with still two years to ago until she is considered an adult, the former queen's eldest daughter is almost an exact copy of Rasheda in her younger years.
. / .
. / .
{ Kin }
Mother - Rasheda
Father - Manyeleti King
Sisters - Majaji and Zaria
Aunt (Maternal) - Ashanti
{ Offspring }
{ Other }
Neema wanted to leave with her mother, but stayed behind with her sisters to make sure they were kept alive and cared for. She resents her aunt for how she suddenly uprooted the lives of the young cubs in a time when they need their mother.

Edited at July 23, 2021 03:12 AM by ataciara
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 22, 2021 02:54 PM


Posts: 4898
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(c) DrachenVarg-Stock on DeviantArt
{ A masculine Swahili name with the meaning "destined to rule" }
{ Age }
6 Years
{ Gender }
Lion / Male
{ Pride }
{ Rank }
{ Desired Rank }
He's content, but if given the opportunity to become a second or king he wouldn't decline
Khalfani is a lion of average size, toward the middle in terms of height and weight. The lion stands at an approximate three (3) feet and nine (9) inches, weighing in at about 350 pounds. He's a bit thinner, but still with prominent muscle and a clear definition to his build.
He possesses the typical tawny coat and dark brown eyes, with a mane predominantly consisting of black hairs, with hair matching the rest of his fur toward the front and framing his face.
{ Personality }
+ Loyal, determined, thoughtful
= Attentive, Stubborn, Snippy
- Easily frustrated, tendency to do things his way, uninvolved
[ Crush ]
[ Mate ]
[ Kin ]
[ Offspring ]
None; he's not a big cub fan

Edited at July 23, 2021 07:07 PM by ataciara
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 22, 2021 04:29 PM


Posts: 22525
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Apep and Nakisisa are accepted
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 22, 2021 05:00 PM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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4 years old
Nomad Lioness
All Amara wants for a rank is to be accepted somewhere
No crush or mate yet (i would like her to find one in the RP)
No offspring yet either
Amara is an average height and build lioness when she is full and healthy. Her coat is more on the lighter side while her pawpads are a dark gray. Her claws and tail tuft are a golden tan, while her nose is an average pink. In her current state of being a nomad, she is underweight, and it shows. She isnt in horrible condition, but it's obvious she's been on her own for a while. She has deep blue eyes and a scar on her muzzle, along with a few over her body from failed hunts.
Before being on her own, Amara was very outgoing, happy, and loving to be helpful to others. She would often babysit the cubs in the pride, lead hunts, and overall be there for her pride. Amara used to be very confident in who she was in her pride, making her parents proud. Many of the pride expected her to become the next leader with how well she helped the pride, as a leader should.
After she left, due to her brother being picked as the new leader of the pride, she became isolated, nervous, unsure of who to trust. She now seems to sleep with one eye open as she tries to find a new place to call her home. Amara lost much of the confidence she once had, and doesnt know if she will ever get it back.
She dreams of one day having her own cubs, being safe in a pride, even if she isnt the rank she was in her old pride. She wants a mate who will bring out the best in her, and show her how she can be what she once was.
Any kin she has is too far to be in the RP (might be mentioned, but that's it)
Amara was once considered the best hunteress in her pride, but being on her own, she's lost quite a bit of it, and is now a little below average on being able to hunt. (will get better in the RP, but not above average like she had been.)
Due to being on her own, Amara has had to fight to keep her food around, which has given her somewhat better fighting skills than what she had, but a lion would still easily knock her in the dirt. She can fight smaller opponents easier, but wont always win.
Other~ If you want your lion to be the one to find her near the pride, let me know.

Edited at July 22, 2021 08:22 PM by saratank

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