Wolf Play : Extinction | Dog RP | OPEN
06:07:55 (She) Cat {no bob}
Your wolves played: Peril tackles DarkDeer to the ground.
Leave your elder alone!!!
 the Wayne pack
06:02:31 Waning
Oh I nearly had a little heart attack- thought I accidentally closed the tab I was editing a character form on.
05:57:50 = Manor =
Firefly *-*
 Meliora Wolves
05:56:54 crow (he/they/zae)
-WP Click- guys would he look better with a quasar or firefly dye
 Doomsday Blue
05:44:41 Doom (they/them)
-WP Click-
Just slipping this here
 Sharp Fang
05:44:40 UcanCallmeFang
Ah. I've three or four. Figured out my alpha is a dunce. 0 heard him today, 0 howled back
 Meliora Wolves
05:44:01 crow (he/they/zae)
excellent howler
 Doomsday Blue
05:43:31 Doom (they/them)

 Sharp Fang
05:43:31 UcanCallmeFang
Whats an ExH?
 Doomsday Blue
05:42:47 Doom (they/them)
I read like ten pages :'/
 Meliora Wolves
05:42:35 crow (he/they/zae)
turns out the puke stain wolf i got for free is an ExH how amazing
05:42:27 = Manor =
Am I hearing something about Harry Potter? *0*
 Doomsday Blue
05:42:17 Doom (they/them)

Read it at school, didn't finish it
 Sharp Fang
05:41:13 UcanCallmeFang
Who knows Fantastic Beasts? I've the biggest crush on Newt Scamander
 Doomsday Blue
05:41:10 Doom (they/them)
Yeah, just uhh.. making a forum for potterheads
05:40:55 Queen / Jo
lol canÂ’t deny they are good movies
 Doomsday Blue
05:40:40 Doom (they/them)
 Doomsday Blue
05:40:30 Doom (they/them)
potterhead unite
 Doomsday Blue
05:40:05 Doom (they/them)

 Sharp Fang
05:39:56 UcanCallmeFang
I am a potterhead


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Extinction | Dog RP | OPENAugust 7, 2021 08:34 AM


Posts: 2721
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Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception. — Carl Sagan

The year is 2153. It has been over twenty years since the human race has become extinct due to many environmental disasters and nuclear war, which led to - you guessed it - humans killing one another. Luckily, for dogs and canines alike, they were able to live through these horrid tragedies. Dogs lost their beloved owners, horses were finally able to run free, and there hasn't been much of an issue since.

Mother nature has reclaimed what is hers - most, if not all buildings have been collapsed, foliage growing and reclaiming what it once was before the humans took over. As the band of dogs maneuver this world, they have no idea what is coming - a storm of the century.

The real question is; how is a group of dogs living in a seemingly new world? This RP is all about how these characters would do in this situation of no humans around, twenty years into this new world, and creating new bonds with one another. The only inquiry I have for you, however, is this; will you survive?


This RP is not co-owned/hosted.


This RP is heavily character-driven. There are many other plot options we can use to create drama within the RP, use our characters in certain and new aspects of this 'new world' they're in, etc.






Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.

Join the RP Extinction which follows a band of dogs in a post-apocalyptic setting as the humans went extinct over twenty years ago, due to their own disasters and Mother Nature reclaiming what was once hers.

Edited at August 7, 2021 05:11 PM by Wanderlust
Extinction | Dog RP | OPENAugust 7, 2021 08:48 AM


Posts: 2721
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Image Rules;
-Please be sure to use free, stock images.
-Do not hotlink.
-You must have a description of sorts with your image, something around 7 sentences, minimum. More is of course welcome.
-If you cannot find a stock (if you decide you want to use an image), you may use a lineart/maker, as long as the coloring/markings are still realistic to the breed, and still follow all image rules.
-If you have any questions, contact a mod or myself and I will do my best to help you.

Literacy Standards;
-You must be able to type around 300+ words for this RP.
-If you have writer's block, I do not want to see anything lower than 250 words, as 300+ words should be enough to go off of.
-Please use proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Obviously, we aren't robots, so not every post will be perfect. A quick skim and spell-check should do the trick.
-If you're struggling to make a post and reach the word minimum, PM me and I will do my best to help you out.

-I do not ask much. At least 1 to 2 posts a week should be able to keep this RP going.
-If you are going on a hiatus, please PM me and let me know.
-If you want to drop the RP, PM me and let me know and we will decide what happened to your character(s).

-I will accept and deny forms as I see fit.
-You get three attempts to fix your form if it is needed. After that, you won't be able to join.
-There are reservations, which last 48 hours. An extension can be made if needed for an extra 12 unless a valid reason is given.
-If you have an image for your appearance, I want at least a paragraph for a description, more is welcome.
-Your personality for your form must be around 250 words.

-You are allowed up to 2 characters per person.
-Both of your characters cannot be high ranking.
-No Gary/Mary Sues.
-Your characters can get injured and/or possibly killed.
-No romance between your own two characters, but you can however have relatives (siblings, cousins, parent & child, etc).
-Pups must have some sort of caretaker or a mother. No orphans.
-Please keep all character actions and appearances realistic. Of course this idea is out of this world, but everything else is realistic.
-No having your character constantly wandering off, causing trouble, and being that guy.

-A RP example is required if you're reserving a high rank (anything above subordinate).
-All your characters have some sort pre-established relationship. This band has been together for around two years.
-Please have a variety for breeds. Also, there will probably be no purebreds, but for the sake of keeping things simple, I will still allow them.
-There cannot be a dog with more than 25% wolf or coyote in their genetics.
-All of these rules are subject to change - I will make announcements if/when they are updated/added on to.

Edited at August 8, 2021 03:03 PM by Wanderlust
Extinction | Dog RP | OPENAugust 7, 2021 09:00 AM


Posts: 2721
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Roles Explained

Alphas (1/2)
These two dogs are the most dominant out of the band, and their word is law. They call all the shots, arrange hunting parties, scouting parties, etc. They are the only dogs within the band who can mate without permission and have puppies. Although they do not have to be mates nor do they have to have heir together, what they say goes and should be treated with utmost respect.
-Name | 4 | Female | Spellbound

Heir (0/2)
The children of the alphas. These two dogs are also treated with utmost respect. The eldest male out of the litter is to become alpha first if the parents pass away or step down. But you might be wondering 'What if there is no male?' Well, if not, then the eldest female will become alpha. The new male will pick his female, and vice versa.

Betas (0/2)
These two dogs are second-in-command, and do not have to be mates but can if they wish. They help advise the alpha's choices, and are normally bound to be alphas once the current ones step down; this does not apply all the time though if the alphas have heir, as the eldest male will lead and pick his mate. Anyways, they help sort out hunting parties, scouting patrols, anything of the sort.

Delta (1/1)
Third-in-command, basically. This dog is normally close with the betas, and normally leads the hunting parties and patrols when needed. They normally help recruit new members as well if need-be.
-Keres | Female | 4 | Wanderlust

Subordinates (3/6)
This makes up the heart of the band. These dogs are tasked with hunting, patrolling, and keeping the pack safe while also living to the best of their lives. They cannot breed unless granted permission from the alphas, and if found without permission, they will be thrown out in most cases, depending on how the pack is doing.
-Abuk | Female | 7 | Spellbound
-Oleander | Female | 3 yrs, 7 months | Votum
-Quilo | Male | 3 yrs, 5 months | High Hills Pack

Mothers (LOCKED)
The females who carry any subordinate male's children.

The youth of the pack. They are to be protected at all costs, as they are the future of the band.

Loners (1/2)
The dogs outside of the pack, and normally roam alone. They could eventually join the pack, ensure chaos and trouble for them, whatever. If found on territory, they are bound to be taken in.
- Sabra | 4 yrs, 7 months | Female | High Hills Pack

Edited at August 8, 2021 06:24 PM by Wanderlust
Extinction | Dog RP | OPENAugust 7, 2021 09:12 AM


Posts: 2721
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You may add anything to this as you see fit. Please remember all of my rules, and everything here must be filled out.

Desired Rank:

Edited at August 7, 2021 09:17 AM by Wanderlust
Extinction | Dog RP | OPENAugust 7, 2021 09:13 AM


Posts: 2721
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Extinction | Dog RP | OPENAugust 7, 2021 09:13 AM


Posts: 2721
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© Colourize-Sock @ da

Name: Keres
Age: 4
Gender: Female
Breed: Caucasian Ovcharka (Shepherd), possible husky and minimal wolf bloodlines further back

"Your most greatest fear will be there for you to overcome. You can expand, you can grow, and you can conquer, and I believe in you."

Keres holds a rather masculine stature, being muscular and appearing larger than she really is due to her fluffy, thick double coat that sheds like no other breed. Her coloring is more rare for her breed, or at least not the most common. Her fur color consists of white, silvers, pale tans, and black, all coherently placed to create what she appears to be - elegant. Perhaps you can disagree with her, but it's worth the thought.

Keres has a bit more muscular build, considering her breed. Although not the biggest canine to have ever walked the face of the planet, Keres has a decently fit frame and stands around 26 inches and weights around 173 if she's been eating well, otherwise she's down by about twenty pounds. Although massive, Keres is just a big ol' teddy bear.

Her eyes are a beautiful amber color, a bit more on the ligher, duller side however. She has a black nose, lips, and floppy ears. Her paw pads and claws are pitch black, and she doesn't have much for scars. Of course, from her younger, more reckless days, Keres has accumulated some minimal scaring from being clumsy as a child. She has a curled tail as well, which is just as large you could imagine.

This female has a very calm, collected nature and she doesn't enjoy the drama that may propose itself to her. She likes being outside of the drama, and outside of larger groups that could contain said drama. She does have a tendency to maybe ask about it, but in most cases, she could really just care less. She can be quite apathetic regarding certain situations, even those that involve her friend, and will only include herself if it's an emergency or is someone she truly, deeply cares about, which is super easy to win this female over. She can become quite picky about who she associates herself with, but is pretty welcoming towards everyone around her and in the group.

She's quite trustworthy and honest, a female who could keep a secret like no other. She might speak about it to others, however, if it regards something darker than what a secret should, and especially if it's something that could put the lives of her family and friends, or even the entire pack, in danger. Some may call this trait one that could be a strength and a weakness, but considering she gets along with everyone and knows how to explain herself regarding her actions, this female can easily become a reliant friend or possible love interest. It should be noted that since she is honest, she will be up front with just about everything that is asked of her. Very rarely will she lie to cover anyone, even herself.

Although a rather gentle, kind creature, this female can be quite protective, or even go overboard with it. She will be not only protective of herself, filtering through friends and family, but also those who she trusts and loves the most. It is quite hard to make this female angered, but you can expect a protective, mother-like creature confronting you if you do anything to harm someone she loves. She will stop at nothing to get answers, considering she prefers no lose ends, and expects you to be up front. If not, there will be consequences to pay, whether it be from her or karma coming back around you bite you in the ass.

This female is extremely easy to get along with. With a loving, motherly, welcoming nature, she will become an immediate friend and will always be wanting to talk. The only way this can change is if you have done something wrong to screw her and/or her friends over. Just being she is easy-going doesn't mean she will take anyone's shit, therefore you can expect some sort of confrontation regarding your behavior. She's very up front about everything and again, doesn't appreciate lose ends. She does have a tendency to maybe go overboard with the confrontational things, as she likes to argue, but she'd never admit that.

-Hard to piss her off, but if you do, expect a fireball charging at you
-East to manipulate; gullible

-Rather reassuring and elegant
-Will always be wanting to just relax

"Maybe it's like the sun and the moon - although different, they still rely on each other to get the job done."

Rank: Delta
Desired Rank: Content

"It wasn't meant to be."

Affiliations: TBD
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mother - Deceased, horrid storm
Father - Deceased, mysteriously killed
Open for a brother and sister from the same litter.

"You're worth more than you will ever know."

Other: Open for possible crush, mate, and offspring. Also some sort of plot idea with her father's mysterious murder :)

Edited at August 9, 2021 08:48 PM by Wanderlust
Extinction | Dog RP | OPENAugust 7, 2021 05:15 PM


Posts: 22525
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4 years
Mixed Breed
25% Wolf , 50% Husky , 25% Malamute
Desired Rank:
This female is quite the unfriendly looking individual. If you just look at her you'd be warded off by her steely gaze. Or the way she walks with a defined elegance in her step. Not to mention whenever you try to approach her she seems irritated or unimpressed by you. Sometimes you can be met with a blank, icy glare. It's really hard to tell her emotions from just how she looks at times, but sometimes it's quite evident. One would make the assumption shes dull-witted because she'll stare at you blankly, or she's uppity or a snob due to the way she carries herself, and maybe even boring.

Once you get past the prickly exterior (if one ever manages to do it.) You'll find out may suprising things about her. She's quite intelligent and a deep-thinker. And that she actually enjoys companionship, you just have to catch on to her mood/work your way into her friendship/aquaitenceship zone. If you come up to her chatty and she wants to sit in silence then she'll just up and leave. It's not that she doesn't enjoy company, she just wants something quiet and calm for a while before she gets to know you. If you even manage to get a conversation out of her and you're not her friend then you're going places. You'll find she's highly observant of others. She notices the small, miniscule details of things. And can recall details that you said months, even years ago. This can be good and bad in a way as she can use it in arguments against you if you peeve her enough.

This female is quite wise for her age, and she's also very shrewd. She is very astute; able to accuratley access a situation and use it to her advantage. She's also quick to understand cryptic messages or ones with eloquent and flowery speech. Not to mention she has a clear-head and thinks before rushing into things. She enjoys listening to older and more mature dogs and learn from their wisdom. Sometimes she seems like an old soul in a young body. This female has a refined manner about her; she isn't one to just flop down, she's one to elegantly lie down. She doesn't walk with bulky or overly-loud steps; but one of softer and fainty ones. And she keeps her posture erect and taut as if she's always being watched by somone. You can tell these characteristics came from a very classy, and proper influence in her life. While her words at times don't match her behavior, they sometimes do. As she can be refined in speech, she can also switch to callous words.

This female has her days when she's more ill-tempered than others. And you can tell by her gloomy actions and words. She'll also be more droll on these days; being unitentionally humorous. Yet her sarcasm and witty responses will be more vicious than usual as well. She'll also be more sulky and uncooperative with those she doesn't like. And it's almost something or someone who has put her in this mood as she doesn't have isn't always like this. Other times she'll be pugnacious at times, because life needs a little spice, but this is uncommon, yet not rare. When you have caught the bad side of this female, either by insulting her or offending someone she cares about she'll be out for blood. Her words will be fiery in tone and laced in venom. While her expression will be blank, and icy with an underlying smugness.

This female is very opinionated even if she doesn't show it. While she doesn't particularly enjoy pointless small talk, she'll easily tell you her opinion/thoughts on someone. She's also stern & blunt in her manner of speech; if she doesn't like you, she'll tell you: "Go away, I don't like you" or "Your prescense here is unwelcomed." . If your annoying or boring her, she'll roll her eyes dramatically saying: "GOD, why are you pestering me? Go annoy or bore someone else." And if you are being stupid she'll say, "Why am I surrounded by imbeciles, no, why are you so idiotic?" She's accepted that there will be times when she'll be forced to apologise for her blunt delivery despite the fact that she don’t think she should have to. For this very reason, Jahzara has developed an apology that works for such an occasion. Something like: ‘I’m sorry my opinion made you feel that way…’ or ' I'm sorry you're so thin-skinned and can't take criticism.'

She doesn't trust others a lot. Did she always appear to be unfeeling and cold, no. Others took advantage of her kindness and compassion, so swore to lock that portion of her away, because she never wants to be used again by others. However, once in a while you can see a glint of kindness and compassion in her eyes, but it's very rare to see or witness. She's firm, and almost kind with those she trusts and know can't handle her brashness [particularly cubs. And she can even be gentle and almost goofy with them.] This female is very dependable; once you have her in your corner she'll always be there (unless you break her trust.) If you break trust with her then you'd better be ready to move mountains to earn it back.

Edited at August 7, 2021 05:27 PM by Spellbound
Extinction | Dog RP | OPENAugust 7, 2021 05:18 PM


Posts: 22525
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7 years
Desired Rank:
This female can be quite nervous around large crowds. She can deal with small groups but in large ones she can feel like she's suffocating. Abu is not necessarily shy, as she likes socializing it's just her nerves that gets the best of her. Because one moment she can be enjoying a conversation with a small group, but as soon as it's to crowded with people she gets fidgety and soon she'll just up and leave.

Abu is timid in the sense when it comes to a lack of confidence. She has the courage and bravery in her heart, but it's the will to complete the action missing. She can be right about a certain decision but she always is doubtful it's the right one. She doesn't like this quality, and she wants to grow more confident in herself. In a way this female envies those younger females who just ooze confidence.

This female is very motherly and nurturing towards those younger than her. She is very good with cubs as well, and she has an extreme amount of patience and can be very gentle with them. She's the one who will tell them stories and answer questions if needed. All pups that know her call her Miss Abu or Mother Abu if they're orphans. She's also one to take cubs under her paws if they have no parents. Her voice is a calming and soothing one with husky undertones. She speaks with a normal voice. One not too loud nor too soft, but the perfect range to be heard. She is protective of the youth and would most definitely lay her life down for them, and she cares for them deeply.

She can be very judgemental at times. Especially if you ask her opinion on things. She most definitely will give you a detailed reason of why the person is good or bad at what they do. It is quite scary how such a sweet lioness can be so harsh in her words. Abu can loose kindness in her tone and it becomes more icy when she criticizes something. Not to mention, if she doesn't like someone and you ask her about them you can expect a scowl on her face. Sometimes she can be over critical and she can even be over critical of herself.

Due to her age this mature female has seen may things. And she's also experienced many things. She's seen the downfall of packs, drought, famine , mange , and other unthinkable things. Abu has this knowledge and she's willing to pass it down to the younger generation if they ask. She also is very shrewd in her manners of dealing with problems, and has a very strong logical sense.

This female is loyal to her home. She would do anything to defend it, and she will do anything to make it better. If you're not a good leader then it's different. She is the one you can trust with your darkest secrets or worries to as she'll take them to the grave. She's the one down for the crazy plans even if she doesn't seem like it. Abu is truly a down chick.
Deceased, as far as she knows

Edited at August 7, 2021 05:36 PM by Spellbound
Extinction | Dog RP | OPENAugust 7, 2021 11:54 PM

High Hills Pack

Posts: 3169
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4 Years 7 Months




Canaan Mixed Breed

7% Collie - 74% Canaan - 19% Coyote



Desired Rank:



“I may be all bark and no bite, but that doesn’t mean I’m harmless.”

-Puppy Maker by Kamirah.DA and DollDivine

- (c) 255850 for design

- Puppy Maker:



Sabra is very lean and lightweight, weighing in at only 44.1 lbs. Her height tops off at 19 inches. She has a double coat, the overcoat being flat and slightly rough and the undercoat is straight and soft. Her coat colors are a mix of black and white, with white being the most prominent one. The white of her fur often gets dusty. Sabra will try and find a way to wash out the dirt every once in a while - generally in a shallow puddle or pond. The black is showcased by the speckles on her legs, the splotches on her back, the patch on her upper to mid tail-but never on the underside of it, her ears, and her right eye spot. Her eyes are a striking brown and can be very piercing when she is angered. Her nose and paw pads are smokey gray. A long, sideways scar lines her shoulders.


Sabra is an independent mutt who takes orders from no one but herself. She prefers to be on her own, and is often aggressive towards those who she does not know well. She is especially aggressive towards pack dogs. Despite being aggressive to fellow canines, she will rarely fight back. Instead, she gets them into some sort of trouble. She generally does so by leading them into some dangerous terrain, such as an unknown ravine or a raging river.

When alone, Sabra enjoys exploring the area to learn of dangerous terrain she can use to her advantage. Whether it be for discovering good trap areas or areas that can be used as an escape plan, Sabra will try to take note of it all. However, she often forgets the aspect of prey when looking for such areas. Sabra prefers to live in hard to reach places, and will move if she finds signs of other dogs near her den.

Sabra has a distaste for the pack that lives in her area. She despises the pack alphas for being too controlling of their members, and believes that subordinates should not need permission to have pups. If he finds any dogs who were kicked from the pack due to this rule, she will make it her top priority to help them.

Those who gain her trust will find her to be a very awkward and distant canine. She will mostly show her care through snarky remarks, eye roles, and playful nudges. Sabra often finds that she is clueless when it comes to speaking with her allies, and rarely starts a conversation. While she finds it hard to get along with most dogs, it seems that energetic and optimistic dogs seem to drive her away the most; therefore, she tends to avoid them as much as she can.


Pm Me




Pm Me


Pm Me


Pm Me


-Sabra is not a very strong dog, and will lose in most head on fights. However, she is very cunning and agile, and can turn on a dime much like any purebred canaan. If a dog gets a hold of her or corners her, then she has very little chance of fighting them off. Sabra can also be outran, through stamina or speed. Her only hope is to out maneuver her opponent.

-Sabra is afraid of large birds of prey and venomous snakes.

Edited at August 8, 2021 02:51 PM by High Hills Pack
Extinction | Dog RP | OPENAugust 8, 2021 02:46 PM


Posts: 2721
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Considering all of the forms here look promising, I will accept them. Please just be sure to get them completed within a reasonable time.

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