Wolf Play : Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]
10:20:33 Cloudz, Pumpkin
Yeah me too or ill just ignore them xD they shouldve pointed out months ago
serene, nah.
10:18:20 ET
Aight, I gotta get back to this AF attack B) won't draw itself.

Good luck with the work shenanigans though! Just gotta hope they get moved to a different department or something I guess LMAO
10:15:09 Cloudz, Pumpkin
Yeah i know, i have a few friends at work who are girls and arent drama, its just some of the girls at my job are so much drama is overwhelmes me
10:13:49 ET
Girls aren't all drama, y'know. Sounds like you're just around the wrong girls ahah.

I've seen plenty of drama with blokes too
10:13:47 Gel,Jello,Jells
She and all the Jasmine dropping creatures just like to cyber bully us in explore LMAO
10:13:46 Cloudz, Pumpkin
whats worse, is this girl who was my "friend" knows i dont pick up on social cues easily because of my health problems and before i met my boyfriend I isolated my self and she still does this... she knows i have bad health issues and a disability
10:12:33 ✧ ren
-WP Click-
Should I keep this? :,))
10:12:04 Ash H:H!!
My mouth is on fire😭
 Avatar Of Lust
10:10:57 Asmodeus (he/they)
Natures Heart hunts prey and brings it to Sugar Rush

Stats: Social +3
Affinity: Strong Like
Mood: Triumphant
The sad part is she was so close to dying too :')
10:10:39 Cloudz, Pumpkin
I have a few friends who are girls, but at my job girls have the most drama so my guy friends dont mind that I hang out with them more hehe, i prefer having more guy friends cause im just a girl who doesnt like drama :")
10:08:24 Gel,Jello,Jells
Eve always gets my first team then my second

In Eve fashion she then flees
10:03:48 ET
Ah, right, that's good then. Suppose it's just one or two irritating people.

I don't mind any gender friend wise. I get on with most people equally ahah.
10:03:04 I overthink this-
-WP Click-
Eve killed my team, I will never forgive this. :')
10:01:30 Rev
49 rarity AC seems like a waste on me
-WP Click-
09:59:32 Cloudz, Pumpkin
They are and I have a lot of them xD luckily the guys actually like me for me and I tend to do better with friends who are guys then girls honestly. Like if she told me to choose between her and my boyfriend id choose my boyfriend over and over again. Also the coworker who was a "friend" talks behind my back to another friend like she thinks thats ok to do.
09:57:45 Queen / Jo
I need to do 2 custom designs now
09:56:46 ET
Annoying coworkers are the worst. I always had pretty good luck with mine.


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Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 09:29 PM


Posts: 22533
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Saleem is accepted!
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 10:15 PM

Former Pack

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9 Years, going 10

Lioness - Female - Feminine

Ximhungwe Pride


Desired Rank
She's content :>







Can either be the male who takes Second-in-Command or it's open

Mother and Father are deceased
Would be open to a sibling

Open, PM me

Naru will usually get up early in the mornings to listen to the birds sing



4 Years

Lion - Male - Masculine

Manyeleti Pride


Desired Rank
Isn't planning on trying to challenge anything anytime soon






Open, PM me


Open :>


Used to often put on acts and imitate other lions of the pride to cheer his mother up

Edited at July 19, 2021 11:29 PM by Autumn Shire
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 10:21 PM


Posts: 4864
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(Credits to Drezdany-stocks on DA for all images)

3 || Female || Ximhungwe Pride || Lioness || Deputy, one day

Adani is a tawny-colored lioness with bright amber eyes. She stands 3.8 feet at the shoulder, weighs in around 260 pounds, and has a sleek, lithe build. Her tail is long and has an extra fluffy tuft of fur at the end. Her muzzle, tail tip, and ears are all slightly darker in color than her base coat.

She has a proud neck, strong hindquarters, and firm shoulders. Her eyes are framed by darker lashes and fur, making them pop out. Her canines are a little longer than normal, causing her maw to always be partially opened, whether or not it appears to be. She has a slash across her chest from an accident as a cub.

Her fur is short and fine, though it is thick enough that it could be considered coarse. It grows longer around her elbows, chest, ears, and underbelly. She does still have cub spots, much to her embarrassment, that have not faded, though it does run in her family. Her mother, for instance, didn't fully lose her spots until she was about eight.

Adani's mouse-brown dappling will eventually fade to near invisible, and she can't wait for that to occur.


Her gait is smooth and flowing, nearly regal in appearance, and her face always holds a confident, almost mischievous expression. She is somewhat flirtatious, stubborn, and curious. She likes attention, though she does quickly get a little awkward and bashful if a male flirts back. She's a fun-loving lioness, introverted but open, and loves to play around with cubs. A favorite game of hers is "catch the caterpillar", in which several cubs -- the caterpillars -- are chased by the others -- birds -- and the last caterpillar standing is the winner.

Adani has a manipulative side to her as well. She learned how to twist her words and actions to make others feel certain ways in order to gain some amount of favor with her harsh mother. She has since tried hard to block away that part of her, as her dam has died, but it still comes so... naturally.

She is fairly friendly, extremely loyal, and ready for challenges. She is stubborn and has a dominant streak to her, but she tries to be friends with everyone to avoid hate conflicts. Adani is an excellent hunter and works well in a team. Her confidence in herself and others helps a lot, and she's patient. It takes a lot to get her furious, but, when she is, her words and actions are colder than a corpse.











Edited at July 19, 2021 10:43 PM by Mafia Queen
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 10:24 PM


Posts: 4864
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Credits to HOTNstock on DA

5 || Male || Manyeleti Pride || Lion || Wants to be King (!!!)

Izem is a large male, weighing in at 530 lbs and standing 4.3 feet tall. His stature is an intimidating one. His body is decorated with scars varying in length and size. His most noticeable are two gashes across his nose, more circular than slice shaped, which have exposed his dark skin and no longer allow hair to grow. He also has several cuts and bite marks on his legs, shoulders, and flanks.

Izem has a cold stare. Actually, everything about him is cold. His refined posture, the soft thuds of his paws making contact with the ground, even the way his fur moves has a dangerous aura to it. His eyes are a hard amber rimmed with dark fur, making them pop out more prominently. His face is nearly always expressionless, or stony in appearance. A smile has not graced his maw in ages; the closest thing to one has been a cruel twist of his upper lips into something resembling a sick grin or a snarl.

When he walks, hard muscle ripples beneath a sleek, tan pelt. Izem holds himself with a cool regality, head high, tail curled slightly. His long, thick mane is a tapestry of dark browns, golds, and honeys that spreads over his shoulders down to the end of his humerus.

Izem is a handsome lion, but he looks unapproachable. Formidable. Dangerous.


He can be as chilly as his appearance would suggest. Izem has a deep, almost calming rumble of a voice that does not fit his appearance at all, but his tone can quickly grow aloof and clipped in nature. His words are curt and to the point; there is no beating around the bush with this one. If the truth is asked for, the truth shall be made known.

This lion holds strength in high regard -- not necessarily physical strength, as he knows full well that it will not always win a fight -- as well as some form of loyalty. Not necessarily loyalty to an individual; rather, the devotion to an idea or the pride as a whole.

He is a calculating individual, mind always working. While he does have physical strength as an advantage, he prefers to use his head first and come up with a plan of action for whatever task lies ahead. Izem also has a fairly strong sense of vengeance and does not have the best of opinions regarding the current king, who, in Izem's eyes, abandoned his family.

He kind of has abandonment issues.

Izem is quite fond of cubs and will often spend his free time playing with them, telling them stories, and practicing hunting or battle moves with them. They are his favorite members of the pride, besides the ladies, of course, for whom he shows his chivalrous side. He will take on the role of a secondary father for any cub who may feel lonely.

Lionesses and cubs are the only ones who will ever see a glimpse of kindness in him. For the former, he holds a tone of respect and makes sure that their thoughts are heard thoroughly before he replies. He does not ever mean to disrespect them, though he has no problem quelling disputes with a snide comment or two. That, though, is rare. Izem is his most friendly around the lionesses.


To be determined









Edited at July 19, 2021 11:11 PM by Mafia Queen
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 10:31 PM


Posts: 22533
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Adani is accepted
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 10:40 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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Means "Blood" in Zulu

5 Years
Nomadic Male
Preferred Rank:
King of the Lands or Pride;
He Won't Settle for One Pride


At first glance, Gazini doesn't appear to be the most eye catching of males in the world. He doesn't have as big of or as dark of a mane as some males, and that tends to make him look smaller than he actually is. More often than not, the male gets underestimated because of how he looks at a glance. However, those who don't pay mind to the male's actual size are in for a rude awakening when they meet Zi head on.

Standing easily at just under four feet and four inches, Gazini is a tall male, though certainly not the tallest. However, what he lacks in height, the male packs in weight. He's above average in weight for a male his size, easily contending with those taller than him because of his burly mass at, the male comes in at over 550 lbs. One could almost say that his mane making him appear smaller than he actually is could almost be an advantage for him, since it could cause opponents to feel over confident.

Despite his mane not being rather long and full, or anything like some of the other males, it isn't something that is thin and bare like that of a younger male. His mane is still quite dense and full, just shorter and not as heavy and longer. It his mane does start on his head, moving down his chest and shoulders, and then down his belly. It actually travels down his belly so far that it reaches his hind legs. His shoulders and belly are where his mane is it's darkest, though, unlike other males, whos mane might turn black, his had barely gone past a medium brown. His mane ombres from a light blonde, to the medium brown color. The one thing that is noticable is that the tan and brown shades do have a bit of a red hue to them.

Like his mane, Gazini has a more reddish tan pelt, something that is darker than the tawny color of a lioness. He is darkest along his back and flanks, his coat lightening along his face and down his legs where they lighten to a more creamy color at his paws. Even his tail is lightest right before it's tail tip of the darker brown color of his hair. Zini has a pair of dark amber eyes that are a shade or two away from being a dark red in color. His scent is something musky and rich, with the slightest hint of something metallic to it. Almost like blood in a freshly earthed forest.

Gazini is a male who can come off rather charismatic when he is first met, but there is something that is deifinitely a bit off about him. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what until someone gets to know him more, but until then, it's usually just a feeling. Zin is not one to try and prove otherwise, either, being a male with a knack for all things gorey, vicious, and aggressive. If there is someone needing dirty work done, Gazini is one of the first ones to get it done, without any hesitation, in fact, the male may even enjoy it.

While it would be easy to label Gazini as a bit of a brute because of his aggressive and violent nature, the male is oddly calculating, always seeming to be a step or two ahead. Not enough to give it away that he is, but enough to keep others intrigued and keep trying, believing they are just that close to getting the better of him. Volatile and intelligent, Gazini is not someone who's bad side you want to be on, he will have no tolerance for you, and he's not the type of male to ignore things that irritate him. He meets them with teeth and claw to remove them permanently.

The rogue male seems to have no real moral compass, there is nothing he wouldn't do, no one he wouldn't kill in order to achieve whatever it is that him and his brother desire. In fact, one could argue that the only one Zi is loyal to is his brother. No one else is safe with him. The male would like kill his own cousin's cubs if he saw it fitting, which could be something as simple as them being too small, or him wanting that lioness to birth his own cubs. And this is not something the male is ashamed of either, the male has no shame, he wouldn't know it if it slapped him in the face.

Zini is a social male, not shy in the slightest, and can easily be one of the first to strike up conversation if it suits him. However, he can also be like a chameleon when he wants though, able to fade into the background when its needed. Usually, though, Gazini is a dominant male, and won't tolerate anyone, except maybe his brother, coming ahead of him. He'd take a step back and let his brother take the lead, so long as it was understood that they were equals. Other males though? Nope. He could never be their equal, and he is quick to prove it through violence when necessary. He's done it before, and he will do it again.

There is something unpredictable about the male, that it's hard to assume exactly how he will handle a situation. About the only thing that is predictable about Gazini is that he is unpredictable. If met with the same situation twice, there is no guaruntee that he will do the same thing each time. Sometimes the male will make go with a certain decision just because it might be fun. For him. Not for the other lion, but for him. And the male has a wicked sense of what is "fun".



Maybe a Brother
Gazini really doesn't like being called "Gaz", for obvious reasons.

Credits for All Images Belongs to Fotostyle-Schindler on DA. Stock Images.

Edited at July 20, 2021 12:09 AM by Imperial Sands
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 10:45 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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Lioness 1

Meaning "Beautiful Ones" in Zulu
5.5 Years
The Manyeleti Pride
Desired Rank:
She doesn't care much for ranks.


Credit for Both Images belongs to Dark-Wolfs-Stock on DA. Credit also on Both Images. Stock Images.
Will Add
Naturally Maternal/Motherly
Doesn't Really Take Shizbiz from Anyone
Compassionate and Kind; Good Leader
Cares Little for the Politics of the Pride
Protective of Loved Ones
Rational and Thoughtful
Soft Spoken, But Not Weak
Definite Mother Vibes
Not Very Argumentative;
Either She Will or She Won't
There might be a male
Possibly Open
Open to Cubs
I hope it's okay I use a white Lioness? I love the stock.

Edited at July 20, 2021 10:16 PM by Imperial Sands
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 10:45 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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Lioness 2

Meaning "Nomad" in Zulu
Four Years
The Ximhungwe Pride
Desired Rank:
Something, anything, higher

Credit Belongs to Emelyanova2010 on DA. Stock Image.

Izula is a tall lioness, by no means the tallest, but the feminine creature has some height to her standing at three feet and 5 inches. What she might lack a little bit in height, though, the lioness makes up for in weight, being around 368 lbs. Zula isn't the largest lioness, but the female is tough and big enough to put up a good fight with almost anyone. And she has the attitude to think she can win.

Everything about Izula's frame screams "huntress". Powerful legs. Wide, padded paws. Deadly curved claws. This lioness, like many others, was designed to be a pain in everything's ass, literally. Powerful muscles ripple through the young lioness' body, her youthful physique barely marred with the scars of hunts. Her legs are long, but not so much so to be gangly, and her muscular build isn't so much so as to be unfeminine.

The lioness is equipped with the makings of death, but her appearance can cause her to stand out from the crowd. While many have lighter, tawny colored pelts, Zula's is more so a darker shade. Reddish hues coat her body, the ruddy tan color significantly deeper than the normal color. In the shade, the female is nearly a lighter shade of russet. Her coat color contrasts with the creamy shade of her underbelly, giving her a distinctive and defined look. Her eyes are a brought, golden amber color, as if someone caught a ray of the sun within them. Her scent is something akin to amber, vanilla, and lilac (think something like Dragon's Blood if you're familiar), comforting and rich, but never overpowering.

Credit Belongs to Arghel on DA. Stock Image.

Izula is a lioness of.. complicated nature. Fierce and proud, she's the lioness who lifts her chin in defiance just to spite someone else. If she was one of the seven deadly sins, she would be Pride, as the female has a tendancy to look down on others. Combine this with more stubbornness than a mule, and you have a lioness who is incredibly difficult to deal with at times. It's not that she isn't pleasant to be around, but more so if you mess up, she's going to tell you, and she is going to tell it to you straight. If you like that kind of abrasiveness, she's the girl for you.

Overall, though, the lioness has a very indifferent attitude to others. Taking very little interest in them and their lives, this especially applies to males. The female isn't a huge fan of them, and views them more so as dead weight than anything, and finds them more so annoying with their macho antics. A male could spend a whole year trying to court you, and he will get about as far as an ant trying to push a boulder. Izula is just overall not impressed by males, it would take a lot to capture her attention, even for the barest of moments. This does tend to cross over lines though, making her relatively unavailable emotionally to all. She keeps herself closed off, and others at arms length so she doesn't have to be disappointed, or so she tells herself.

The lioness is known to be dedicated to her pride and her tasks, a determined huntress in everything she does. If there is something she wants or is working towards, there is very little that would be able to stop her. She is the type to know what she wants, and she is going to go for it no matter what. She isn't a lioness who knows much shame, and cares little for the opinions of others. Pretty much the opposite of a people pleaser, but she is dedicated nonetheless. If there is a lioness you want trying to put food out there for the pride, she's the one. If she fails, she will be back out there trying again. Failure is not an option for her. This means she is quite an ambitious lioness, if she has her eyes set on something, you can bet she's learning everything she can to get it. Wants to be a Queen? She will watch the Queen like a hawk, not only to learn but so she can exploit any sort of weakness if needed. This tends to make her a very observant and studious lioness, taking in things around her so she may always try to have the upper paw.

Izula is known to be more serious, but there is another base quality to her personality. The female is sarcastic, snide, and witty. Her words can roll like venom off her tongue, aimed to maim or kill anyone they're directed at. Unfortunately, she does have a bit of a short temper, and the easiest way to tell if she's getting fed up is when her sarcasm starts to become too mean. Of course, with an attitude like hers, this is to be expected. The female is practically a professional eye roller, it's a miracle her eyes haven't been stuck in her head like that.

Overall, the female is a rather independent and self-reliant character. She hates ever having to rely on others, and gets easily annoyed when she has to be dependent on them for anything. The only thing she might hate more is showing weakness. As mentioned, failure isn't acceptable, but neither is weakness in her mind. If she ever is weak, she will likely lash out at those around her to push them away in hopes they won't see her so vulnerable.

Like I said, complicated.
Hahaha Have Fun With That
Possibly Open

Edited at July 20, 2021 02:15 AM by Imperial Sands
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 11:11 PM


Posts: 4864
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Izem is finished ^^
Working on the lioness and cub now
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 11:27 PM


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Izem is accepted!

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