Wolf Play : The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!
06:35:52 Ash H:H!!
Ah, reasonable enough then-
06:34:12 (She) Cat {no bob}
Steele walked to close to Leopard's belly.
06:31:33 Ash H:H!!
Leopard snarls viciously at Steele | HW for wandering too close to their pups.

Affinity: Like
Mood: Protective

You don't have pups.
06:07:55 (She) Cat {no bob}
Your wolves played: Peril tackles DarkDeer to the ground.
Leave your elder alone!!!
 the Wayne pack
06:02:31 Waning
Oh I nearly had a little heart attack- thought I accidentally closed the tab I was editing a character form on.
05:57:50 = Manor =
Firefly *-*
 Meliora Wolves
05:56:54 crow (he/they/zae)
-WP Click- guys would he look better with a quasar or firefly dye
 Doomsday Blue
05:44:41 Doom (they/them)
-WP Click-
Just slipping this here
 Sharp Fang
05:44:40 UcanCallmeFang
Ah. I've three or four. Figured out my alpha is a dunce. 0 heard him today, 0 howled back
 Meliora Wolves
05:44:01 crow (he/they/zae)
excellent howler
 Doomsday Blue
05:43:31 Doom (they/them)

 Sharp Fang
05:43:31 UcanCallmeFang
Whats an ExH?
 Doomsday Blue
05:42:47 Doom (they/them)
I read like ten pages :'/
 Meliora Wolves
05:42:35 crow (he/they/zae)
turns out the puke stain wolf i got for free is an ExH how amazing
05:42:27 = Manor =
Am I hearing something about Harry Potter? *0*
 Doomsday Blue
05:42:17 Doom (they/them)

Read it at school, didn't finish it
 Sharp Fang
05:41:13 UcanCallmeFang
Who knows Fantastic Beasts? I've the biggest crush on Newt Scamander
 Doomsday Blue
05:41:10 Doom (they/them)
Yeah, just uhh.. making a forum for potterheads
05:40:55 Queen / Jo
lol canÂ’t deny they are good movies
 Doomsday Blue
05:40:40 Doom (they/them)


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The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 6, 2021 12:31 AM


Posts: 4518
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[ r aa sh ih k aa ] Hindu origin, meaning "Descended from Royalty; Noble / Graceful; A Ray of Light."


Baby picture *^*

Age: One year -and maybe 1 month? To be determined-

Gender: Female / Lioness

Pride: Kisasi Pride

Rank: Heir [The eldest]

Desired Rank: Queen, not too ambitious yet.


all stock (c) to robbobert on DA


As of now, this young lioness stands a little less than a head below her mother and will grow to be her same height, and be around the same weight as well. This female's fur is tawny-colored, though with a more golden hue to it. The tawny lightens to more of a creamy white around her chest and underside. Which includes her belly and the insides of her legs. Her fur is a bit bristly but softens up among the longer fur in her neck, chest, and face. Across her hind legs, and a small portion of her back, are cub spots, they are faded but will stick with her for the rest of her life.

This female's eyes are a cloudy gray, with an almost green hue to them. Her eyes are lined by dark lashes, and she has two white stripes under her eyes. As far as markings, Rashika has two black lines that run along the middle of her ears, and are triangular shaped. The end of them fades into her pelt. She also has a creamy white patch on the tip of her muzzle.

Her claws are sharpened ivory, ready for her to lash out and defend herself when needed. Ashanti's paw pads are dark in color and feel rough and hard from all of her walking. Her teeth are similar, and her large incisors can be quite the weapon.


Crush: Open
Mate: None, she will have one eventually
Cubs: None
Sister is -
Mother is Tiwalade
Father is ---
Simple, this lioness was born a little over a year ago, to her mother and her Favored male. She will be raised to take over as Queen once her mother is ready to step down, or dies. Of course, she doesn't wish this on her mother and is not too ambitious as of now. Rashika wishes her mother good health and a long sucessful reign.
Other: Rawr

Edited at August 6, 2021 12:15 PM by Ciao
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 6, 2021 01:43 AM


Posts: 3392
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res Kufanikiwa king and Kisasi heir, please ;w;
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 6, 2021 02:36 AM


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"Where the fuck is your God now?!"

© coco-poof @ da - all images

Name: Taji (Meaning 'destined to rule' in Swahili)
Age: 7
Gender: Male

"A dragon never bows to the lamb of the sheep - and I am the worst sort of dragon."

Pride: Kisasi
Rank: Favored Male
Desired Rank: King, but it's technically impossible

"You find yourself, alone, hopeless, lonely. You probably deserve it."


Taji is like no other lion - with a more unique coloring, which is considered white, he has something more distinctive about him. He stands around four feet, and weighs in at an astounding four hundred pounds. Rather large, Taji has a muscular fram that can be defined by his toned muscles that ripple from underneath his unique coloring. His mane is thick, being average in where it covers and doesn't have much else to do other than sit there and be a mangled mess. His ears poke out just behind some tufts of his mane.

Taji's coloring is considerably different than his accomplices. Considered to be a 'white lion', he is instead a more light cream color than a pure white. There's not many things interesting about him aside from this, especially since there is not much for variation in his coat. His mane has some darker shades of the cream color it is, but again, not much variation. Around his left eye, however, are scars that are obvious. His eyes are a cloudy color, appearing almost green in some cases.
Taji is everything but shy. Confident and charming, he knows his way around his own words and will do everything in his power to get what he wants. Taji has mastered the art of being the most charming, confident, slightly cocky male that is sort of likable, but being liked could be the least of his concerns. Taji knows what to say, how to say it, when to say it, and will always be flirty somehow, even if he might be spoken for. He's the definition of toxic, considering how often he will do something that could easily be ruining a relationship, but most stick around because of just that - his charm and confidence. His confidence will especially show if around lionesses, but his charm plays a big part into his confidence. Some may consider Taji a ladies man, which he denies, but he'll take whatever he can get.

As stated before, Taji has a way with his words. Being charming already, this makes his tasks at hand more easy. He knows what to say, when to say it, and how to say it, and in most cases, Taji will be able to manipulate someone. You see, Taji is a liar, and will do anything to get what he wants. Techncially, he can be honest but have a twist on the truth, which is normally what he goes for, depending on who you are to him. Someone entirely close to him? You've probably dodged most of his lies and have gotten past how manipulative he is. You're someone new? You're rather stupid for thinking he wouldn't lie to you. He's also witty and quick with his replies, whether it be his constant sarcasm or replies in general.

Taji is quite careless when it comes to anything. Drama, deaths, newcomers, anything along the lines of that. The only thing that will really concern him are those that are close to him. Although Taji has a tendency to prioritize himself, he will in fact create some sort of shell around his inner circle that he can care about. Taji will not engage in everything that happens in that said circle unless it either involves him, or it's a bigger issue than something else he could be focusing on. However, to maybe not create his own drama, he will do something requested of higher ranks. Surprisingly.
Taji, no matter what you think, is on top of the world. With his persuasive words, his great appearance, and appealing power, Taji rules the whole goddamn planet no matter what your opinion of him is. He will do everything in his power to get what he want, and will make everyone beneath him and around him feel so much more smaller. In a way, Taji is destructive because of this - he will destroy relationships to get what he wants unless you have something he might want. Taji's selfish like that, and will only do things to benefit himself. It's a miracle anyone puts up with him. Although he will do anything to help himself, Taji will also boost others if he realizes it might eventually benefit him.
-Intimidating as fuck
-Relatively quiet, keeps to himself in most cases
-Diligent, hard-worker
-Stubborn as hell
Crush: Classified B)
Mate: N/A
Cubs: Two daughters, both heirs

"You believe you can out-think me, that you're smarter, better than me. Well love, meet reality - I am better than you in every. Single. Way."

Mother - Alive, unknown whereabouts
Father - Deceased
Sister - Deceased
Affiliations: TBD
Backstory: Rather simple, Taji grew up in a separate pride before his father, the king of the pride, was killed abruptly by another male. That male would end up keeping the lionesses for himself and threw Taji, among many other male lions, out of the pride. Nothing was more upsetting to Taji, but after meeting the female who would be the mother of his cubs, Tiwalade, stuck with her since day one. He had an original plan of using her to create chaos and perhaps take the pride for himself, but fortunately would form a connection like no other, and one that he is greatful for.
Other: Rose B)

Edited at August 7, 2021 08:21 AM by Wanderlust
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 6, 2021 10:03 AM


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Meian, reserved ^^
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 6, 2021 02:28 PM


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Name: Kuzaliwa

Nickname: Kuza

Age: 1 year and 1 month(?)

Gender: Female

Pride: Kisasi

Rank: Heir

Desired Rank: Hunter. (Queen - after her sister)

Appearance: This girl will wind up standing at 3.5 feet in height. She will be slightly taller than long, like her mother. Her weight, being well-muscled will wind up at about 340 pounds. However, as she is only just over a year old now, she hasn't quite filled in or grown to her full height.

Her pelt is the pale cream of her father, something to match him. Though her's is a bit cooler than his, with some rosier hues to it. She is self-conscious of her coat and isn't that grateful for it, though she doesn't often voice her thoughts.

She is a lovely creature, with thick, glossy fur from a decent diet, and fringes here and there that stick out awkwardly because she hasn't quite grown into her own body.


(c) Kridah-Stock on DA


- Obedient and Rebellious, depending on her mood - Bold - Blunt - Outspoken - Confident - Affectionate and Caring - Playful and Teasing - Responsible - Intelligent - Realist -

This girl might be described as both obedient and rebellious. As strange as this might seem at first, it depends entirely on her mood. Sometimes, she's in the mood to earn her pride members' good graces, and so she behaves herself even when she might long to go against the grain. Sometimes, she doesn't bother to behave herself and will attempt to find ways around the rules she's given.

Kuza is rather bold most the time. Sometimes, she will be a bit curious, and will be the first to try out a new thing or explore areas that are new to her. She will almost always voice her opinion on matters, although she might find the self control to hold back her words if it isn't her place. Part of this boldness is how blunt she is. She will not sugar coat a thing. She might put something as gently as possible without diluting her words or making it seem better than it is. She'll give it to you how it is.

As one might assume, this female is very confident. She has no problem telling others her thoughts and beliefs, even when she knows they'll probably disagree. She doesn't mean anything in a rude or cocky way, she simply doesn't see anything wrong with being loud and upfront. She is a realist, however. She doesn't focus on the positives or the negatives, she just sees the entire picture.

This lioness is extremely caring and affectionate. She enjoys snuggling with anybody and everybody, whether she knows them particularly well or not. She is especially affectionate towards her sister, but will also act maternally towards those who seem down.

This female is also very teasing and playful, especially with a male that she might be interested in. She loves to play fight, tease, and can even be a bit flirtatious. Although, she is very in control of her actions and will immediately settle down in a serious situation.

This female is intelligent and responsible, traits she was both born with and raised to be. She can take control of a situation when needed with ease, keeping a calm, collected, level head. As some would say, she's got a good head on her shoulders.

Crush: N/A; Might Develop

Mate: N/A; Definitely NOT open

Cubs: N/A; Not even possible


Rashika - Her twin sister/ Heir; Alive

Tiwalade - Her mother/ Queen; Alive

Taji - Her father/ Favored Male; Alive

Affiliations: TBD

Rashika -

Tiwalade -

Taji -


Other: Mustard Flower

(c) Elsapret on DA


Name: Tafsiri [Tawf - See - ree]

Nickname: Taf

Age: 6

Gender: Male

Pride: Kufanikiwa

Rank: King

Desired Rank: Achieved


This male, like most, has a strong build. However, his is slightly lankier than your average male, giving him a boost in speed and agility compared to the others, which he uses to his advantage. This slightly lankier look also gives him a boost in the sense that his enemies quite often underestimate his abilities and strength. Sure, he's not the strongest, but his other talents more than make up for this fact.

His healthy and full coat is also rather pale compared to most males'. It isn't creamy, but it has a more beige tone to it than a golden tan. This is a fact that he appreciates, however, enjoying the slightly unique appearance it gives him. He can blend in a little better with the pale yellow surroundings, as well, something to help him along.

He stands at around 3'9" and weighs about 400 pounds due to his unusually lithe build. From nose to base of his tail, he is just under 6' long.

Many scars mar the coat of this male, with many fights being held proudly under his belt. With his position, many fights are inevitable.

He carries a thick and healthy mane, also slightly paler compared to most other lions, but just as impressive nonetheless if not more so.

Complimenting his coat, he sports greenish-golden eyes. This shade is quite common, but his pale coloring makes it appear a bit more striking than in some others. An intelligent gleam can always be seen in these eyes, as well, and they constantly rove, observant.

(c) Melyssah6-Stock @ DA - Both


- Wise - Loyal and Loving - Calm and Gentle around those he knows - Territorial - Compassionate and Driven - Observant - Authoritative - Paternal -

As one might assume based on his ranking within the pride, this male is wise. Perhaps he isn't an old oracle with hundreds of years of wisdom type wise, but he offers advice where he can, and he likes to believe he has good judgment and could make good decisions for the pride if called upon to do so.

This male is very loving and extremely loyal. Once one has his loyalty, it is theirs, and will remain unwavering until he is at his grave. It would take a truly terrifying revelation to do with the one he pledged his loyalty to in order to cause him to question it. He cares deeply for all those in his family and in the pride, which he considers to simply be an extension of his family.

When he is around those he knows, he is calm and gentle. He might be capable of violent actions towards those around him, but he would hardly dream of using his physical ability against anyone in the pride. Not only would he be upset that a pride member was harmed, but he would be horrified that he was the one to have caused such a terrible event.

This male is very territorial. It's pretty much in his job description to be defensive around anything dangerous or possible threats. He will protect his loved ones until the day he dies. This being said, he is also authoritative when it is being asked of him. He can order around those below him with a kind but gentle mannerism and tone. He is also rather observant. Constantly watching the happenings within the pride and keeping a lookout for danger.

Lastly, Taf is compassionate, driven, and paternal. He will carry through with anything that he believes is important. His feeling for the pride as a whole is a paternal one, but also the individuals within. He is always willing to risk life and limb to save those he cares for.

Crush: Ashanti, the love of his life

Mate: The Queen, Ashanti

Cubs: Akili


Akili - Daughter/Heir; alive

Open to brother (mentioned in backstory)

Affiliations: TBD

Ashanti - This gorgeous lioness, the queen, whom he was lucky enough to earn the love of, is his mate. He greatly enjoys advising her in her decisions, and trusts and backs her choices without wavering. He knows that she puts the pride before herself, and understands that she is wiser than he is in many ways.

Akili - Oh, Akili. The lovely lioness that he fathered and loves with every fiber of his being. Of course, he feels protective of his daughter, but doesn't hover. In many ways, he still looks at her as if she is his cub toddling around his paws still, but he knows - consciously, at least - that she is grown and capable of caring for herself.

Backstory: This lion was actually a loner, wandering with his brother, for most of his life. It was when he was about 4 that he found the pride. He was a bit young to be a king, but had fallen in love with the queen from the moment he spotted her, not knowing her position the first moments they met. His brother joined the pride shortly after and is now a warrior. (His brother can either be a background NPC, or he could be played, just PM me.)

Other: Mustard Flower

Edited at August 10, 2021 10:05 PM by Meian
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 7, 2021 08:03 AM


Posts: 2721
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Taji is practically completed - will fill out the rest of his personality later.
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 7, 2021 08:04 PM


Posts: 4518
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Alright, Taji is accepted :)
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 8, 2021 01:08 PM


Posts: 3392
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I just need to get their personalities completely written out and I'll be finished. :)

Edited at August 8, 2021 01:47 PM by Meian
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 10, 2021 10:05 PM


Posts: 3392
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Alright, I believe both forms are finished. Let me know if there's anything I need to change/ add. ^^
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 10, 2021 10:47 PM


Posts: 4518
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They are both accepted^^

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