Wolf Play : Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]
09:46:25 ET
Oh. Why would you do that ahah? Are you still going to see them in person?

Hells Bells
09:45:52 Cloudz, Pumpkin
xD I also blocked a coworker yesterday
 Hells Bells
09:45:34 Ven/Vex
Someone give me a theme! Please
09:43:58 ET
Aaah makes sense ahah. I can't remember the last time I had a basic membership LMAO
09:38:16 Spider,Rake(He,Him)
Spicy the contortionist(Blind) cleans RingMaster's head.

Stats: Social +1
Affinity: Strong Like
Mood: Protective

Collecting members:3
-WP Click-
09:28:46 Cloudz, Pumpkin
Having to adjust to being basic again xD lost premium yesterday, Im good how are you?
Oh, okay I understand.
09:28:15 Cloudz, Pumpkin
I cant use my custom battle moves anymore </3
Ok I'm using custom ranks
09:27:45 ET
Hi Amor! What's up?

It's like if you were to write 'hi' with like 16 iiis on the end. It essentially breaks the chat box and gives it a horizontal scroll bar along with the vertical one.
Ok, thank you
09:26:47 ET
Sort by 'dominance' is pretty much sort by rank, as rank is determined by a wolf's dominance. [Unless you're using custom ranks]
Oh, so its like when you press enter a lot?
09:26:27 Cloudz, Pumpkin
09:26:06 ET
But unless you're intentionally trying to stretch the chat, I wouldn't worry too much, just try to avoid it.

It happens accidentally pretty commonly - even I've stretched chat before.
Why isn't there a sort by rank option on the sort by?
09:25:10 ET
When chat is stretched, it makes it difficult to read on some devices. The chat isn't supposed to be stretched like that.

Stretching chat is a pretty common accident, it can be avoided by putting spaces in lists or things/ like / this.

But it usually happens when a link breaks or someone is using too many letters and is spamming chat ahah.
 The Night Walker
09:18:39 Anemoia/Aedra
How's that bad? Genuine question.


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Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 06:23 PM


Posts: 22532
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In Sudanese Dinka mythology, she is the first woman. She is the patron goddess of women and gardens, and her emblem is a small snake.
Desired Rank:
Possibly a Second

[ words ]

Credits for all photos go to Fotostyle-Schindler on DA

This female can be quite nervous around large crowds. She can deal with small groups but in large ones she can feel like she's suffocating. Abu is not necessarily shy, as she likes socializing it's just her nerves that gets the best of her. Because one moment she can be enjoying a conversation with a small group, but as soon as it's to crowded with people she gets fidgety and soon she'll just up and leave.

Abu is timid in the sense when it comes to a lack of confidence. She has the courage and bravery in her heart, but it's the will to complete the action missing. She can be right about a certain decision but she always is doubtful it's the right one. She doesn't like this quality, and she wants to grow more confident in herself. In a way this female envies those younger females who just ooze confidence.

This female is very motherly and nurturing towards those younger than her. She is very good with cubs as well, and she has an extreme amount of patience and can be very gentle with them. She's the one who will tell them stories and answer questions if needed. All cubs that know her call her Miss Abu or Mother Abu if they're orphans. She's also one to take cubs under her paws if they have no parents. Her voice is a calming and soothing one with husky undertones. She speaks with a normal voice. One not too loud nor too soft, but the perfect range to be heard. She is protective of the youth and would most definitely lay her life down for them, and she cares for them deeply.

She can be very judgemental at times. Especially if you ask her opinion on things. She most definitely will give you a detailed reason of why the person is good or bad at what they do. It is quite scary how such a sweet lioness can be so harsh in her words. Abu can loose kindness in her tone and it becomes more icy when she criticizes something. Not to mention, if she doesn't like someone and you ask her about them you can expect a scowl on her face. Sometimes she can be over critical and she can even be over critical of herself.

Due to her age this mature lioness has seen may things. And she's also experienced many things. She's seen the downfall of prides, drought, famine , mange , and other unthinkable things. Abu has this knowledge and she's willing to pass it down to the younger generation if they ask. She also is very shrewd in her manners of dealing with problems, and has a very strong logical sense.

This female is loyal to her home. She would do anything to defend it, and she will do anything to make it better. If you're not a good leader then it's different. She is the one you can trust with your darkest secrets or worries to as she'll take them to the grave. She's the one down for the crazy plans even if she doesn't seem like it. Abu is truly a down chick.


Edited at July 19, 2021 09:11 PM by Spellbound
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 06:24 PM


Posts: 22532
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Edited at July 21, 2021 11:06 PM by Spellbound
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 06:24 PM


Posts: 22532
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The rain queen of the Lovedu people of the Transvaal.
Four Months
Desired Rank:
Credits to FoxRAGE-Stock on DA
This little cub is quite poised in her mannerisms. She has a gentle and calming voice, one that you know you can trust in times of need. She never speaks too loud or too low, but with the right pitch to get her point across. She isn't prone to outbursts of anger or lashing out and has a more effective manner of scaring someone if need be. She is sweet as honey, hard as ice , hurt her once , she'll kill you twice. It takes a lot to get this (mostly) kind cub worked up, maybe you spoke down to her, that's okay, she'll just look at you unimpressed . You mocked her again, well that stung. You mock her siblings or family , more than once? She'll have a problem then, or if you're bashing on another cub for no reason. You know you're royally screwed when she has a certain look on her face, it's almost a mixture of jovialness and coldness.

And yes this little cub can be quite cold and fiery towards you. Maybe it's the obvious look of disgust on her face or a icy side glance. Then again maybe it's the fiery look within her eyes while her whole demeanor seems calm. And it's definitely the way she doesn't yell when she's angry but instead uses her words to slice right through the heart and place an insult that she knows will hurt. Her speech may be a little bit louder than normal but it won't be her yelling. Her method when she's like this can be described as stern and critical towards you since you were like that towards her. Not to mention, she'll hold this grudge until you apologize and even then, regaining her trust is like trying to move a mountain. She doesn't like people who bring toxicity into her life. Sure she likes fiery-spirited friends and companions but never toxic (maybe in small doses otherwise just, no.)

This female is quite blunt and direct with her speech. She almost never hesitate to let you know where you stand in her eyes [only if you ask, otherwise she judges you in her head.] Shw might tell you just how much you mean to her , if she doesn't like you , and where she see the future of your relationship heading. Maj is mostly open and direct so you will never be left wondering where you stand with her. She's accepted that there will be times when she'll be forced to apologise for her blunt delivery despite the fact that she don’t think she should have to. For this very reason, Majija has developed an apology that works for such an occasion. Something like: ‘I’m sorry my opinion made you feel that way…’

This female likes to get to the point as quickly as possible. Her patience wears very thin when someone is taking the scenic route while telling a story, unless it's something that truly captures her attention. Otherwise, just get to the point. She gets seriously impatient with family, pride mates, and friends who constantly say ‘yes’ to everything they’re asked to do for fear of disappointing people. It’s not right and she's constantly telling them to stand up for themselves! She's not their mother and frankly she's grown tired of it. So she just looks at them with annoyance and a icy glare.

This female is a no-nonsense sort of gal. She knows exactly what she thinks and is not easily persuaded otherwise. This female also does force her opinions on others, and she keeps to them no matter the validity of them. In a way, she can sometimes be stubborn but it's on rare occasions.

This female's favorite thing to do is sunbathe, and sometimes she sees caterpillars. So you can see her laying down in a sunny patch just letting the sun warm her body most of the time. She also doesnt like to be dragged on hunts, however this doesn't mean she's lazy. She just doesn't like to use more energy than needed. However, when assigned a task she will do her best to complete it to the full [even if it's just to lay down again quicker.] She can also be quite social when she wants to and again, it's only around the people she views as true friends

She's also extremely curious, and always willing to learn. What made that noise? What's that strange plant over their? Always asking questions, and wanting to figure things out. She can sometimes come off as obnoxious or annoying with all the questions she ask or the look of awe in her eye if she sees something amazing. She enjoys the simple things from flowers and butterflies to the silly sounds frogs makes. She finds amuesment in the smallest things, and these things are well known and loved about her.
Mother - Rasheda
Father - King of Manyeleti
Aunt - Ashanti
Sister - Tene's Cub
Currently, under the care of Amhale
Orochi is her best friend
Her as a grown lady, all credits to Robbobert on DA
Her when she's not being grumpy:
Cranky Lady:

Edited at July 22, 2021 07:09 PM by Spellbound
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 07:37 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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My Warrior

Name: Perun
meaning: god of lightning and thunder, as well as war in Slavic culture.

Age: Five
Gender: Masculine
Pride: Ximhungwe Pride
Rank: Warrior
Desired Rank: King or Second

Mod edit: Please use Svenimal's stock account if you want to use their photos for appearance descriptions.

Perun is a beast. He stands at 4.5 at the shoulders, his weight being around 560 lbs. In terms of size, Perun is a powerhouse, but upon further inspection, he is nothing more but a gentle giant. His pelt is most peculiar. It is not a deep, burnt golden colour like most lions, but a mellow, soft tan nearing white. Some describe him as looking like the sun.

The same white-like colour continues throughout his entire pelt, the only different colour being upon his front paws. It is there where he has a pure white, but that is all. His mane rests heavily on his head and parts in a way that makes it seem as if he has a form of curtain bangs.

His physique is very muscular, especially in his chest and hind legs. Due to this, he is able to move swiftly in short bursts of speed. The male has long and oversized claws, which make small tapping noises as he walks on hard ground, perfect for clawing prey and trapping small game, like a mouse. Perun has scars all over his body that range in both size and depth, whether it be from other lions, predators, or other dangers. His eyes are a deep yellow and perhaps the most striking part of his appearance. They have a way of looking at you, as if he knows all of your secrets.

His aroma consists of petrichor and wildflowers, and his voice is fairly deep, able to be heard for several meters.

Personality: Perun is a wise, intelligent individual who comes off as gruff, gentle, and dopey. While he may appear intimidating, he is quite the opposite, having always been kind and considerate to others. He is by no means stern, but will be if he must. Perun is all for jokes, but there are boundaries and lines. If they're crossed, he will become serious and shut things down.

He is very thoughtful and honest, as well as charming. He will go around bidding everyone a good day and flash everyone a smile. He is witty and intelligent, able to solve issues in seconds. He is also a gentleman. Perun is quite elegant in terms of how he presents himself and acts. The male is proper until he needs to be professional. There is a fine line between goofing off and defending the pride. In a matter of moments, he can become aggressive and fierce, guarding the pride with everything that he has.

The male is also loyal. Perun will do anything for anyone, simply ask and he will deliver. In that way, he is seen as selfless. He also possesses leadership skills which tend to come out when an issue is at hand. He can become very opinionated and vocal, stating any ideas he has. However, he does so in a respectful manner.

Perun is loyal beyond belief and would do anything for anyone. He is kind and a free spirit. He isn't angry nor rude to anybody that wishes to speak to him. Wish to sit by his side? He'll gladly move over. Wish for some advice? He'll offer you some. Wish to simply walk quietly and not feel pressured to speak? Perun is open.

It's clear that he'd do anything for the pride, no matter the consequences.

Crush: Open
Mate: None
Kin: Saleem is his younger brother.
Offspring: None
Other: Perun is able to climb well.

Edited at July 28, 2021 06:10 AM by Evermore
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 07:38 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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My Lion

*reusing him*


Name: Saleem [meaning "peaceful"]

Age: Five
Gender: Masculine
Pride: Ximhungwe Pride
Rank: Lion
Desired Rank: Content

[credit for two above goes to HOTNstock on da]

A tall, powerful individual, Saleem stands at the maximum height for a male lion. In fact, he stands over it. Rather than being 3.9 feet tall, he's a good few inches over 4 feet, and weighs over 400 pounds. Saleem is a powerhouse. His physique is that of a muscular one, with scars littered around it to prove that he was once a king, and he too held responsibilities. His scars are a reminder of his failures, so he holds them dear to him.

Saleem's coat, in certain light, appears to be more on the brighter side of a golden hue, rather than a deeper golden. His mane is a large one, beginning with a lighter cream and fading into a progressively darker brown. Saleem's face is the most unique in terms of wisdom and elegance. Over his eyes rest two dots of a dark golden, giving him a look of peace and intelligence. His muzzle also holds a faint white, making him appear wiser.

There is more white around his body, such as upon his front and hind paws. Additionally, a darker brown rests on his back, like one giant stripe that ends at his flank. Saleem's nose is a dark liver colour with spots of black upon it, and his eyes are a deep green. Beneath his eyes also lay two white stripes.

[credit for two below goes to animalphotos on da]

Personality: Saleem is surrounded by lions who should be his friends, his family, his brothers, and yet, he has never felt more alone. Saleem is an outcast, despite being in a large pride. He's humble, kind, and a sweetheart. He's a gentleman, prefering to but kindness over anything else.

He isn't loud, doesn't test his dominance, and isn't one to roughhouse. Saleem is quite the opposite of his brother, Perun.

The masculine is strong and intelligent. He keeps his distance from everyone and isn't social. Saleem prefers the gentle approach over an angry one. He is a calm, gentle, and wise, as well as reserved. He hardly ever speaks or responds to anything. A simply grumble is what most get from him before he walks off.

His relationship with his brother isn't a good one. Perun is loud and loved, and Saleem is quiet and distant. He dares not admit it, but he is jealous of his brother. It's easy for Perun to blend in and make friends, but not for Saleem.

Crush: None
Mate: None
Kin: Perun is his brother
Offspring: None

Edited at July 19, 2021 09:14 PM by Tenebris Umbra
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 08:33 PM


Posts: 22532
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Perun is accepted <3
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 09:03 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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Can I also reserve a Ximhungwe lioness?
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 09:11 PM


Posts: 22532
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Reserved ^^
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 09:17 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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Can I reserve a lioness in the other Pride as well?
Blindsided | Lion Rp | Sign Ups [Open]July 19, 2021 09:18 PM


Posts: 22532
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Yes ^^
And if you wanted her to have been the Former Second Female just let me know or put it in her form ^-^

Imperial Sands said:
Can I reserve a lioness in the other Pride as well?

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